Read the hardner can.. look for the compound that starts with -ISO- It's those compounds that cause the bulk of the issues. In general, they are bad for all.. however.. some people are especially sensitive to them... I've hear dof non sensitive peopl epaint with them for years with no noticable effects.. and sensitive peopl ehave a near death reaction minutes into painting. Different hardners have different amounts. You can do air quality testing, or you can get a SC breathing device. If you don't have SC breathing.. then i sugest you paint outside, in a slight breeze, upwind from the gun, AND use the best organic vapor cartridge you can find.. AND if you notice anything funny.. stop immediatly. I use BPS paint and valspar hardner. It appears thatt he iso content inthat hardner -may- be lower than some others. However the info on thier MSDS do not appear to be completely accurate.. or at least they are vauge. Be safe.. either get SC breather.. or paint in open air in slight breeze upwind of gun.. so that you are not getting exposed.. etc. Soundguy