James Rader
06-18-2007 19:39:41
Re: It ain't rocket science in reply to Ramrod, 06-18-2007 08:03:45
I think photo's would be a great help to some. I agree some still won't get it, but for those of us who have not had the privelage of having someone show us how to use a multimeter or for that matter an ammeter and our 6th grade school teachers apparently didn't get it either cause they sure didn't teach anything past hooking two wires to a light bulb and a battery. In high school I took a class called 'farm mechanics' year one was mechanical, year two is when electrical was discussed along with welding but before year two came, the local school board removed farm mechanics because no one really cared about working on that stuff anyway. (the class always had a waiting list to get in) I think far too many communities have removed basic electronics, mechanics, and the like and replace it with art appreciation. My idea of appreciating art is looking over a field of old tractors...
I don't know how old many of you are who had the benefits of being taught these things but at 36 years old I did not. My father did not teach or show, you leaned in as far as you could without getting smacked and watched over his shoulder. I can rebuild an engine, clutch, brakes... I even taught myself to weld, alot of trial and error but finally someone gave me a picture of a good weld and a half dozen bad ones, the bad ones each had a caption stating what was done wrong to cause the bad weld. I now make some right pretty welds, cause someone gave me information in a form I could understand without making me feel like an idiot. Heck in cub scouts I learned more about making things from popscicle sticks and yarn than I ever did about electricity and if you look at a cub scout book today you won't find much opportunity in it either, as a cub master myself it concerns me what the program will look like in another 20 years.
I am in the process of re-wiring my tractor again, I am using the wire diagram that Dell and Phil suggest, once I am done I would be happy to photograph what ever you need on my 9N.
Dell, I respect you and appreciate your input and I enjoy your posts and I am very glad that you are willing to lend your support on this project. I just beg of you not to write some of us off just yet, we might jus suprise ya sum day!