Thanks to everyone who sent me sincere and helpful suggestions regarding my dilema last week. For those not tuned in, I rewired my 1948 front mount 8n and made the unwise decions of unbolting the wire tube....not realizing those bolts are head bolts! The result was a anti-freeze gusher and subsequent lack of torque when putting the bolts back in .... ironically one bolt was short and NEVER was actually threaded into the block .... so at the end of the day, I needed to replace this bolt any how.So Thurs night after new head bolts were in and the wire job complete, I fired her up and got 1) low compression (it was obvious due to anti-freeze bubbles coming out from around the two bolts) and a nasty squeak. Several of you guys immediately suggested thread sealant - good call and torquing to specs - another excellent call. Then Soundguy suggested that the squeaking could very well be coolant on the belt....and then I realized...this problem is fixable. So Friday night I took the metal back off, took the bolts out, put thread sealer on them and torqued them as close to specs as I was ale to.... I wiped the belt down a little, put the metal on and fired her up. On the first push of the button she barked to life and has been running excellent since then. I did a little box blade work with her today. Nothing to hard or long. Hopefully I get to enjoy my 8n for a while now. For those who have old or odd ball wiring situations, re-wire, it is amzing how well the tractor runs and at least two people who heard the tractor this weekend claim it never have sounded better. Thanks for everyone"s help!