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OT Cutting Torch

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Sean (TX)

07-23-2007 17:04:49

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I been thinking about getting one, I have my eye on the Firepower VICTOR TOTE TORCH OUTFIT. $334.64 at TSC. Anyone have one of these? How do you like it? How long will these small bottles last? My near by tsc see carries refill bottles so that is a plus.

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Sean (TX)

07-24-2007 18:09:04

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 Re: OT Cutting Torch in reply to GB in MT., 07-23-2007 17:04:49  

TimW(PA) said: (quoted from post at 07:45:25 07/24/07) Depends on what you want to do. Cutiing up scrap is a little different that making welments. My favorite is this HENROB 2000. It is amazing what this bugger will do
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alot of choices out there...Im going to have to think this over. Its not something Ill use on a regular basis. I little cutting. I have a stick welder for welding. Of couse if I have one ill bet ill use it more then I think I will...I have a chop saw that cuts metal to. With the right blade. Those blades are pretty cheap. Cant cut everything with one thou!!

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07-24-2007 13:26:18

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 Re: OT Cutting Torch in reply to Sean (TX), 07-23-2007 17:04:49  
I have asmall set like this and it works great for brazing,soldering. If you use the cuttin tip, I have emptied the bottles in about 1 hr. I found a big set with dolly and 100 ft of hose at a action for $150 greenbacks. Got the bottles refilled and I can cut all day long. Also, It cast around 25-44 to fill ech of the small bottles. It cost me 100 to fill the lrge bottles with more than twice the gas.

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BillM (OH)

07-24-2007 07:52:49

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 Re: OT Cutting Torch in reply to Sean (TX), 07-23-2007 17:04:49  
I have had one for years - mostly used for brazing and sweating copper, but will cut - have cut 1/2" steel with it, but uses a bit of gas to cut.
That gasoline system is a new one on me - great for cutting, probably not good for the rest. Portability is very useful when you have to take the rig to the work and tanks are readily exchangeable at any welding supply/gas supply place.

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07-24-2007 08:02:04

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 Re: OT Cutting Torch in reply to BillM (OH), 07-24-2007 07:52:49  
As near as I can tell oxy-gasoline is strictly cutting.


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07-24-2007 04:45:25

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 Re: OT Cutting Torch in reply to Sean (TX), 07-23-2007 17:04:49  
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Depends on what you want to do. Cutiing up scrap is a little different that making welments. My favorite is this HENROB 2000. It is amazing what this bugger will do

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07-24-2007 05:27:54

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 Re: OT Cutting Torch in reply to TimW(PA), 07-24-2007 04:45:25  
Yeah I've looked at that thing. Do you have one? Supposedly you can weld just about any material with that torch. Not cheap however.


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07-24-2007 15:25:40

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 Re: OT Cutting Torch in reply to TheOldHokie, 07-24-2007 05:27:54  
Yep I got one. Your right not cheap. There is a learning curve or re-learning curve if you will. I've welded steel and cast and brazed with it. Also used it to cut quite a bit. All in all I really like it and as soon as I get around to it I want to play with welding aluminum with it. Great little tool if you dont mind the price tag too much. It does save alot on accet. as it only uses about 4 lbs so it'll save you some over time....

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07-23-2007 20:50:47

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 Re: OT Cutting Torch in reply to Sean (TX), 07-23-2007 17:04:49  
count me in on the propane side. Been using it for 30+ years, just the little 20# tank lasts for years, lease the oxy tank.
It's just a little slower to use than acetelene, as the flame temps not quite as high. You just pre heat a little more before you cut with it. I have no problem cutting 2+ inches thick steel, even have cut rail road track with it. Propane will do the job, just is a little slower, but $$$$ cheaper.

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CJ in TX

07-23-2007 19:26:30

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 Re: OT Cutting Torch in reply to Sean (TX), 07-23-2007 17:04:49  
I have that same rig. I don't cut or weld 1/4" plate with it. I braze a bit, cut some light stuff, etc. I have used it for cutting for about 20 minutes and still have quite a bit left in the cylinders, so I am happy. It takes up little room compared to the big tanks everyone else seems to recommend and my garage is as small as my need.

So if you have a lot of welding, brazing, heating, or cuttting to do, then I'd recommend a medium to heavy-duty rig. If you just want to heat a few bolts, cut of some stock, or do some light brazing or welding, it will do all of that nicely.

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Sean (TX)

07-23-2007 19:04:45

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 Re: OT Cutting Torch in reply to arthur ward, 07-23-2007 17:04:49  
Thats pretty cool and looks like it works...

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07-23-2007 18:24:47

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 Re: OT Cutting Torch in reply to Sean (TX), 07-23-2007 17:04:49  
My first 20 lb gas grill tank lasted 5 years. Werks rite well for all jobs Sept brazing and welding, I can do it on some things but not as nice as Acetylene. Far as cut'n and heat'n for the price I will take propane. best I have figgerd or read propane verses Acetylene and one of these figgers are rite, propane runs around 4K degrees and Acetylene 5K, of propane 5k and Acetylene 6K. Enny way propane will do a good job cut'n and will heat things up, mite B a tad slower, mite use a little more O2 but shore is EZ'er on the pocket book. Far as the torch out fit stay with a name brand, Harris, victor, smiths, these Home brewed outfits are over built Them shine'knees knock are not.

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07-23-2007 18:33:02

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 Re: OT Cutting Torch in reply to Hobo,NC, 07-23-2007 18:24:47  
The hot item these days (no pun intended) for cutting seems to be oxy-gasoline.


DoD likes it a bunch. Gives me the shivers just thinkin about it.


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07-23-2007 18:36:24

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 Re: OT Cutting Torch in reply to TheOldHokie, 07-23-2007 18:33:02  

Welp, that's news to me!!!!

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07-23-2007 18:42:13

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 Re: OT Cutting Torch in reply to Dunk, 07-23-2007 18:36:24  
Yeah, 2.5g of gasoline is equivalent to 200CF of acetylene with the same O2 burn and cuts better. Propane use boosts O2 consumption by about 25-30% over acetylene and doesn't cut as well.

But the idea of standing next to a full gas can holding a lit torch makes me a tad antsy!!


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07-23-2007 19:08:20

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 Re: OT Cutting Torch in reply to TheOldHokie, 07-23-2007 18:42:13  
Don't forgit they git on me fer talking about soldering the bottom of a gas tank with a torch.

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07-23-2007 19:19:57

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 Re: OT Cutting Torch in reply to Dunk, 07-23-2007 19:08:20  
Don't forget I worked for the Navy for a couple decades and heard stories of welding leaks in gasoline storage tanks that were full ;-)


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07-23-2007 19:23:00

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 Re: OT Cutting Torch in reply to TheOldHokie, 07-23-2007 19:19:57  
PS - I also had a retired tank commander put out a burning match in a bucket of gasoline. I told him if he ever did something like that again in my presence he wouldn't have to worry about the fire - I'd shoot him right after I changed my britches - and I meant it!


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Sean (TX)

07-23-2007 18:12:26

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 Re: OT Cutting Torch in reply to Ross Pugh(NC), 07-23-2007 17:04:49  
Seem like those little tanks are out of the question. Cant do much in 15 or 20 miniutes.

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Sean (TX)

07-23-2007 17:48:46

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 Re: OT Cutting Torch in reply to RJ, 07-23-2007 17:04:49  

Dunk said: (quoted from post at 20:44:34 07/23/07) A propane tank for a gas grill would last a long time, with an owner oxygen tank.

Acetylene is just too expensive for the tank, and the refill for the difference in heat. And for how long it lasts.

BTDT, learned the expensive hard way, pinching pinnies to feed my family.

I get you now. Your right propane is cheap and it cuts metal pretty good.

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Sean (TX)

07-23-2007 17:46:19

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 Re: OT Cutting Torch in reply to ED-IL, 07-23-2007 17:04:49  
Found one on craigs list 280 bucks says he has large tanks. What kinda problems would you run into if someone was selling leased or stolen tanks? Have to exchange or fill them some place. Dont most places exchange tanks versus filling yours?

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07-23-2007 18:18:13

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 Re: OT Cutting Torch in reply to Sean (TX), 07-23-2007 17:46:19  
Some suppliers are pickier than others.

Most leased cylinders will have the owner's identity indelibly embossed on the top collar. Customer owned tanks are blank.

Serial numbers are also stamped on each cylinder and a list of stolen cylinders is maintained by the industry.

My local supplier will sell or lease cylinders.

Lease cost for a medium size rig was about 100/yr 10 years ago. I figured the break even time for purchase was about 3-4 years.

My supplier will sell you a set of "customer owned" cylinders. They don't refill them - they just swap them for full ones when you bring them in. First time I brought in by HF cylinders they simply swapped my acytelene for one of theirs - I've never seen it again.

My O2 cylinder is a b**stard size so the keep it and send it out for refill - takes about a week to turn it around - not handy.

Also the O2 cylinders have to be pressure tested every 10 years which is an added expense if you keep the cylinder in perpetuity. Acetylene cylinders don't have to be pressure tested but there are other maintainance issues with them.

In the unlikely event I move out of the area or want to sell my cylinder's the supplier will provide me with a receipt for the "customer owened" ones I currently have in my posession.



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07-23-2007 17:59:20

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 Re: OT Cutting Torch in reply to Sean (TX), 07-23-2007 17:46:19  
Done that too as a young man, couldn't get the tanks filled, made the seller (local) give me my money back, and take his leased tanks back (that was a different day, and a different world, buyer beware)

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Sean (TX)

07-23-2007 17:35:56

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 Re: OT Cutting Torch in reply to Ross Pugh(NC), 07-23-2007 17:04:49  
I bought one of those propane/oxygen torches at home depot. The oxygen will last 5 minutes if you are lucky. The oxygen is not cheap. 6 or 7 bucks for one of those tiny tanks.

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07-23-2007 18:01:20

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 Re: OT Cutting Torch in reply to Sean (TX), 07-23-2007 17:35:56  
That set has a 10CF Acetylene and 20CF Oxygen cylinder.

My welding book says welding 1/4" plate uses 27.5 CF/hr Acetylene and 25 CF/hr Oxygen. So you got about 15 minutes burn time.

Cutting 1/4" to 1/2" plate will bump the O2 to something in excess of 60CF/hr if my metric conversion is correct so maybe 20 minutes burn time.


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Gregg E

07-23-2007 17:32:20

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 Re: OT Cutting Torch in reply to Sean (TX), 07-23-2007 17:04:49  
I keep a small set like that in my work truck, they are OK but will not last too long. You would be better off looking in the local want adds for someone selling a bigger set. You would probably get it for the same price as that small set your looking at.
Just my humble opinion
Good Luck Gregg

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07-23-2007 17:30:52

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 Re: OT Cutting Torch in reply to Sean (TX), 07-23-2007 17:04:49  

Unless you need the portability i.e. carrying the thing in the truck to use wherever (on HVAC units and the such) and will rarely use it forgit it.

Don't get it in your mind that when you have it to use, and get used to having a torch, you will have to have it all the time, for all kinds of new things that you will come up with.

Then every week right in the middle of what you are doing you will have to stop and go buy gas.

Go to a good welding supply and buy you a good torch set, while you are at it buy you a propane cutting tip for the torch you buy, and an owner oxygen tank (a little over 4' high)

Then go to Home Depot, Lowes, or whever and buy you a 100 lb propane tank $75 (or find you a good used one for $30, or free) then you are in business, it should last you months or years on the gas even with fairly regular use.

Get the propane tank filled at the local propane supplier (cheap).

(maybe I didn't leave too much important stuff out, and got my point across)

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07-23-2007 17:44:34

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 Re: OT Cutting Torch in reply to Dunk, 07-23-2007 17:30:52  
A propane tank for a gas grill would last a long time, with an owner oxygen tank.

Acetylene is just too expensive for the tank, and the refill for the difference in heat. And for how long it lasts.

BTDT, learned the expensive hard way, pinching pinnies to feed my family.

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07-23-2007 17:18:41

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 Re: OT Cutting Torch in reply to Sean (TX), 07-23-2007 17:04:49  
That Firepower torch is a good rig but the little cylinders won't get much work done. Get a price for a couple decent size cylinders at your local welding supply - both purchase and yearly lease. And find out what the refill costs are. I suspect you'll find the refills on those little jugs will eat you alive and leave you high and dry when you can least afford it.

Then get a price on the torch.

At one time HF was selling Coyne cylinders - I bought the largest set they had for about $250 - I think it was 40CF Acetylene and 120CF Oxygen.


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07-23-2007 18:10:55

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 Re: OT Cutting Torch in reply to TheOldHokie, 07-23-2007 17:18:41  
Forty years ago, or so, i leased my tanks from the local supplier. $50 every five years. Empty one, take it in and get another full one, exchange! Pay for the air or gas. I just paid the $50 for another five years. cheap at twice the price! Never need tanks pressure tested, no troubles. My wife thought, since i am almost 83 YOA, i should maybe give them up, but, heck, when i need to weld or cut, i have them right there! My tanks are the ones about 4.5 ft. high, and i ain't giving them up! Those teeny ones wouldn't last very long on any job!

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07-24-2007 19:45:01

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 Re: OT Cutting Torch in reply to Rustyj14, 07-23-2007 18:10:55  
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Well...my two cents: Leave those little toy rigs alone.
Go down to the Chinese Tool store and purchase their gas-rig ($99 on sale, $129 otherwise). It includes a 4-torch kit, backfire arrestors, 25' of twin-hose, both regulators, all all the little accessories. Call your local PraxAir or other gas supplier (not your local welding supplier ordinarily). Tell them you do NOT want to lease tanks. (If you only use them occasionally you'll waste 10 years of lease fees before you'll empty those tanks. It'll be cheaper to own them. Owned tanks are simply swapped with replacement, already-filled tanks, and you pay for the gas only. There is no charge for recertifying the tanks...it's built into the orginal sale of the tanks.) Tanks are sized according to their capacity in cu.ft. of gas. This set from Praxair pictured cost me $350 including the cart (which came from HF.) You can cut/braze/weld for hours and hours and hours with this much and not have to worry about it. If you do a lot of cutting you'll use oxygen twice as fast as acetylene (which is better than any other gas for the reasons mentioned in the two following articles.)


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07-24-2007 19:47:42

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 And ANOTHER GREAT WELDING INFO SITE in reply to gahorN, 07-24-2007 19:45:01  
All you'll likely need to know...then shop for price.


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