I 'think' waht you are saying is that if you press the clutch, sometimes you are getting a situation where the tractor still acts like it is in gear.. and thus keeps moving. That's a sticky clutch.. Most likely oil ont he clutch disc from a leaky trans input shaft seal.. or engine rear main seal. There are other possibilities like a bering beginning to tsieze or getting sticky.. etc.. but it's usually an oily sticky clutch disc. And despite oil being a lubericant.. an oil clutch disk sticks rather than slips.. at least untill the clutch media is worn out.. etc.. First.. check to see if your bellhousing drain hole is open.. Fromthe factory there was a cotterkey left dangling inthere to keep it open. if it gets plugged, oil can build up in there and then be picked up by the clutch. if it is open, pull the starter for inspection and brake cleaner spraying.. make sure you don't pull the outter casing of the starter off.. IE.. when you pul the starter, slip a nut on one of the 2 long screws to keep it all together. the spray away with a can with a little straw on it.. Perhaps manipulate clutch while doing so.. and then bar the engine over with spark plugs loose, and trans in neutral to get all of the media you can. In any event... you won't gain anything by spraying fluid down the 'starter button hole' On a 2n.. it's a mechanical jigle stick push button scheme... and it doesn't give you access tot he starter ( nor would it on any of the N series tractors?!?!? ) Soundguy