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Look's like seat time for me

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GB in MT.

11-19-2007 06:57:34

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Woke up this morning to find 8 1/2 inch. of snow on the front porch.

Winter must finally be here. This is a pic. from my porch patio door.

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Snow is really wet, and heavy!!! Guess I'll be getting my share of seat

time, with the 2N, this morning!!!third party image

The weather guys predict, another 4 to 5" by this eve.

Have a good "N" day


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Sean (TX)

11-21-2007 15:27:36

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 Re: Look's like seat time for me in reply to Sean (TX), 11-19-2007 06:57:34  
Makes perfect since...Hunters wouldnt like that.... Short deer season. Starts here first weekend of November and ends the first weekend in January....Limit in this county is 2 does and three bucks LOL...To many Deer!!

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GB in MT.

11-21-2007 05:37:03

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 Re: Look's like seat time for me in reply to TennesseeMan, 11-19-2007 06:57:34  


I was so excited, that we were going up on the mountain with the sleds

that, We were not thinking straight.
We cannot go until after Sunday next, because hunting season does not close until then. SO..... No sledding til' the next wk. end!!!!third party image

Oh well, I'll send ya some pix, later on.

Garythird party image

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GB in MT.

11-20-2007 17:38:08

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 Re: Look's like seat time for me in reply to Dunk, 11-19-2007 06:57:34  

Bryan; Sorry I wasn't much help to you, on your ???sthird party image

And have a happy "T" day your self.

Garythird party image

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GB in MT.

11-20-2007 16:24:36

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 Re: Look's like seat time for me in reply to jeremywelch4, 11-19-2007 06:57:34  

Yep, we are gonna try to get the hill climbers out on the trail Friday.

I'll send ya some pix, if we go. third party image

Garythird party image

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Sean (TX)

11-20-2007 16:16:25

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 Re: Look's like seat time for me in reply to Dunk, 11-19-2007 06:57:34  
Should be enough snow to get the sled out for a spin third party image third party image

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GB in MT.

11-20-2007 12:57:48

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 Re: Look's like seat time for me in reply to 36 coupe, 11-19-2007 06:57:34  


You ask a very hard ??, to answer, with out someone writting a small book!!!third party image

That said, it all depends on what you are plowing, I.E..... Pavement, gravel, Hard or soft ground.????? The only thing I can tell you for certain is: You will learn more by doing it, than you ever will by someone explaining it. Trial and error is the best teacher you will find. If you and I were face to face, I could at least show you how I do the snow plowing.

I think, the best is, for you to climb on the 8N, and just start doing it.

Or..... maybe go to a tractor out let, and ask them to give ya some pointers, on the plow itself.

I guess I did not tell you anything, but from what you said in your posting, you are on the right track.

sorry I didn't help much. Good luck, and enjoy yourself.third party image

Garythird party image

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11-20-2007 17:32:24

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 Re: Look's like seat time for me in reply to GB in MT., 11-20-2007 12:57:48  
Thanks for the advice. We probably don't get as much snow here in Indiana as you folks do in the higher elevations out West, but we have had a few bad winters and I decided to retire my snow shovel last year and trade it in for an 8N.

Also, I'm looking into buying some snow chains for the back tires. I figure if I get stuck with the chains on then it's to deep to start with. lol Anyway, I hope that you and everyone on here has a wonderful Thanksgiving Holiday.

Thanks again,

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11-20-2007 11:32:57

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 Re: Look's like seat time for me in reply to GB in MT., 11-19-2007 06:57:34  
After reading this particular message I wanted to ask about the back blade (grader blade). When clearing the snow do you guys turn the blade itself away from the tractor and place in about a 45 degree angle, and use reverse to push the snow backwards (away from the tractor). As you can tell I am a rookie at this, but I wanted to get everyone's opinion on what the best way to push snow with my 8N using a grader blade would be.


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GB in MT.

11-20-2007 06:35:26

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 Re: Look's like seat time for me in reply to JohnIA, 11-19-2007 06:57:34  


Looks like we are gonna keep ALL the flakes.!!!! We got another 5 1/2 inches last night. Gives us a total of 13 1/2 inches since yesterday morning. third party image

I get more seat time today!!!

I think Jerry/MT. on the other side of the mountains, got upwards to 15 inches. At least this last snow is drier and lighter!!!!!

Garythird party image

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Tom N MS

11-19-2007 17:09:12

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 Re: Look's like seat time for me in reply to GB in MT., 11-19-2007 06:57:34  
Please keep every flake of it. How people live in such mess is beyond me.

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Tom N MS

11-19-2007 17:09:04

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 Re: Look's like seat time for me in reply to GB in MT., 11-19-2007 06:57:34  
Please keep every flake of it. How people live in such mess is beyond me.

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11-19-2007 15:58:40

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 Re: Look's like seat time for me in reply to GB in MT., 11-19-2007 06:57:34  
Wet snow is what we see here iffin it snows. If you want to go out and play in it,,, its like standing in the rain,,,, yer arse gits wet. I have to wait for the snow to stop then go out and play. If we were to git that much I call it a official mechanics holiday you know like a roofers holiday He He!!!!!. Course the next day it will b in the 70"s and the snows gone.

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Sean (TX)

11-19-2007 15:42:59

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 Re: Look's like seat time for me in reply to John Smith8N, 11-19-2007 06:57:34  
Looks like you got more then weather.com was predicting...When I was a kid and lived in Michigan Dad had a pair of mini skis(also known as shoes) you could mount on the rear blade on the old 9N...Kept it from digging in...Any way to put those on yours?

third party image

If all else fails you can get a load of gravel in the spring and get in some more seat timethird party image

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GB in MT.

11-19-2007 13:53:26

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 Re: Look's like seat time for me in reply to Ken Crisman, 11-19-2007 06:57:34  


Yep, know what you are talking about, but.... The Ferg. BFO-20 won't go 180, so I have to back up with it. Same diff., but your 6way blade is easier. Mine works but I've gotten spoiled, I guess.!! Lazy too.third party image

Garythird party image

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GB in MT.

11-19-2007 12:18:59

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 Re: Look's like seat time for me in reply to old, 11-19-2007 06:57:34  

About one and a half hrs. seat time, and got the upper driveway, and the front parking, all plowed. Didn't even slow "HERMIE" down, But.... the snow was so heavy, I had to turn around and back into the snow, cause the plow was cutting into my gravel too much, plowing frontways. Found out the ground is not frozen enough.third party image Sure wish I had enough $$$, for ZANE's position control setup. Maybe next summer.!!third party image

third party image

So..... all done for this time, and ready for the next time.

Hermie is ready, and willin'third party image

Garythird party image

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11-19-2007 13:34:36

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 Re: Look's like seat time for me in reply to GB in MT., 11-19-2007 12:18:59  
I got tired of digging up my gravel, too, so I have started using the backside of my blade. I just spin the blade around 180 degrees and let the back side of the blade pull the snow. That way the curve of the blade doesn't dig in.

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Mr. Bob

11-19-2007 09:16:25

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 Re: Look's like seat time for me in reply to GB in MT., 11-19-2007 06:57:34  
You guys keep all that snow out there. If it never snows again here in e/se Ohio, It would be too soon for me. I hate the stuff. Bring on the HEAT.

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GB in MT.

11-19-2007 08:41:44

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 Re: Look's like seat time for me in reply to soundguy, 11-19-2007 06:57:34  

Hi Jerry;

How much did ya get on that side of the mountain. We are still getting some snow, but ..... it feels like it is turning to part rain!!!

You're right if it turns cold enough to freeze, we will be in a world of


Garythird party image

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11-19-2007 16:26:11

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 Re: Look's like seat time for me in reply to GB in MT., 11-19-2007 08:41:44  
Gary, We got near to a foot by noon. It"s still lightly snowing but the prognosticators say that it will change to scattered snow showers this evening and drop to 25F. I"ve plowed my driveways without putting on my 200 pound chains but I was tap dancing on the brake pedals to keep myself going straight! I fed the cows because they were having a tough time getting down to the grass with all the snow. We"ll probably get a chinook by Thursday and this will all melt and make a big mess!

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11-19-2007 08:32:09

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 Re: Look's like seat time for me in reply to GB in MT., 11-19-2007 06:57:34  
I"m going out to do the same with the TO-30, Gary. Even when the snow is wet, I have to get it off the drive ways becuase if it freezes..... ..

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GB in MT.

11-19-2007 07:51:14

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 Re: Look's like seat time for me in reply to Colin King, 11-19-2007 06:57:34  

Well, if the snow is too wet to plow, I can always get "Wild Turkey" out, and go play on the mountain!!!third party image

third party image

Garythird party image

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11-19-2007 07:39:43

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 Re: Look's like seat time for me in reply to GB in MT., 11-19-2007 06:57:34  
We would be happy just to get anything that would be wet. Rain or snow. We have serious drought. How about sending some of that our way?

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11-19-2007 07:34:42

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 Re: Look's like seat time for me in reply to GB in MT., 11-19-2007 06:57:34  
Sure glad its you not me. You can keep that stuff out your way. But when and if we get some of it my V-plow always makes short work of it but it still takes me an hour or more but I also have 1.5 miles of drive way to plow.

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GB in MT.

11-19-2007 07:26:25

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 Re: Look's like seat time for me in reply to Dave H, 11-19-2007 06:57:34  

Morning Dan;

I'll see if I can get the wife, to take a couple of shots of "HERMIE" doing his thing. I just wish I had the chains on him. This snow is REALLY wet. Might have to slip the chains on, before I can plow.

Slick snow, I went to start the wife's car, and slipped and fell on my Butt.

Nice way to start the day, now my neck hurts like he!!.

Hope all is well there!! Hi to the family.

Garythird party image

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Dan in CO

11-19-2007 07:21:05

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 Re: Look's like seat time for me in reply to GB in MT., 11-19-2007 06:57:34  

I’m so envious.

The snow may get here in Colorado by Wednesday, but they aren’t predicting too much (just a dusting). So will probably not put my 2N to much use this time around. How about a picture of Hermie grunting some of that white stuff off the drive?

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Danny in CO

11-19-2007 08:00:25

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 Re: Look's like seat time for me in reply to Dan in CO, 11-19-2007 07:21:05  

You can thank me for not getting much snow, I put my tire chains and back blade on getting ready for it!


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