Field is the control for the charging.. Armature is the charge output stud... it should be -quite- obvious which one you test.. but here goes. 2 brush genny and reg eh? take a static reading on the battery..start her up and get to 900 rpm at least. take another reading at the battery. If you have a digital VOM.. don't even waste your time taking a reading on the armature. Increase engine rpm to 2000.. any change on the ammeter? volt reading on the battery? Go back to idle.. (remove field wire from vr to genny )jumper field post on genny to ground... increase rpm slowly and watch ammeter and voltmeter acrosss battery... as rpm comes up, ampmenter should climb and so should voltmeter. At some point you will probably hit 20-30a before you hit max rpm.. don't stay there for more than a second or two just to see if it will make it.. If it does all this, and you see charge votls inthe 7v range above idle, and she continues to start up every morning.. i don't see a problem. ensure the voltage regualtor has a good connection to ground.. without it.. it won't bias the genny field properly.. post back if you need help. soundguy