Well, I haven't found a source for eight volt batteries. Tractor supply says they can order them.Meanwhile, I got so curious I started the old 6-volt Farmall up, drove it over there, unhooked the battery and hooked it up to the Ford using jumper cables. Turns out the old Ford has spark, alright. It wasn't very bright, but I never could get the starter on the Ford to spin at a good rate, even with the ignition off. So I think either (a) I didn't have a good enough connection, or (b) having the old dead battery in the circuit was somehow keeping the 6 volt battery from supplying enough current/voltage to make the spark as bright as it would be with a nice, new battery properly installed. I also checked the gas. It looks funny, not clear but kind of purple colored. The widow who had the tractor was told to put gas stablizer in it, so she did. The gas smelled good and had no water in it. It is supposed to be only six months old. In any event, the little tractor never hit for me either, so we haven't learned much to this point. More after I find the problem.