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How do men name their ______?

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Dan in CO

12-05-2007 17:04:16

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Tractors! (what did you think I meant?)

We men seem to have a habit of naming things we are particularly fond of. Usually, the name means something or is descriptive in some way of whatever is being named. For example, I refer to my 1947 2N as “The Beast” after looking it all over and thinking through what it really is and does. After all, what should I call something that; growls, snorts, spins a shaft from it’s hind end to power all sorts of dangerous tools, slobbers oily brown and green fluids all over my garage floor, pulls scrub oak up by the roots on the end of a chain, digs in the dirt, busts my knuckles, and picks up large rocks in a scoop attached to it’s butt?

Some guys have given their tractors names that apparently are designed to demand a second or third machine. How could you have a Sampson without Delilah? Makes me think a good name for mine might be “Beavis” or “Abbot”.

Others are affectionate, like “Hermie” or “Sweet Eleanor”
Help me out here guys; any suggestions on what should I name ”The Beast”?

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01-15-2008 14:29:48

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 Re: How do men name their ______? in reply to Dan in CO, 12-05-2007 17:04:16  
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As Forest Gump would say " Thats My Jenny"

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01-13-2008 18:09:10

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 Re: How do men name their ______? in reply to Dan in CO, 12-05-2007 17:04:16  
Well, when times are trying, I've called mine things like "#*&^%@" and "*^&%$#@", etc. Usually makes it start right up. If all is well, just "tractor".

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01-13-2008 18:08:36

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 Re: How do men name their ______? in reply to Dan in CO, 12-05-2007 17:04:16  
Well, when times are trying, I've called mine things like "#*&^%@" and "*^&%$#@", etc. Usually makes it start right up. If all is well, just "tractor".

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01-13-2008 14:06:43

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 Re: How do men name their ______? in reply to Dan in CO, 12-05-2007 17:04:16  
I have two Ns my 1940 9n is named Maybell the 1948 8n is Mertell shes got a front in loader, I have only had Maybell a short time it seems Mertell is jealous got to keep them apart just like women isnt it.

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12-10-2007 22:49:05

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 Re: How do men name their ______? in reply to Mahlon(Pa), 12-05-2007 17:04:16  
The 49 8n I am restoring I decided to name "Bettie" after my late Aunt that purchased it new. But after about 6 months of effort so far I think "MC" (for mission creep) might be more appropriate!

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12-09-2007 18:25:41

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 Re: How do men name their ______? in reply to Dan in CO, 12-05-2007 17:04:16  
Thinking that "Fergie" wasn't terribly original for our 52 TEA20 I asked my five year-old son what we should name him. "Old Mr. Flattie," he said immediately.

I assumed, because he had accompanied me on some long drives to check out 8Ns this fall he had probably picked up some lingo being tossed around (i.e., flat head). The poor boy didn't realize he actually ended up with an OHV tractor, or so I thought.

I was about to do my best to explain the difference in motors in a way he could grasp and instead decided just to ask him why he picked the name. He pointed to the seven foot blade hanging off the back and said, "He makes stuff flat with that."

Fair enough, Old Mr. Flattie it is. We have a ritual now when we leave the house to drive him to school. As we walk past the tractor to the car we each give a couple of pats on a rear tire as we walk by and say "See ya tonight, Old Mr. Flattie." Sometimes I even do it when I'm alone.

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Joe T (CO)

12-07-2007 18:40:46

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 Re: How do men name their ______? in reply to Keiper, 12-05-2007 17:04:16  

third party image

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Joe T (CO)

12-07-2007 18:39:36

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 Re: How do men name their ______? in reply to Dan in CO, 12-05-2007 17:04:16  
My 42 9N is called Ozzie after a doberman I used to have.

This 44 is named Sandy because he was blasted when I bought him :-)


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John in Mich

12-07-2007 17:59:11

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 Re: How do men name their ______? in reply to Dan in CO, 12-05-2007 17:04:16  
Naming inanimate objects or machines is "personification", or providing a life to non-living things. It is a figure of speach that so many of us utilize for many reasons.
We are in contact with these machines and they talk to us. Listen to them and they will tell you when they hurt. You can feel joy with your butt in the bucket and frustration when they become finicky (sounds like a wife) grin. Enjoy them for their characters can be so different and so similar. That is why we talk to each other here.

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Kevin 8N184534

12-06-2007 20:51:47

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 Re: How do men name their ______? in reply to Dan in CO, 12-05-2007 17:04:16  
My 1949 8N is named Ike, after its first Owner. Dad bought it from him, now it is mine.
It can be just as cantankerous as his namesake was.....

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12-06-2007 17:02:42

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 Re: How do men name their ______? in reply to Dan in CO, 12-05-2007 17:04:16  
The '41 9n was named "Bing" after the auctioneer who sold it to my dad. the '49 was named Blinkey -- it only has one headlight. The '44 2n Sherman Combo was named Jim after the guy it bought it from for $800 and fixed his hydraulics, brakes and some TLC . The '49 8N is named Pinkey because the red paint is faded to pink and the Lady who originally outbid me for it at an auction for $1450 Said she was going to paint it pink. I later bought it from her for $500 after she put on a new radiator, water pump,and head gasket ( which I replaced and milled the head )and it runs great.

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12-07-2007 12:39:00

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 Re: How do men name their ______? in reply to wwildhorse2k1, 12-06-2007 17:02:42  
wwildhorse---you don"t live in Colorado, do you?

Fella I know in WI restored an N and delivered it to a lady in Colorado last year. She requested it be painted Pink---she was a Realtor that wanted to use an N with a "lady look" for use in parades.


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Dan in CO

12-06-2007 13:16:01

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 Re: How do men name their ______? in reply to Dan in CO, 12-05-2007 17:04:16  
Sounds like your tractor has already told you its name. "The Beast" works for me.[/quote]

I have been following these responses since I posted the question yesterday. I am grateful for all of the input and have decided that “The Beast” will keep that name. It continues to live up to it. Just this morning, I discovered that it is also leaking gas from all around the “split” in the carburetor between the upper and lower half. So now in addition to all of the other fluids on the floor, I also have a flammable one.

It has occurred to me that “The Beast” will conjure up thoughts (at least in the wife’s mind) of a second tractor that will be called “Beauty”. Of course, that one would have to be a fully restored (by me) 9N or 2N to truly be beautiful and a match for “The Beast”. Mama has given me the okey dokey for another one, but I want to wait till I conquer ”The Beast” and get it mechanically sound.

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Colin King

12-07-2007 08:03:14

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 Re: How do men name their ______? in reply to Dan in CO, 12-06-2007 13:16:01  
I"m glad you"re leaning towards keeping "The Beast" as the name for your N. I think it"s a great name.

All of my large equipment (2 cars and a tractor) have been named, but not immediately. Have to kinda get to know them first.

So, why do we name our machines? Is it easier to deal with their quirks if we anthropomorphize them?


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12-07-2007 12:43:58

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 Re: How do men name their ______? in reply to Colin King, 12-07-2007 08:03:14  
Colin--how true--I found after you get to know them a little bit, especially on a first name basis, it is pretty hard to get rid of them----
kinda like an old friend.


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12-06-2007 11:03:03

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 Re: How do men name their ______? in reply to Dan in CO, 12-05-2007 17:04:16  
My 850's name is Lumpy. One look at the hood and you'd know why.

The TO-30 that still doesn't run, but that I plan to keep still does not have a name. Someone said that after you've used a tractor for a while, it will tell you what it's name is.

Sounds like your tractor has already told you its name. "The Beast" works for me.

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12-06-2007 09:54:05

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 Re: How do men name their ______? in reply to Dan in CO, 12-05-2007 17:04:16  
In the words of Forest Gump- "Thats My Jenny"

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12-06-2007 07:23:41

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 Re: How do men name their ______? in reply to Dan in CO, 12-05-2007 17:04:16  
For a while I named my 9N "The Neverstart". I used to have a .22 rifle my brother in law named "The Nevermiss" so it stuck in my head.

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Bryanj in IN

12-05-2007 20:43:17

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 Re: How do men name their ______? in reply to Dan in CO, 12-05-2007 17:04:16  
I've been thinking about a name for my 1952 8N, and "newbie" seems to fit pretty well since I'm new here and I really don't know much about working on the dang thing. lol


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GB in MT.

12-05-2007 20:36:03

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 Re: How do men name their ______? in reply to soundguy, 12-05-2007 17:04:16  

Dunk; I was half right.... Jose Jimenez..... I'm not gonna put the hat on though!!! Guess I don't remember the other JOSE.

Garythird party image

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12-05-2007 20:28:32

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 Re: How do men name their ______? in reply to Dan in CO, 12-05-2007 17:04:16  
"Old Henry"

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12-05-2007 20:11:25

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 Re: How do men name their ______? in reply to lonestarjeff, 12-05-2007 17:04:16  

GB in MT. said: (quoted from post at 00:35:15 12/06/07)

Dunk; I think Jose Hermano was the "Reluctant American Astronaught", where he said he got issued two pair of pants, because the job he had was originally made for a horse!!!!????

I love that old sence of humor!!!!

Garythird party imagethird party imagethird party image

It was Bill Dana!! Jose Jimenez



I'm not much into all them ferigin languages...

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John (TR)

12-05-2007 20:00:46

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 Re: How do men name their ______? in reply to Dan in CO, 12-05-2007 17:04:16  
I just name mine after the year like the "43" or the "40" . Then theres "Hybred" hand built from the best parts from 2 junk 8ns (along with a complete everything overhaul), a 48 and a 49. Hybred could be a Sampson, runs every time no matter what. The 43 is a little finiky, and the 40 has not been here long enough to delevelop any new bad habits. It came with its own set but I'm working on those. Last but not least is the "Fergy" aka "The Beast", my 55 TO35 dlx. All the cheet metal is in great shape except its all from different colored tractors. Its mechanically top notch and a 1st class eye sore. Cant paint the work machine, would not want to get it scratched!

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GB in MT.

12-05-2007 19:35:15

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 Re: How do men name their ______? in reply to Sean (TX), 12-05-2007 17:04:16  

Dunk; I think Jose Hermano was the "Reluctant American Astronaught", where he said he got issued two pair of pants, because the job he had was originally made for a horse!!!!????

I love that old sence of humor!!!!

Garythird party imagethird party imagethird party image

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12-05-2007 19:29:38

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 Re: How do men name their ______? in reply to gahorN, 12-05-2007 17:04:16  

John in Mich said: (quoted from post at 00:18:41 12/06/07) Nellybelle and me. My father purchased the '51 8N, used, in 1953 when I was 10. At that time, Roy Rogers was on tv with a sidekick, Pat Brady, and his faithful WWII jeep, Nellybelle.

I learned to drive on this tractor and spent many hours in the fields imagining that I was riding with Roy Rogers.

My children learned to drive on Nellybelle and on a 1971 Ford (Jacobson) lawn tractor. Whenever we had a task that needed a little muscle, I would have one of the kids "go get Nellybelle".

My grandsons are now old enough to learn how to drive a tractor and they have also layed claim to the 1971 and 1966 Ford lawn tractors. Great!

I hope that they enjoy them as much and for as long as I have had my butt in the bucket on Nellybelle.

I enjoyed that post, John.

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John in Mich

12-06-2007 14:07:44

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 Re: How do men name their ______? in reply to Dunk, 12-05-2007 19:29:38  
Thank you, Dunk.

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John in Mich

12-05-2007 19:18:41

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 Re: How do men name their ______? in reply to Dan in CO, 12-05-2007 17:04:16  
Nellybelle and me. My father purchased the '51 8N, used, in 1953 when I was 10. At that time, Roy Rogers was on tv with a sidekick, Pat Brady, and his faithful WWII jeep, Nellybelle.
I learned to drive on this tractor and spent many hours in the fields imagining that I was riding with Roy Rogers.
My children learned to drive on Nellybelle and on a 1971 Ford (Jacobson) lawn tractor. Whenever we had a task that needed a little muscle, I would have one of the kids "go get Nellybelle".
My grandsons are now old enough to learn how to drive a tractor and they have also layed claim to the 1971 and 1966 Ford lawn tractors. Great!
I hope that they enjoy them as much and for as long as I have had my butt in the bucket on Nellybelle.

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John in Mich

12-05-2007 19:22:05

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 Re: How do men name their ______? in reply to John in Mich, 12-05-2007 19:18:41  
I forgot to mention that none of my other N's have names.

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12-05-2007 19:10:48

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 Re: How do men name their ______? in reply to Dan in CO, 12-05-2007 17:04:16  
My ol' grey 9N (with some rag-tag blue on her belly) is named "Mosby, John S." but I jes call 'im "Mosby" after the Civil War Confederate Colonel who led a raiding cavalry unit all around the Union Army in Va and Md.
Gen. Ulysses Grant called him a "partisan" and threatened ( if he caught him) to hang him rather than treat him as a prisoner of war... and Grant did hang some of his followers when caught.

Col. Mosby (also known as the "Grey Ghost"... (and featured on Sat. morning B/W television in the early years)... returned the favor and captured some of Grants men and hanged them also, ... then sent Grant a note promising to continue the practice until Grant repudiated his own orders. Grant relented and the practice stopped.

But Grant continued to say he'd never known a more "repugnant fellow" than John Singleton Mosby. That is until after the war... when they met face to face.
Afterwards they became good friends, Grant praised Mosby, and when Grant became president, he appointed Mosby as Ambassador to Hong Kong... where Mosby made his opinion of Chinese products well-known... He referred to them as "cheap, hazardous, trash that was worth less than the valueless coinage they cost."

Seems fair to me. My 9N at 67-year old Ford is still more valuable to me than the cheap chinese junk they're tryin' to sell over here.... so I consider it aptly named.... MOSBY...the GRAY GHOST. third party image

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12-05-2007 18:57:11

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 Re: How do men name their ______? in reply to Dan in CO, 12-05-2007 17:04:16  
Dan---"Some guys have given their tractors names that apparently are designed to demand a second or third machine."

My first N was bought from an owner named Ernie. My 5 year old grandson was with me when I picked it up and took a liking to old "Ernie".

It was natural for me to name the tractor "Ernie" and when I got my second N, we of course named it "Bert".

I am hoping to get a Jubilee or 100 Series Tractor next---probably name it "Big Bird"


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12-05-2007 18:56:40

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 Re: How do men name their ______? in reply to soundguy, 12-05-2007 17:04:16  

GB in MT. said: (quoted from post at 23:36:17 12/05/07)

When I was younger, there were two comedians that could make me

smile or laugh, no matter what mood I was in. The names were "Red Skelton", and "Bill Cosby". One of these guys had a friend, in thier skit that they called "Herman P. Wattenabble". Makes me laugh just to think about it!!!third party image

Thus the name "Hermie" for short, for my 2N. All I got to do is think Hermie, and my mood is changed immediatly. Then no matter what is wrong with him, I can work on him smilin' third party image

wierd, HUH!!!!!third party image

Garythird party image

There was one more Gary, Don Amichee?

Remember him?

My Name Is Jose Hermano.

I never figgured that the Southern US would be full of them.

I may not have spelled all of that Hispanic right.

I am fluent in Southern English.

But it was funny as 'Ell.

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12-05-2007 18:50:52

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 Re: How do men name their ______? in reply to Dan in CO, 12-05-2007 17:04:16  
Had an ol black 68 F-100 truck and named her Jenny cause it was definitely a female with all the chrome she had. She had lost the purty after 30 years but was tougher than nails. Reminded me of a Jenny mule.

My 47 8N I bought for $800 from my brother. Bone ugly at first. Rust patina, one cracked seal beam headlight that carries a half quart of rusty water, slight grin in the ol grill due to the twist in the hood caused by a fallen tree at some point. Reminded me of the ol tow truck "Mater" in the movie Cars, so the name fit like a glove. My "Mater" is a little goofy but has good spirits and almost always ready to go. My goal with this guy is to get 100% mechanically sound. Fancy looks would be an injustice to a fella of such deep character.

If you can’t find a name, don’t push the issue, they will generally let you know.

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GB in MT.

12-05-2007 18:36:17

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 Re: How do men name their ______? in reply to Tom N MS, 12-05-2007 17:04:16  

When I was younger, there were two comedians that could make me

smile or laugh, no matter what mood I was in. The names were "Red Skelton", and "Bill Cosby". One of these guys had a friend, in thier skit that they called "Herman P. Wattenabble". Makes me laugh just to think about it!!!third party image

Thus the name "Hermie" for short, for my 2N. All I got to do is think Hermie, and my mood is changed immediatly. Then no matter what is wrong with him, I can work on him smilin' third party image

wierd, HUH!!!!!third party image

Garythird party image

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12-05-2007 18:03:10

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 Re: How do men name their ______? in reply to Dan in CO, 12-05-2007 17:04:16  
Does anyone recall the old "Little Rascals"? Remember "Algebra"? It was the old swayback mule they used to pull their crooked wheeled, overloaded wagon. My basket case 48N looked the same way when I got it. So, thats her name. Algebra is all rebuilt and like new. Another N saved from the scrap pile. All though she did aquire several other names each time I busted a knuckle on her.

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12-05-2007 17:36:30

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 Re: How do men name their ______? in reply to Dan in CO, 12-05-2007 17:04:16  
I name mine after I work on them awhile - the name just kinda comes to me. With Delilah, she is very fickle. She starts when she wants, I spend WAY too much on her, and no matter how much I do for her - it is never enough and she always needs something else. My 1952 8N was named Sampson - he was the workhorse I "had" to get because Delilah was too purty to use for mowing :-) He would keep running no matter how wore out his part were. Heck, just before I sold him I removed the rear wheel to replace the wobbly hub and the bearings just fell out - dried up grease and destroyed, but he was still running mowing my property. My next tractor - Rustbucket - was named so because I got the most wore out, destined for the scrap heap tractor I could find to experiement rebuilding engines, transmissions, hydraulics, etc. I had never seen the inside of an engine before in real life - and I needed a practice one to learn on. I figured if I messed it up, at least I didn't spend much on it, and if it worked out I saved one that I knew would have been scrap for sure. It was noting but a pile of rust when I got it from decades of sitting outside broken. My current 1939 9N I am working on hasn't quite hit me yet - but I am getting close. He has seen quite a bit in his time and is a survivor, as well as a pioneer - much like a very distiguished old grey man...


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old 9

12-05-2007 17:26:40

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 Re: How do men name their ______? in reply to Dan in CO, 12-05-2007 17:04:16  
I have three Fords. My 9-N used to be painted red/gray, called her little red, now that it is back to Dark Gray. She is simply "The 9" ( need a better name). My other two are 53 Jubilee's. The first ( loader tractor) is 531. The second is 532. Some day maybe they will get real names.


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12-05-2007 17:24:03

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 Re: How do men name their ______? in reply to Dan in CO, 12-05-2007 17:04:16  
Mine is a she, but I guess the best name she has is Ole Girl.

She does drip a bit in my garage floor, at least it ain't my bed.

But she is the most loyal (as long as she gits some attention along, and major attention every 20 something years) hard working female, and companion on getting what needs to be done, of anyone I have ever met.

I have been with her longer than I have ever been with a female human.

Gitting a lot closer on the female human I am with now, but she will never catch up with her.

Neither are jealous.

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Mr. Bob

12-05-2007 17:24:01

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 Re: How do men name their ______? in reply to Dan in CO, 12-05-2007 17:04:16  
I call my 2N "The Thunder Lizard"; moves close to the ground and makes a rumbling sound. Mr. Bob

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GA Dave

12-05-2007 17:19:30

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 Re: How do men name their ______? in reply to Kevin in MN, 12-05-2007 17:04:16  
My 1958 IH 240 Utility was in such bad shape I called it my dawg. After redoing it is still my dawg. I bought a 1949 8N a while back and it was only natrual to call it the new dawg even if it's nine years older. Go figure. David.

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12-05-2007 17:13:46

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 Re: How do men name their ______? in reply to Dan in CO, 12-05-2007 17:04:16  
sounds like you already named it

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Bob Thomas

12-06-2007 04:15:01

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 Re: How do men name their ______? in reply to ericlb, 12-05-2007 17:13:46  
Named mine (860) Polly. Dunno why. See a pretty fresh faced girl with blond pigtails and a nice smile. My Polly just makes me smile.

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