James Rader
07-03-2007 05:57:58
But... the patient isn't healed completely... Further help from the doctors appreciated!
Well... I finally got some time to work on my 1940 9N last night. New ammeter and diode and rewired and it is running again! After the tranny froze (right after I changed fluids to get rid of the milky stuff) up this past winter and wouldn't shift, then the barn falling in, then the insurance hassle, then, then, then... I now have a tractor that is running. However, one of the things I had done was to put on a new manifold, it is too quite now and it just doesn't sound the same. That is making it hard for me to decide what my next problem is... It really sounds like it is only running on 3 cycinders, I have spark at all four though? The other thing is prior to all this it always started with the throttle all the way down, now it has to be half way or it won't even run, especially when warm. It has power but not what I remember or expect? Last night I pulled out some small trees that the wife has been bugging me about since??? well a long time, and it did the job but I know I couldn't plow with it. Full throttle is really more like about 3/4, in my estimation? I also notice I still have a very slight leak on the new manifold, I am not sure what to do to get it to seal up right? By slight I mean, if I spray a bit of water I get tiny bubbles on the block side of the gasket nearly all the way accross the manifold. (The size of pop fizz bubbles, and it isn't boiling)
So is this the manifold leak still, or bad spark plug?
Next problem, one of the things I did was replace the water pump (bought the new one here) however the new one is 1/4" longer than the old one. that puts the fan 1/4" closer to the radiator. the problem I have now is I can hear it hitting something but for the life of me I can not see what it is hitting, I would expect a scar or worse but I can't find anything. It is not a all the time thing but even sitting still it is an occasional ping noise like some one threw a pebble into the fan kind of noise???
The best news is a compliment from my wife..."it sure does look a lot better without that wire mess running over the top of the engine like before" (refering to the addition of the wire loom) Compliments from the wife are always nice...