Copied: 1 - click on tractor photos link on the left of this page or find a photohosting site like photobucket. 2 - click "add your photo" towards the top. 3 - fill in form and browse to the location on your pc that the picture is located. 4 - select picture and click "open" 5 - click "submit" 6 - select "submit this picture" 7 - go back to tractor pictures 8 - click on your picture link 9 - RIGHT click on picture and select "properties" 10 - highlight the address, the RIGHT click and select "copy". 11 - back out of the pictures section and go to the message forums. 12 - write your post, then click on the bottom box that says "optional image url" and RIGHT click and select "paste" - the picture address should show up now in that box. 13 - if you have more that one pic you want to put in the same post, disregard step 12 and write your post then add img src= (RIGHT click and select "paste") but put a < in front of the img src= and a > at the end of your picture url address. Do this for every picture you want by repeating steps 1-11 and step
14. This should be added in the body of the post – not the Optional url.