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OT Our fire/update

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GB in MT.

08-06-2007 07:47:12

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We are still here and kickin' ! The fire crews worked all night, to stop the fire push, and now have a good fire break in place for the safty of the town. At one point, the fire came right up to the lake, but lucky for us the fire did not crown, and throw any lit embers across to our side of town.
The water bombers have been scooping water out of the lake to use on the hot spots, and the Helos have been working with water buckets.

All in all, it has been a learning experiance for my wife and I. We have lived in this town for 21yrs, and never have had to worry about evacuation. We have seen lots of fire in this area, but not like this one.

Thanks to all your replies to the posts, and your concerns!!!third party image

Gary third party image

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Sean (TX)

08-08-2007 12:34:47

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 Re: OT Our fire/update in reply to Bob, 08-06-2007 07:47:12  
Here is a pretty good map gahorn posted it the other day..


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GB in MT.

08-08-2007 05:54:51

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 Re: OT Our fire/update in reply to GB in MT., 08-06-2007 07:47:12  

Here we are with another boring update.

Not too much has changed. The fire crews, slurry bombers, water dipper helos, and the large water bombers, were all working their buts off yesterday. The wind came up with a vengance, and played havoc with the fire. At one or two points the fire jumped the fire breaks and pushed the crews, and planes back to the safty zones.

BUT; on a good note they report that there is no immediate Evac. order for my side of Seeley Lake. Our area is under a 4hr. evac. order, meaning, if and when we get the order to get out, our area will have 1-3 hrs. to vacate. Plenty of time!!!! I could be out of here in less than 30min. if I had to. All the stuff I want to save, (legal docs, pictures, and family stuff, Guns, ECT) are already packed. Just throw it in the PU and be gone.!!

The big prob. in a small town like this, is the mis-information, mouth flappers. I really do not understand that. If they don't know for sure what is happening, why don't they just keep their big fat mouths shut!!???

What? are they trying to act important??? Stupid is , as stupid does!!!!

All I really know is, the fire guys are fighting the fire, and I'm sitting here wondering if, a yr. from now, I'll still have what I own now.

Thanks again for puitting up with my ramblings.!!!

BTW: If perchance I do have to get out, You all will see a post from me, that will have the words, (I"M OUT OF HERE!!!), so if you don't see that, it means I'm STILL HERE!!!

Garythird party imagethird party imagethird party image

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08-08-2007 19:01:26

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 Re: OT Our fire/update in reply to GB in MT., 08-08-2007 05:54:51  
Just don't stick around too long trying to get a line out for the modem to post us, ok? :-)

It's good to know you're still holding firm there, and that the good fight is still being put up by the guys whose job it is to do that. They really are amazing!

Thanks for additional reference so we can keep an eye out for you, too.

This is the part where we realized, "Sleep? What sleep? When?" (We had to bug out SO fast, though, that we didn't get to pack anything but the animals and medicines. We spent 5 days going, "Oh!!! The baby pictures!!" and so on. I like your situation WAY better!) :-D


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GB in MT.

08-08-2007 07:12:03

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 Re: OT Our fire/update in reply to GB in MT., 08-08-2007 05:54:51  

BTW: Here is another address for info. on this fire:

This is our local newspaper, so when you read it, keep "poetic licience" in mind. Prize winning journalizm, ya know!!!

Garythird party image

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GB in MT

08-06-2007 19:42:47

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 Re: OT Our fire/update in reply to GB in MT., 08-06-2007 07:47:12  
third party image

Here is a map of the burn area and the town. On the right side you see an arrow pointing to a circle. That is my place.
The fire is circled with red pen.
More than 18,000 acre has burned in 2 1/2 days.
The fire started in wooded area an incroached on the lake and the town.
Mabey this helps to let you see why this fire got so out of hand. Ring a town with forest and you've got fire danger!!!

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08-06-2007 18:27:18

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 Re: OT Our fire/update in reply to GB in MT., 08-06-2007 07:47:12  
Gary, hopefully you, of all folks can explain this to me. I just can't seem to understand it. It may all be because I have never been west of Mississippi/Illinois.

The folks in CA have these problems, the folks in the NW seem to have them, even South GA had a bad one that choked us out 300 miles away this year.

I don't quite understand it, I can understand the one in the South GA swamps. But I can't see how it can threaten folks homes so bad, that own a chainsaw, and an N tractor, and have a house and a little acreage.

I keep probably 200 yards or more on each of the 3 sides of my house to the woods cut back and cut down, the 4th front side of my house is a paved road, and a field. Before the laws got so strict, I used to keep the riff raff burned out of all of the woods around here, with a controled burn.

Are most place unlike mine, and the woods come right up to the house. Around here that seems to be only in the high dollar places. And they are not that big in area, lots of feilds andpasture around here.

I really like pics.

I don't drive that far, and you couldn't ever git me drunk enough to get on an airplane.

That is not normal around here most places around here. (I don't think)

I'm just curious, I am sure it didn't burn across that lake on the map. But then I have never in my life seen trees in person big enough to drive thru the trunk with a tractor, ifn they were chopped out on the bottom, but I do know they exist.

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08-07-2007 20:48:21

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 Re: OT Our fire/update in reply to Dunk, 08-06-2007 18:27:18  
Dunk, it has to do with the ratios of things and the sizes of the forests. When the fire was here, many people had the experience of being over a mile from the fire line and having an entire tree burst into flames very suddenly right next to them. The fire heats up the air so it's extremely dry, and the heat pulls the sap out of the trees. It smells like a mix of turpentine and sweet burning wood for miles around a fire like that. So it spreads like it's alive. A house has to have a BIG area around it with no trees to be safe, and the roof and walls have to be able to withstand those temps and low humidity near the fireline without bursting into flames themselves. Flames roar into the sky hundreds of feet along a line a miles long. It's hard to imagine. Even if you've seen it, it's hard to believe what it's like But it's not like a fire you would see normally. It's a different thing.

Hope this helps,

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Sean (TX)

08-06-2007 15:39:22

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 Re: OT Our fire/update in reply to FarmerDawn, 08-06-2007 07:47:12  
Thyat is good to hear!!! Just looked at the map and it has not spread. Any word from Jerry. I hope he made out ok!!!


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08-06-2007 15:14:40

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 Re: OT Our fire/update in reply to GB in MT., 08-06-2007 07:47:12  
Drank enough beer so that ifn it gits close you can keep it hosed down!!

Hang in there, Gary!!

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Ross Pugh(NC)

08-06-2007 15:09:48

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 Re: OT Our fire/update in reply to GB in MT., 08-06-2007 07:47:12  
The best of luck to you and your family and property from your North Carolina "N" Family. Stay safe!!

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08-06-2007 15:01:32

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 Re: OT Our fire/update in reply to GB in MT., 08-06-2007 07:47:12  

(Those are hugs)

Hang in there. And don't look away 'til it's all over, ok? Promise me.


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GB in MT.

08-06-2007 17:05:31

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 Re: OT Our fire/update in reply to FarmerDawn, 08-06-2007 15:01:32  

Thanks Dawn; Here is a web site that will keep ya updated on the Jocko Lakes fire. Has all the fire info. usually updated early AM.

Go to:..... .. inciweb.org

I Promise!!!!!

Garythird party imagethird party image

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08-06-2007 20:22:07

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 Re: OT Our fire/update in reply to GB in MT., 08-06-2007 17:05:31  
Whew. Yeah, unfortunately I know inciweb all too well. I am so glad you will keep your eye on it, man. Be careful! I sure am praying for you!

It's an amazing, terrifying, and strangely beautiful sight isn't it? Unimaginable! Especially at night. And the helicopters and slurry planes and all the traffic just add to the sense of unreality. But it DOES get better. Here is where *I* promise *you*.


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GB in MT.

08-06-2007 20:58:17

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 Re: OT Our fire/update in reply to FarmerDawn, 08-06-2007 20:22:07  

Hi kiddo;

Well I had a talk with the wife yesterday. Her 2 freinds showed up in Missoula, so I told her to pack up and go stay with them, in the motor home at the KAO. She said she didn't want to leave me here alone, but I made her see the light!!! She says to me, what about you ? I told her I was a big boy now, and I wasn't going anywhere until they kicked me out.

I don't play well with other children!!! LOL So it's just me the dog, and cat.

Not really sleeping too good. Wonder why??
BTW inciweb must be havin' prob.s . I can't get in for some reason. Might be changing the updates. Who knows.

third party imagethird party image

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GB in MT.

08-07-2007 05:07:53

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 Re: OT Our fire/update in reply to GB in MT., 08-06-2007 20:58:17  

Still here!!! Not too much change in the fire statis. One great thing, the high winds and dry lightning they were predicting, did NOT occur!!! Sure was glad to hear that. The major thing the town was having, falling embers, blowing from the fire hot spots, a mile or so ahead of the fire, has almost stopped. There are a few pine needles, and small embers, but it has slowed down quite a bit. No new fires reported due to this embers thing, which is also a great thing.

To all of you that have replied, THANK YOU. I really enjoy reading your coments. If this topic gets monotness, and drive some of ya crazy, let me know, and I'll cease and disist. I got nothing better to do. I can't even work on "Hermie" the 2N. He is outside and there is a ban on power tools being run.

Update will be forthcoming, I hope!!!

Garythird party imagethird party image

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GB in MT.

08-06-2007 10:19:43

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 Re: OT Our fire/update in reply to GB in MT., 08-06-2007 07:47:12  

Thanks a lot guys, for thinkin' of us!!
This is proof to me, that there is a great bunch of people on this net!!

Gary third party image

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08-06-2007 08:52:55

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 Re: OT Our fire/update in reply to GB in MT., 08-06-2007 07:47:12  
GTinMT.WAY TO GO GARY knew you could pullit threw contunied good luck. kennymo

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Colin King

08-06-2007 08:00:58

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 Re: OT Our fire/update in reply to GB in MT., 08-06-2007 07:47:12  
That is good news indeed!


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Jim SC

08-06-2007 07:55:06

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 Re: OT Our fire/update in reply to GB in MT., 08-06-2007 07:47:12  
Thank God. We are praying for ya'.

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