I'm certain you understand the difference between headstuds and headbolts, don't you? Sometime in 1950 Ford changed from the dual-thread headstud to the coarse-thread headbolt. p/n 8N-6065, 7/16-14 x 2-3/8". Retrofittable to ALL N-Engines. Infact, the N-Ford MPC doesn't even list headstuds anymore. (yet their picture breakouts show studs and nuts) Yes, the headstuds are different lengths, to accommodate both the sparkie tube legs, and the r/h genny bracket tensioning bracket. The castiron coarse-thread length stays the same, and the Harry Ferguson demanded fine-thread length varies to meet the 1-thread showing beyound the studnut requirement. The p/n for the head-studs are: 40-6066 (3" dual-thread stud) and 18-6066 (2-3/4" dual-thread stud). p/n 351025 for 7/16-20 stud-nut. I'm certain that I don't haffta remind you to clean-thread all yer block holes (7/16-14) and make certain your blind corner holes are clear and DRY. (use Q-tips) Why? because you can actually hydraulic crack the corner off when you install. Many use sealing puckey on the wet holes. Remember, torque stud-nuts to 55ft/lbs and headbolts to 70ft/lbs. Retorque after start-up while still warm..... ..Dell