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Rebuilding The 9N Transmission (PICS)

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Sean (TX)

10-17-2007 17:44:58

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Made some pretty good progress. FO-4 dont show a gasket on input shaft housing on page 71. So I have to pull that off and put a gasket on it. I was looking at the FNH parts catalog and discovered it shows the gasket. Have one just need to pull it and add the gasket. FO-4 is not always right. It also said to remove counter shaft out the rear of the transmission. That would require removing the counter shaft gear. I tried to pull it out the top and it was no problem. Put it back in the same way. Counter shaft pre load seems fine. Mainshaft is to tight. Didnt have any shims on it when I took it apart. Counter shaft had 2 shims. Going to call FNH in the morning and see if they have any shims.

Here are some pics

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Sean (TX)

10-20-2007 18:00:07

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 Re: Rebuilding The 9N Transmission (PICS) in reply to DennyF, 10-17-2007 17:44:58  

Tex - Driftwood said: (quoted from post at 00:23:19 10/20/07) why are oriental rugs so expensive? why cant thet make parts like they did them old rugs???

Hell if I know Tex...Dont have a made in China Rug!!! third party image

You still on for next weekend? Stab the tranny to the engine!! BBQ and beer?

Well...I worked till about 1 PM today. Came home took a little nap....Felt like I needed to work on old Iron after the nap.. So the transmission is back in. Decided ill stab the tranny to the mid section just for fun...Why not...Now I have BTDT.... Good reasons to do it that way. Still need to get the flywheel to a machine shop and order a clutch. Hope to stab the tranny to the engine next weekend....When I was done I leaned on a rear tire for a hour and drank a cold one. Nice evening clear blue skies and a cool evening :D

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Tex - Driftwood

10-19-2007 21:23:19

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 Re: Rebuilding The 9N Transmission (PICS) in reply to Sean (TX), 10-17-2007 17:44:58  
why are oriental rugs so expensive? why cant thet make parts like they did them old rugs???

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Sean (TX)

10-19-2007 15:40:52

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 Re: Rebuilding The 9N Transmission (PICS) in reply to D Squared, 10-17-2007 17:44:58  
Update....I just rechecked the mainshaft...Didnt have it in neutral on the first test. Read the FO-4 again...I can turn the mainshaft and countershaft with 2 fingers. No end play. Looks like it is going back together the same way it came apart. Wont have to give FNH any money or wait for parts!!. Got the tips in the archieves I think it was from DAN....

Putting the shafts and gears back in was easy. Now for the shift rails....Im beat thou and working Saturday. So I may give it a go Sunday. Im on a 14 day work streak now...Need a break... Hope to stab it back in place next weekend...Over all I think it was a easy job...

Hey Dan....Did yours go back with the same shims or did you have to use more or less shims on the 39? I had a feeling if I was putting it back to specs the shims would be the same...Had a feeling the Timken bearings would be on the money....One thing I got from here was the PTO bearing in the PTO support....It was made in China...Im not a big fan of China!!! I guess time will tell on that bearing...

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Sean (TX)

10-19-2007 14:50:09

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 Re: Rebuilding The 9N Transmission (PICS) in reply to Colin King, 10-17-2007 17:44:58  
Forgot to mention the shims are still available at FNH. The local one has never stocked them. Like 10 bucks a piece she was not sure it was a pack of 5 or a single....Newbie...Going to see if I can figure it out with a feeler guage...Any thoughts on using paper gaskets? Thats what is used on the rear axles...

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Sean (TX)

10-19-2007 14:28:48

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 Re: Rebuilding The 9N Transmission (PICS) in reply to soundguy, 10-17-2007 17:44:58  
The thought has crossed my mind. Ill have to wire wheel all the nuts and bolts and atleast prime and paint them. I like the oil based rustoleum pretty durable. But a wrench on the nuts and bolts chips the paint off...

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Sean (TX)

10-19-2007 02:56:35

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 Re: Rebuilding The 9N Transmission (PICS) in reply to JMOR, 10-17-2007 17:44:58  

Joe T (CO) said: (quoted from post at 22:26:45 10/18/07)
Mine was really loose and leaking, one of the reasons MISSION CREEP set in. I think I tapped it with a rubber mallet and it came right off.

I have a 42 9N *90600* It does not have the cast in dash and battery tray. There may be differences in how it is bolted down???

I hope you dont have to scroll three screens to see this third party imagethird party imagethird party image

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Ill have a closer look after I get the tranny back in. Steering sectors seem good, I see some play where the bushings go thou. Plus the seals leak. How much sludge was below your steering sectors? That is the only place I found build up in the tranny. In the area that it splashes up to lube the sectors. Nasty stuff like you find the pump sitting in!! Ill bet the sectors receive more lube now.

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GB in MT.

10-19-2007 04:23:41

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 Re: Rebuilding The 9N Transmission (PICS) in reply to Sean (TX), 10-19-2007 02:56:35  


Now that you are cleaning up, and re-installing, I guess you will have to repaint the whole "N"!!!??? third party imagethird party image

Just thinking outloud!!!third party image

Garythird party image

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Sean (TX)

10-19-2007 02:43:22

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 Re: Rebuilding The 9N Transmission (PICS) in reply to 36 coupe, 10-17-2007 17:44:58  

RP-40-9n said: (quoted from post at 00:52:04 10/19/07) you have two bolts under the battery, that are well hidden. it takes a deep socket, cause they are down inside two deep holes. look for two holes and put your finger in and you will feel the bolts. btdt. RP

Trailer is down for repairs...

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Joe T (CO)

10-18-2007 19:26:45

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 Re: Rebuilding The 9N Transmission (PICS) in reply to HCooke, 10-17-2007 17:44:58  
Mine was really loose and leaking, one of the reasons MISSION CREEP set in. I think I tapped it with a rubber mallet and it came right off.

I have a 42 9N *90600* It does not have the cast in dash and battery tray. There may be differences in how it is bolted down???

I hope you dont have to scroll three screens to see this third party imagethird party imagethird party image

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Sean (TX)

10-18-2007 19:11:41

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 Re: Rebuilding The 9N Transmission (PICS) in reply to woodchuck, 10-17-2007 17:44:58  
I have a 1500 pound strap and I strap the tranny to the jack. Its heavy trust me. I think the housing is about a 100 pounds. Once you get the gears back in ill bet it weighs 200 pounds.


How did you break the stearingbox loose from the tranny cover? I tried and it wont budge. I wouldnt mind putting new bushings and seals in that.

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10-18-2007 21:52:04

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 Re: Rebuilding The 9N Transmission (PICS) in reply to Sean (TX), 10-18-2007 19:11:41  
you have two bolts under the battery, that are well hidden. it takes a deep socket, cause they are down inside two deep holes. look for two holes and put your finger in and you will feel the bolts. btdt. RP

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Joe T (CO)

10-18-2007 19:03:04

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 Re: Rebuilding The 9N Transmission (PICS) in reply to soundguy, 10-17-2007 17:44:58  

Sean (TX) said: (quoted from post at 00:04:37 10/19/07)
RP-40-9n said: (quoted from post at 00:29:12 10/18/07) hey sean, i have a boom pole for lifting. do you think it would be of help to you? its available. RP

Only if you wanna hual your tractor over here to. I only have one tractor. Looks like motorcycle jack and two floor jacks...Should be good to go...

The first time I used my motorcycle jack I was a little nervous due to all the safety lectures I received. It is a darn good tool for a tractor! I have used it on my tractor more than my bike third party image

I saw the "Mission Creep" comment, you got the bug now third party imagethird party imagethird party image

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Sean (TX)

10-18-2007 16:10:10

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 Re: Rebuilding The 9N Transmission (PICS) in reply to 8N1949, 10-17-2007 17:44:58  

gahorN said: (quoted from post at 00:00:44 10/18/07) Why exactly were your rebuilding the tranny? (I have a 41 9N also) Was it acting up?

Previous owner removed the pipe plug that is really the pin for the reverse idler gear shaft. They couldnt put the pin back in the shaft so they cut it off. Took a year for the shaft to works its way out. So while im in there im replacing the bearings..The Subject comes up on the forum once in while...Someone mistakenly thinks that is the way to check the fluid level in the tranny. Some trannys are like that but not the N series.. They have a dip stick!!!

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Sean (TX)

10-18-2007 16:04:37

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 Re: Rebuilding The 9N Transmission (PICS) in reply to Too Tall, 10-17-2007 17:44:58  

RP-40-9n said: (quoted from post at 00:29:12 10/18/07) hey sean, i have a boom pole for lifting. do you think it would be of help to you? its available. RP

Only if you wanna hual your tractor over here to. I only have one tractor. Looks like motorcycle jack and two floor jacks...Should be good to go...

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10-18-2007 21:44:33

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 Re: Rebuilding The 9N Transmission (PICS) in reply to Sean (TX), 10-18-2007 16:04:37  
i dont have a trailer to haul my tractor, but if you have one and need the lifting power, its available. it would be a bit of a hassle running back and fourth though. RP

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10-17-2007 21:00:44

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 Re: Rebuilding The 9N Transmission (PICS) in reply to Sean (TX), 10-17-2007 17:44:58  
Why exactly were your rebuilding the tranny? (I have a 41 9N also) Was it acting up?

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Sean (TX)

10-17-2007 19:16:28

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 Re: Rebuilding The 9N Transmission (PICS) in reply to ericlb, 10-17-2007 17:44:58  

Tex - Driftwood said: (quoted from post at 21:08:09 10/17/07) i can come help you stab that thing back in the weekend after next. I'll bring my floor jack...might help to have 2.

Two is always better then onethird party image

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10-17-2007 21:29:12

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 Re: Rebuilding The 9N Transmission (PICS) in reply to Sean (TX), 10-17-2007 19:16:28  
hey sean, i have a boom pole for lifting. do you think it would be of help to you? its available. RP

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Sean (TX)

10-17-2007 19:15:39

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 Re: Rebuilding The 9N Transmission (PICS) in reply to old, 10-17-2007 17:44:58  
Just had a look. Looks like he is parting a few tractors.

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Tex - Driftwood

10-17-2007 18:08:09

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 Re: Rebuilding The 9N Transmission (PICS) in reply to Sean (TX), 10-17-2007 17:44:58  
i can come help you stab that thing back in the weekend after next. I'll bring my floor jack...might help to have 2.

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10-17-2007 17:56:28

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 Re: Rebuilding The 9N Transmission (PICS) in reply to Sean (TX), 10-17-2007 17:44:58  
Did you see the straight cut input shaft eBay auction I posted for you on the "other" board?


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