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OT - Gawd! - same mistake over and over

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07-20-2007 07:26:48

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Will I never learn?

After my last bad experience with a tranny overhaul shop I swore I'd never make that mistake again. But the tranny in the 4x4 Dakota (210K) started slipping on hard starts and down shifts and I got to haul my youngest's stuff back from Knoxville in about two weeks (Hoo Ray! graduation). So I priced some reman's online. Then I called (yet another) local shop and asked for a price to install a reman. Here we go...


Well sir those are good trannys and we work on them all the time. It's
probably something simple that we can fix for you a lot cheaper. Probably just the clutch pack or a band adjustment.



Bring it by and let us have a look at it.

So I dropped it off Saturday and they called me Monday morning


Sir the front clutch pack in the tranny in your truck is slipping.


Reallythird party image How much to fix it?


Well sir we'll have to tear it down to know for sure.


Yeah - I know. But you guys "work on these all the time" so what's an overhaul typically run?


About $1500 to $2000.


Yikes - the trucks probably not worth $2K!


Oh sir - thats a nice truck - rides good and the motor sounds strong.
(no muffler and a worn out idler armthird party image) We'll do a nice job with all the updates, upgraded shift kit, and it will really drive good. We'll take care of you.


OK third party image - tear it down and get back to me when you know more.

Two days later..


Sir we have your tranny all spread out on the bench. Total cost to repair is $3200.


Yikes - you said they typically run $1500 to $2000! third party image


Yes sir - but your OD planetaries are worn out and they are very expensive.


Well how much to install a reman?


Yes sir - I've already priced a Crysler reman - $2100.


How much additional to R&R the tranny?


Labor is $1200


$1200 to R&R a transmission in a pickup!!!!third party image


Well sir that includes the labor to tear down the old unit and reassemble it to use as a core.

If I had a rocket launcher..... third party image

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row my own

07-20-2007 19:41:58

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 Re: OT - Gawd! - same mistake over and over in reply to TheOldHokie, 07-20-2007 07:26:48  
...or you buy a car/truck with a manual trans and only have to replace the clutch once in a great while... I know, I know... not everyone wants to or can drive a stick.

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Rick the Dick

10-08-2007 13:16:27

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 Re: OT - Gawd! - same mistake over and over in reply to row my own, 07-20-2007 19:41:58  
Hey you jerk, this is a tractor discussion board not cars and trucks. Stop trying to be Mister Cool.

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07-20-2007 18:33:14

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 Re: OT - Gawd! - same mistake over and over in reply to TheOldHokie, 07-20-2007 07:26:48  
I have 1991 GMC Sierra that eats transmissions. (I expect it is undersized for the truck and type of hauling I do) I learned about the third one - Brand new replacement from GM costs about $1200 with a 3 year warranty, I pay a local to remove and install, $<300. Sometime less than three years later it caves and GM places (or rebuilds)it for free. I consider it an operating expense about $1500 every 6 years. (I like the truck)

?How do tranny shops ever get people to pay $1500 for a rebuild when new replacements go for the same or less?

Sure have enjoyed eavesdropping on this site. A free edumacation and my old 9N keeps chugging along.

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07-20-2007 16:01:55

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 Re: OT - Gawd! - same mistake over and over in reply to TheOldHokie, 07-20-2007 07:26:48  
i can identify with all of you, i have changed the way i look at vehicles vs repairs, no longer do i think of getting too much money in it, i did that when i first bought it, for example right now i have probably 19,000 bucks in a 1983 chevy c-30, is the truck worth it? no, but can i replace it with a new one with the same specs for that, no, this truck had a 12 foot flatbed with a rolling tailboard, and it dumps too, i use it these days to haul new and used hay around the farm, it does the job, looks decent and burns a lot of gas, never had a/c from new, and most important, i can fix it! i think when deciding weather to fix these newer vehicles you need to either decide to sell it as is or know if you fix it it is yours, forever, take care of it, but run it to the ground, 2 things to remember when going to a car dealer, 1, what your driving is virtually worthless, what he is selling costs at least twice what its worth, and 2 if your in the market for a good new vehicle, remember nobody's made one in the last 25 years, go buy your favorite car of all time, restore it, and drive it

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Right On!! Cargocult

07-21-2007 04:35:27

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 Re: OT - Gawd! - same mistake over and over in reply to ericlb, 07-20-2007 16:01:55  
"2 if your in the market for a good new vehicle, remember nobody's made one in the last 25 years, go buy your favorite car of all time, restore it, and drive it "

AMEN, brother!! And, the NEWFANGLED vehicles have all this "security & safety" crap on them! So, it is a "no-brainer" what to do!! As long as the gummint will allow us..... ..OLD VEHICLES are the ONLY WAY TO GO!! I H8 not knowing what is wrong when a car stops working! With a OLDER VEHICLE, I might be able to get it running again myself, or at least KNOW enuff to make sure I ain't gettin RIPPED OFF on the repairs!! With these NEWFANGLED COMPUTER-CONTROLLED cars, one is at the MERCY of the REPAIR SHOP! (And at least 2/3rds of them are run by crooks or incompetent people (Parts Changers!) I ain't even goin into my ONSTAR rant or the TAX rant, but OLDER CARS (& trucks) are the cheapest transport (& the most fun!!) CC

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Herman, MN.

07-20-2007 13:50:43

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 Re: OT - Gawd! - same mistake over and over in reply to TheOldHokie, 07-20-2007 07:26:48  
I know a guy that had transmission go out with his 95 chev PU and parked it because he wasn't about to spend 1500 to 2K on it. Let sit for about a year almost, until he found a guy about 50 miles down the road that fixed it for 500. The tranny guy said that he patches up the pump and such, doesn't get the whole new kit, this guy I know asked what happens when it breaks again? Is there a warranty or guarantee that goes with it? The tranny guy said if it breaks bring it back and I will fix it for you at no charge, but he said that he hasn't had one come back yet. Then last summer my dad had tranny problems, checked around, anywhere from 1500 to 2500, wanted to do business with the mechanic that is right down the road a couple miles, but talked to the patch guy, he said 500, so it sat for 2 weeks until he could get to it, and it was 500, without even taking it apart he knew how much it would cost, (these were both automatics). The neighbor mechanic, couldn't believe the price at which my father was able to get it fixed. Shopping pays sometimes, and being patient, if you have other means of transportation.

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07-20-2007 12:15:46

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 Re: OT - Gawd! - same mistake over and over in reply to TheOldHokie, 07-20-2007 07:26:48  
Reminds me of the nightmare I got into with a Honda my son bought. It had one of the "sport shift" autos in a Prelude. It started slipping horribly at 60,000 miles and he took it to a Honda dealer to check. First thing they told him they often "flush and refill" and fix a lot of problems (yeah right). About $150 later !!!! it had new fluid and same problem (no surprise there). I asked them how much to repair or install a reman. They said "We only install Honda factory remans, and they were $4500" at the time. I said I will pass and try to find a used tranny. Luckily I found one on ebay for $600 and had a local shop install for a couple hundred. Found later Honda had a lot of trouble with that tranny and they fail regularly. Of course they will not admit the tranny was junk from the day it left the factory. They insisted the reason it failed was that it had not had the tranny fluid changed regularly. (I have never serviced the tranny fluid in anything regularly). Car left in a hurry, and that is the last Honda around me. I got such a bad taste on Honda's I will not buy anything including their small engines, atv's, or generators. Many claim Honda makes the best ATV and generators, but I have a Polaris ATV , and Briggs generator.

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07-20-2007 10:28:44

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 Re: OT - Gawd! - same mistake over and over in reply to TheOldHokie, 07-20-2007 07:26:48  
Not 2 many trans shops that are in business that will tel ya up front what can B the worst case scenario. When the worst case scenario is put on the table folks go shop'n and hunt the cheapest deal, usualy turns out to B the worst case scenario I first estimated. I lost that job cause I did not capture the victim with bait, they got the job cuzz they captured the victim with bait. Makes me wonder how well they sleep. You took the bait hook line and sinker, i spec I would pay the fee and git my truck out of his shop. You are better off at this time to go to a Chrysler dealer for the repair. I have never got paid (warranty time) for a bad Chrysler trans even if it was bad rite out of the box and never left the bay. I do add a fee to their transmissions just for warranty issues. Whats gonna happen when you get 500 miles from the house and the trans lays down, Chrysler may not warranty the labor less it was installed at a dealer, Something to think about see'n as you have lost confidence in the shop that has it now. I think I would pull out its the principle of it, it aint gonna B cheap any way you go. I may would git my wife to call'em every 30 min to splain it to her, sure worries the sheet out of me to have a fired up woman on my arse. Sure helps when i thing her man is on my side, sure makes it a bad situation when i don't get any help from the man. I hope things work out let us know.

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07-20-2007 10:50:56

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 Re: OT - Gawd! - same mistake over and over in reply to Hobo,NC, 07-20-2007 10:28:44  

Hobo,NC said: (quoted from post at 10:28:44 07/20/07) Not 2 many trans shops that are in business that will tel ya up front what can B the worst case scenario. When the worst case scenario is put on the table folks go shop'n and hunt the cheapest deal, usualy turns out to B the worst case scenario I first estimated.

I hope things work out let us know.

Thanks Hobo,

Yep - that's my complaint - not the price but the low balling. They always paint this rosey picture and then when the things in pieces and your already into them for $1000 they drop the hammer. I've been into enough motors and trannys to know better. The previous owner was a mason and put the first 100K on it hauling brick and towing a trailer. So the chances of it being in good shape weren't real good. But the temptation of saving a grand or so took me down again.

I'd originally figured I'd install a reman myself once I had the new lift in the shop but since I'm pressed for time and didn't want to wrestle it around on my back I decided to pay the labor. Should have held my ground.

I'm picking it up this afternoon - decided to pay the $3200 rather than prolong my agony. And if it so much as drips one drop on the floor in the next 24K he'll have it back on his own dime.


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07-20-2007 11:26:05

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 Re: OT - Gawd! - same mistake over and over in reply to TheOldHokie, 07-20-2007 10:50:56  
Make sure you git his warranty in writing, he has accepted the responsibility, don't accept a verbal warranty. I have lost my arse on Chrysler remans, even when i fought for warranty pay and got the OK I still never got a dime out of'em. They keep put'n it off on someone else. GM does not fight the aftermarket install and does their own warranty work, sorta hard to lose on that deal long as its installed rite. My rant, I installed a reman in a 94 ram 1500 in the mad rush I did not check the flywheel. Sum a butch the converter did not align with the converter. OK no problem I have not hooked it all up so out it comes, called the dealer and they ordered a flywheel. Installed and all seamed well cept the engine seamed to have a skip. I checked the engine performance, compression check, leak down and so fourth all no charge cuzz I was try'n to satisfy my self something did not seam rite. Got a call the next morning that it shook so bad he was afrad to drive it out his drive. Go haul it back and come to find the flywheel had a weight on the back side that the original did not have, worst thing I knew about this but never seen it. R&R it and go to the dealer on a saturday morning and all the regulars are off. The guy at the parts counter a new guy who looked lost and i really did not need to explain it again but what the sheet he was will'n to listen so i tell'em the whole story. He said wait a min and goes to the back and hands me a flywheel with my name on it. Son of a guns gave me the wrong flywheel the second time. After I got it going i made calls to chry. teck to the dealer some one was gonna pay. Chry teck told me the flywheel was spose to b in the crate with the trans cause a different converter was used, dealer said they know nuttin about it, I still have not got paid and was the one stuck. gotta go and see iffin i kin git my Bota smoke'n again, bout finished with it.

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07-20-2007 16:52:06

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 Re: OT - Gawd! - same mistake over and over in reply to Hobo,NC, 07-20-2007 11:26:05  
Not going the Chrysler reman route - I'm letting him do the overhaul on the original. But anything he says is suspect in my book including his warranty. He told me yesterday at 2PM the truck would be ready today. As of 5pm today the tranny is still on the floor awaiting a new converter and he's telling me to call the freight company - not his fault. Yeah - right. As soon as I have it in hand I'll be talking to the BBB.


PS - had the shop I use for general repairs install a Chrysler reman (AISAN automatic with electronic OD) in my Jeep about 10 years ago. None of the rebuilders would touch them - said they didn't have anybody qualifed to work on that unit. Never had a problem with the Chyrsler unit.

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07-20-2007 10:25:04

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 Re: OT - Gawd! - same mistake over and over in reply to TheOldHokie, 07-20-2007 07:26:48  
Wife bought a Celebrity one time and at 70,000 the transmission gave up. Took it to A-1 and they said they would figure out what was wrong for $50. They called later and said it would cost $1800 to fix. The car was worth about $2000. I said I'll pay the $50 I owe and throw the parts in the trunk and I'll have it towed They asked what I thought would be a fair price. i said seals, front sprag, new clutches and oil should be no more than $900. They said OK we'll do it for that amount. They did it and it was fine until we sold it a year later. Lot of flexibility in pricing.

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07-20-2007 09:46:29

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 Re: OT - Gawd! - same mistake over and over in reply to TheOldHokie, 07-20-2007 07:26:48  
Aw Man !! I hate getting screwed over.....that's one of the reasons that I do so much of my own repairs on stuff. I'd be in the same boat as you with a transmission though. I don't have the tools, time or desire to tackle those.

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Sean Feeney 2

07-20-2007 09:40:04

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 Re: OT - Gawd! - same mistake over and over in reply to TheOldHokie, 07-20-2007 07:26:48  
A couple of guys in town have tranny shop, there no good crooks. they replace some parts everyone pays for rebuilt unit.

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07-20-2007 09:19:23

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 Re: OT - Gawd! - same mistake over and over in reply to TheOldHokie, 07-20-2007 07:26:48  
Why didn"t you tear it down& rebuild it yourself? If it is too far gone, get one from a junkyard & rebuild it. then you will know what you have. I have rebuilt many trannys over the years, but not some of the newer ones. I am disabled since 1993. If you can work on tractors, you can do trannys too. Sometimes you have to make a tool or two or buy them as needed.

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07-20-2007 09:08:14

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 Re: OT - Gawd! - same mistake over and over in reply to TheOldHokie, 07-20-2007 07:26:48  

I feel your pain (and frustration and disgust and cynicism, etc.).

This is exactly why I never let anyone touch anything of mine unless it is warranty warranty.


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07-20-2007 08:29:15

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 Re: OT - Gawd! - same mistake over and over in reply to TheOldHokie, 07-20-2007 07:26:48  
My GOSH!!!

That is obscene!!

A few years (probably 10 years ago) back I got a 700R4 rebuilt by a local shop for $750, (I made the swap myself) and my core, it is still going 70 mi round trip to work a day, but I think I do have a set of clutches that are slipping a bit if you get on it moderately at about 40 - 45 mph.

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07-20-2007 10:07:08

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 Re: OT - Gawd! - same mistake over and over in reply to Dunk, 07-20-2007 08:29:15  
third party image

Well sir those are good trannys and we work on them all the time. It's probably something simple that we can fix for you a lot cheaper. Probably just the clutch pack or a band adjustment

Bring it by and let us have a look at it

Oh sir - thats a nice truck - rides good and the motor sounds strong. We'll do a nice job with all the updates, upgraded shift kit, and it will really drive good. We'll take care of you.

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dan hill

07-20-2007 15:30:15

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 Re: OT - Gawd! - same mistake over and over in reply to Hobo,NC, 07-20-2007 10:07:08  
Took my wifes Mercury in today for a fluid change.Rough shifting and shuddering.Cost 120.00 and shifts so smooth I cant feel it shift.140000 miles , fluid gets dirty and thin.Bands do need adjusting.Get feeling smart and find out some one else knows more than you do.Ive seen filters plugged up so bad the car could barly move.

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