Ron..... .you write..... "I only have one wire connected on the bottom connection to the Cut Out Assembly (Picure above) For 2N, 9N, (Part No: B0NN10505A)There are connections for two. Problem?"..... ..only iff'n you want to keep yer battery charged or keep it from discharging. Usually the terminals are "labeled"; probably "B" for battery and "A" for armature, but I don't remember fer sure. LOOK CLOSELY. Then re-polarize. Iff'n you don't know or understand re-polarization, ask. As fer which "infamous ballast resistor" to use. Use the 2N 'cuz that is what yer tractor DASH is. Electrically, either "infamous ballast resistor" is the same. Physically, the mount is minor difference. Using an 8N frontmount harness is gonna give you problems, 'cuz yer 2N-genny is a 1-wire 3rd-brush using a 2-terminal roundcan cutt-outt under yer battery tray on the steering column. The early 8N frontmount engine uses a 3-wire genny and 4-wire squarecan voltage regulator under yer oil pressure gauge. BE SMART, yer tractor is a 2N, despite having an 8N frontmount engine, gitta 2N wiring harness and most of yer problems will disappear..... ...Dell