I just got this email from the Chief of the Army division that handles the CD. We swamped them! (gulp) I will email Kim directly about removing the post with his phone number. I put the link directly into the "optional link URL" line of this post so you can go to the page. I am still sending out copies to the people I agreed to send copies to, but I guess everyone else ought to try to download it. It IS available, it's just that we swamped the office!I guess tractor folk are, um, dedicated. :-) PLEASE, PLEASE read the email below. I included the whole thing so you can see what's up. "I am amazed at the following of readers to your submission at the Yesterday‚s Tractor Co. bulletin board http:// www.ytmag.com/nboard/messages/525004.html . While I had the time to support your request as a one-time occurence, I cannot support additional CD requests from the public if the publication is available on-line or for sale by the GPO. Can I make this request of you? If possible, can you please edit your message on the bulletin board and remove my telephone number because many readers are calling. In addition, I've provided some additional information below and request that you cut and paste the following details into another posting about how this publication may be obtained online as follows: ===== ===== ====Cut and paste into your posting ==== The following information is provided by the Chief of the Army Electronic Library Branch, Army Publishing Directorate ˜ This publication, TM 9-8000; PRINCIPLES OF AUTOMOTIVE VEHICLES, is readily available (in PDF format) for downloading from the Internet to anyone who has the free Adobe reader and a robust broadband connection. It is approved for public release. Click this link or enter it into your browser -- https:// www.logsa.army.mil/etms/welcom1.htm select „Enter the Site.‰ On the form where it reads „Pub Number,‰ type TM 9 -8000, then hit Enter. Right click on the link, then select Save Target As?and save the file to your hard drive. This is usually faster than trying to open this large (27+MB) file within your browser. This document and many others are actually hosted on the web site https://www.logsa.army.mil/ under a section named ? Electronic Technical Manuals Online. If a CD of this information is required, customers may contact the Government Printing Office at http://bookstore.gpo.gov/ . You have my phone number if you need any further assistance. If you have a problem getting all this information, please email me and I can resend it through my email. It was a pleasure to serve you." Thanks, Guys!! --Dawn