09-05-2006 06:34:32
hello to you electrical gurus out here, I know there are a few of you, I use this generator as my portable welder as it was cheaper than running 220 to my barn, and this is handy, I havent had any trouble up till now, I was welding day before yesterday, [rained all day yesterday] just finished up welding, shut off the genny, wanted to clean up weld with the grinder so I start the genny, go for the grinder and nothing, what, check plug in nothing, hit on button nothing, I notice the power gauge on 0,, ok check for a burnt or broken wire , I dont see anything, after all I think this is 1956,, today I start it, [by the way 1 hand crank and it runs,,]look her over,, still cant find anythkng, I look at the wiring schematic, on the side figuring there should be a fuse or something, I find a resistor that shows it is wired from the reostat regulator to the magnet control.says 500 ohms? also stated under the picture in the schematic used to control overload to the magnet control,, could this be my problem, I am not too keen on genny current, not sure if I can jumper this like a N series tractor to see if its burnt or not?/ any help?? and will they just go like that, working and, then the next time nothing?? its not like I overloaded anything it just didnt eve try to work the last time I tried, [it was only like 5 minutes between shutting off the genny and restarting to try the grinder.. thanks , and sorry so long pat