I keep roosters in my chix pens for a few reasons. Thus most of the eggs i get are fertalized. I like to collect eggs they we will eat, every day. Eggs i want to leave, for instance if i have a hen that is broody.. I will make a pencil mark on the egg so I know to skip it. If you would like, leave the egg as a test.. see if your hen is broody.. IE.. if she will set. Some hens are just egg layers.. not egg setters. I have some big sexlink and rhode isle red hens that lay fine.. but won't set.. thus I collect their eggs to eat, or to incubate.. I've even slipped one under another setting hen.. etc. On the other hand.. if i have a hen that is broody.. I let her set when she has a clutch of eggs. I have about 7 newly hatched chix inthe pens right now, and then another 7 or so that are a few weeks old, and previous to that I had about another 7 that were a month old that I just introduced back into the main population. ( I xfer the hen and newly hatched chicks to a 'holding' area so they can get some hands on training without being bothered by other chickens.. etc.. int he end.. all you are loosing is 1 egg by doing this 'test' don't be concerned if she doesn't set on this first egg.. or if it doesn't hatch..... sometimes it takes som practice to get it right.. just like with us humans! Soundguy