gearhead..... ...crazy8 had it right. 4-speed tranny shift pattern is cast-in to top of tranny housing. Go look. The dealer installed "Sherman" aux tranny (iff'n installed) is mounted INSIDE the clutch housing with the shifter lever over yer left-toe. Foward for slow, back for faster. Works in all 4-tranny gears. BTW, unlike automobile trannys, the tractor tranny is NOT meant to be shifted while moving. Pick the gear you need and slip yer clutch to get moving, add more hand-throttle iff'n it wants to die on you. You write..... ."The 3 point wont raise but the oil looks like it might have a lot of water in in from sitting."..... MUST have the PTO lever behind yer left-heel operating for the hydraulic pump to pump to raise the 3-point lift. Amazing, eh? Suspect water in hydro-tranny oil? DON'T MUCKA'ROUND, replace it because the water will sink into the lowest part of yer hydraulics and FREEZE (and break) yer $$$ hydro-pump housing where you can't see it. And REPLACE yer tranny shifter boot. ($10, cheap) TIP: boil yer new tranny boot so it is nice and soft and flexable so it fits into the grooves of the tranny shifter tower. Simple, eh?..... ....respectfully, Dell