I would get the full piston pump rebuild kit for about $35. You may need to also obtain a oil seal and needle bearing for the pump snout, and maybe a new wobble shaft - you won't know until you open the pump up. Go ahead and fix everything you need to while you have it open. First off, if you are only working on the hydraulics, you do not need to drain all three chambers. On an NAA tractor, the tranny, hydraulic, and differential sections are seperated - you will only need to drain the center hydraulic section. There is a lift cover repait kit available for the lift cover and new hydraulic piston ring and leather backup ring for about $9. That said - it is only about $9 for a reason. I suggest that in addition to this kit, you also get a new piston ring, neoprene backup ring, lift cover gasket, and all o-rings from your local New Holland dealer - they are MUCH better. The picture here is a comparison of the Tisco ring on the left to the NH one on the right - see what mean? The gasket that is on the backside of the piston chamber is not in ANY kit, so take real good care not to damage it. You can still get the saftey valve new from NH dealers, but the rest of the valves you will have to find used I think. I highly recommend the NH spec 134d hydraulic fluid, and make sure to clean your hydraulic chamber out with kerosene while you have the lift cover off to get any water and sludge out. Lastly - send me an email and I will forward you a copy of Ramrod's excellent step by step NAA lift cover adjustment document with pics and tips/tricks. And also a template to the no longer available gasket I mentioned above if you do end up damaging yours and need to fabricate another. Good luck, Dan