10-06-2007 03:51:10
I bought my '46 2N last Jan. for the main reason of pulling firewood out of my neighbors 80 plus acres of woods that was lightly logged a couple years ago. You would not believe the stuff they left behind. I can have all the wood I want, just gotta get it out of there. So since then I've got the 46 running real good thanks to this forum. For a few weeks off and on, I've been pulling some of the easy stuff out to a clearing, cutting it up, loading it up on my trailer, and taking it back to the house to split and stack. Well yesterday, I was pulling a few out, and always passing this huge forked oak laying just off the trail in the brush. I always told myself that I wish I could pull that one out. I couldnt see how long it was , but I could get to the trunk to hook up the chain. So I told myself, at least try. So I did. I hooked her up. The sun just had to beat down on me and the 'ol girl. She gave her all she had, I was watching the front end for it to raise, which it did alittle, then I'd clutch it, drop the draw bar down below the axel. I was sweatin as hard as she was working. She did'nt spin, she dug down and pulled. Now at this time, I caught myself talking out loud to her, (Glad no one was around) Inch by inch she pulled the log out. After I got it out I cut it at the fork and pulled it out in 2 pieces, cause it was too wide for the trail. As I was pulling the log out of the woods, there was the owner sitting on his smallest JD , a 2020 with a big smile on his face. He did'nt laugh. I pulled up beside him, shut her down and said "She did me proud" The 'Ol Girl earned just alittle respect yesterday. And she earned a name "Ol Girl"