Tom - I have a zero turn Snapper Lawn Cruiser that I like, but the one flaw is that if you have any side hills the zero turn mowers can"t hold a straight line very well and you"ll eventually end up bailing out. Yes, you"re suppose to mow up and down, and a gentle slope isn"t a problem, but there are sections of ditch that don"t lend themselves to doing that, and my corner lot has lots of road ditch. Otherwise the zero turn is excellent for getting around trees and such. Take your time, don"t turn too fast or you"ll spin the tires and tear up the turf. If you can find a rear discharge mowing deck go for it as you"ll be able to use both side of the deck for trimming. You gracefully twist and turn, then go fast on the straight sections. A wide open deck for your feet, cup holder, the cool of the evening in the spring... makes you wish your 2N was together and running so you didn"t have to listen to a single cylinder Briggs wound up to 3600rpm screaming at your back! Where"s that kid of mine?! Get on the mower and get it done! And he does - covering well over an acre an hour on a rough yard, lots of obstacles, little additional trimming needed.