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Global Warming!!!

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Larry M/Keweena

12-14-2007 17:14:26

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I would love to have Al Gore visit here with his global warming crap! it is 5° here right now and headed for -8°. What do you all think of his global warming BS?

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12-18-2007 21:14:18

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 Re: Global Warming!!! in reply to Sean (TX), 12-14-2007 17:14:26  

Dean said: (quoted from post at 05:28:55 12/16/07) GahorN:

I've read it, GahorN. Every single word, period, comma and semicoln, Old Testament and New, and the Apocrypha.

I fail to see how it is relevant to this thread. Environmentalism is, in effect, a pagan religion.


I believe a Creator God wants us to take care of the environment. I also believe corporations (and their boards) have no souls....only a love of money. I believe the Bible addresses both those issues.
Next time you read it, think about what it is saying beyond the mere words. (And spend less time in the Old Testament where most fundamentalists get stuck... including most middle-Eastern religious extremeists .... The New Testament is where our present covenant lives.)
I'd say Merry Christmas... but that's a pagan thing. Joy to the World and Peace!

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Chad OH

12-15-2007 22:20:07

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 Re: Global Warming!!! in reply to Larry M/Keweenaw Bay, MI, 12-14-2007 17:14:26  
Funny tidbit: NASA recently identified 1934 as the warmest year globally on record, NOT 2005 as was previously thought....
I'm sure the drive-by media will put the blame on the MahaRushi

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12-15-2007 20:30:57

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 Re: Global Warming!!! in reply to ericlb, 12-14-2007 17:14:26  

Scott F said: (quoted from post at 16:00:56 12/15/07)
gahorN said: This ignorant/hate-full thread is here because that's where it was originated.

By "hate-full" (hateful?) I guess you mean like calling people you disagree with "right-wing bigots and religious-nuts"? typical liberal hypocrisy!

I'm proud to admit that I disagree with right-wing bigots and religious-nuts. Jesus was a liberal too. Read the Bible. Any version.

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12-16-2007 04:28:55

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 Re: Global Warming!!! in reply to gahorN, 12-15-2007 20:30:57  

I've read it, GahorN. Every single word, period, comma and semicoln, Old Testament and New, and the Apocrypha.

I fail to see how it is relevant to this thread. Environmentalism is, in effect, a pagan religion.


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Sean (TX)

12-15-2007 15:56:40

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 Re: Global Warming!!! in reply to Larry M/Keweenaw Bay, MI, 12-14-2007 17:14:26  
Dropping into the low 20's here tonight..Might expect that in January...Not to often it gets this cold in december..

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Scott F

12-15-2007 15:00:56

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 Re: Global Warming!!! in reply to Larry M/Keweenaw Bay, MI, 12-14-2007 17:14:26  

gahorN said: This ignorant/hate-full thread is here because that's where it was originated.

By "hate-full" (hateful?) I guess you mean like calling people you disagree with "right-wing bigots and religious-nuts"? typical liberal hypocrisy!

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S Russell (TX)

12-15-2007 11:12:04

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 Re: Global Warming!!! in reply to Larry M/Keweenaw Bay, MI, 12-14-2007 17:14:26  
I still remember the headlines of "My Weekly Reader" when I was in the fifth grade, about 55 years ago, THE COMING ICE AGE. It was accompanied by a drawing of icial glaciers reaching down deep into the US, from Canada. One good volcano eruption could plunge much of the world into a temporary freeze, as has happened before, ie, less sunlight, colder temperatures, crop failures. We all just need to help by trying to more and better stewards of this planet. I don't think AG or Rush L. have the key to our climatic future.

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Bruce (VA)

12-15-2007 10:55:55

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 Re: Global Warming!!! in reply to Larry M/Keweenaw Bay, MI, 12-14-2007 17:14:26  
I'm sure it can be fixed by a 12v conversion..... :)

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12-15-2007 10:35:25

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 Re: Global Warming!!! in reply to journeyman, 12-14-2007 17:14:26  

Larry M/Keweenaw Bay, MI said: (quoted from post at 18:14:26 12/14/07) I would love to have Al Gore visit here with his global warming crap! it is 5° here right now and headed for -8°. What do you all think of his global warming BS?

This ignorant/hate-full thread is here because that's where it was originated.

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Old Texas boy

12-15-2007 10:42:49

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 Re: Global Warming!!! in reply to gahorN, 12-15-2007 10:35:25  
total bunk !!!onder what ole Al Gore has to say about it?

or this one...


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12-15-2007 10:30:24

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 Re: Global Warming!!! in reply to Larry M/Keweenaw Bay, MI, 12-14-2007 17:14:26  
I agree this belongs in Other Topics. Having said that,I'm no scientist, but from what I read global warming can be accompanied by severe cold and storms in some areas. I believe enough scientific documentation has been done about loss of Arctic sea ice, glaciers, etc., that personally I'd err on the global warming side. Of course, if one's ideology gets in the way he'll probably see things differently. Angelo

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12-15-2007 07:04:49

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 Re: Global Warming!!! in reply to Larry M/Keweenaw Bay, MI, 12-14-2007 17:14:26  
This discussion belongs over in the politics forum with all the other hate mail! MIKE

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12-15-2007 06:30:59

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 Re: Global Warming!!! in reply to Larry M/Keweenaw Bay, MI, 12-14-2007 17:14:26  
A good site to check out is James Mc Canney Science. He seems to know what is going on.

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36 coupe

12-15-2007 01:44:57

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 Re: Global Warming!!! in reply to Larry M/Keweenaw Bay, MI, 12-14-2007 17:14:26  
Al Gore spends 1300.00 a month on electricity while I average 75.00.The climate has been changing for thousands of years and will continue to do so.We have had bare ground here in January for several years.This december is very cold with lots of snow.I grew up in MA about 10 miles north of the RI line.We had some tough winters,2 weeks snow bound in 48.My uncle told me one winter never had any snow only rain.The only way humans can have no bad effect on the earth is to go and sit on a large rock and starve to death.The crows will clean up.Climate is in constant change.Oil will be all used up one day.Any one who has a bottle of Jim Beam in the cupboard knows you cant drink your whiskey and have it too.

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12-14-2007 21:59:09

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 Re: Global Warming!!! in reply to Larry M/Keweenaw Bay, MI, 12-14-2007 17:14:26  
It's a shame some people are so full of hatred of other Amerians they'd rather keep their heads stuck in their .... sandpiles..... than use intelligence to research and discover the truth.
It's a shame some people would rather stir the pot and point fingers at some target of their hatred.... and they can't see the writing on the wall.

The atmosphere is so very thin compared to the rest of our little world. We cannot keep doing what we're doing and not ruin it all for our kids, grandkidds, great-grand-kids.... just because some of us would rather cuss out a guy who is simply trying to educate us all about something he happens to know about. (Instead of hating.... why don't you research who you hate instead of listening to the propagandists in bed with the fools who've gotten us into this mess.... and you'll find out his opinion has been formed for over 25 years due to well-researched and well-founded science by some pretty knowlegeable college profs he studied under 3 decades ago. He didn't just make this stuff up!

It worries me that closed-minded people would rather stir the pot to support right-wing bigots and religious-nuts rather than wake up and smell the carbon dioxide. (maybe their brains are just too starved for oxygen to ever get thru to them.)

America! Wake UP! We gotta stop promoting hatred of other Americans! We gotta start working together again! Now!

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old 9

12-15-2007 14:53:27

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 Re: Global Warming!!! in reply to gahorN, 12-14-2007 21:59:09  
I do not hate al goor just don't like him. talks GREEN but has the biggest homestead using so much energy each month, if he would cut back himself, then and only then could I respect his stand.
Set the example!! Not - do as I say, not do as I do.

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12-15-2007 08:08:32

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 Re: Global Warming!!! in reply to gahorN, 12-14-2007 21:59:09  
Yep, gotta wake up and vote out those in control of our Congress before its too late!! It's a shame those folks have to try to make nature a pawn of politics! How many years have we been able to measure ozone in the atmosphere?

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Little Ed

12-15-2007 07:14:49

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 Re: Global Warming!!! in reply to gahorN, 12-14-2007 21:59:09  
I find it very interesting that even though this is supposed to be the most emminent threat to our civilization,( I read somewhere that the ice caps will be total liquid by 2040), I don't seem to be able to find out that anything is being done to fix it. Other than buying exemptions, and conservation. I am all for conservation. Been doing it all my life. I can find articles on shooting comets out of the sky, but not on replenishing the ozone layer. We can make ozone, we have ozone alerts in the larger cities in the summer. The idea of putting some back up in the stratosphere is no more idiotic to me than figuring a way to take out a comet. Unless in fact there is no real problem. We have set new record highs this summer. Records that were set in the thirties and forties. Was there global warming then? Were humans the cause? I will keep conserving, but it is more for saving money.

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Mr. Bob

12-15-2007 06:07:38

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 Re: Global Warming!!! in reply to gahorN, 12-14-2007 21:59:09  
BULLS#IT!!!! Mr. Bob

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Dave 2N

12-15-2007 05:45:23

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 Re: Global Warming!!! in reply to gahorN, 12-14-2007 21:59:09  
The sky is falling, the sky is falling!!!
Yes, there is climate change occurring, JUST LIKE IT HAS BEEN OCCURRING for millions of years. Yes, there are things we could do better but really, we are doing better than anyone else in the world. (How about them Chinese? Huh?)And we are supposed to sign a wacko agreement that gives the Chinese a "pass?"
It's a shame that people like you continue to bury YOUR heads in the sand.

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Jim Spencer

12-15-2007 16:43:32

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 Re: Global Warming!!! in reply to Dave 2N, 12-15-2007 05:45:23  
Dave 2n,
If you think we are doing better than anyone else in the world you have been brainwashed and told this since you were an infant.
This is what they do in Pakistan in the Wahabbi schools, they start early and by the time they are teen agers they will gladley strap an explosive belt around their waist and die for what they were taught from an early age.
Dave, you must have a computer, all the information is available online.
Even Russia is starting to pass us.
Ireland was one of the poorest countries in europe 30 years ago and then they implemented national health care and a free college education for everyone and today they are one of the leaders of the world in hi-tech research and income.
Even the Canadians are passing us like we are in reverse.
This is because we have an administration who does not believe in science.

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36 coupe

12-15-2007 05:06:10

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 Re: Global Warming!!! in reply to gahorN, 12-14-2007 21:59:09  
Its 4 degrees here, very cold for early winter.A professor on the radio had temp records for Bangor ,Maine going back 60 years.I called in and asked if there was any evidence of a warming trend.He said no, in fact the record showed a cooling trend.Politicians are not known for telling the truth...Last year we had little snow before Christmas,This year we have snow every other day.Dec 3 storm dropped 14 inches.Ive seen 70 winters, all different.

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12-15-2007 04:15:11

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 Re: Global Warming!!! in reply to gahorN, 12-14-2007 21:59:09  

With all due respect I, having thoroughly researched the subject, disagree strongly with most of what you say in the third paragraph above. I have little disagreement with most of the rest of your post.

Though I will avoid name calling, I have very little respect for the opinions of Al Gore. Rather, I choose to believe the mostly supressed majority of researchers who offer objective evaluations on the topic because they do not make their living from PC federal grants.

The pendulum is showing signs of reversing. Stay tuned.


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Joe (IN)

12-15-2007 11:22:25

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 Re: Global Warming!!! in reply to Dean, 12-15-2007 04:15:11  
I agree completely, Dean, although my opinions are formed from logic and common sense versus research. Don"t get me wrong. I always support investigating the nuts and bolts of a topic and learning as much about it as possible. But I don"t need a talking head to tell me that the global warming zealots are trying to fill us full of crap to line THEIR pockets and further an agenda. This "ole rock has been cruising around the sun for millions of years. And they want me to believe we"ve wrecked it in 100?!? Um, yeah, right. Whatever!

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12-14-2007 20:56:07

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 Re: Global Warming!!! in reply to Larry M/Keweenaw Bay, MI, 12-14-2007 17:14:26  
I'll be headed up to Crystal Falls next week after Xmas. Air Force buddy lives there. He works road construction so he's off til the thaw. Snowmobiles and ice fishing when we're able. We go every other year to Milwaukee for my wifes family Xmas. I head up to see him and have some real fun. Not much snow last time but the lakes were frozen. Before that, not much snow and hadn't froze the lakes enuf. Seems like I always miss the good years. Hope it stays til I get there this year. He's 2 yrs out of a bad marriage and back on his feet, so I expect to have a great time. He's always shown me the excellent "Yupper" hospitality. I don't care much for the sub freeze but I manage. Sorry for getting long.Later

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Upper Peninsula, MI.

12-15-2007 08:58:24

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 Re: Global Warming!!! in reply to DON TX, 12-14-2007 20:56:07  
Don, you should have a good time. Most of the nights lately it's been below zero in that area. I have a camp northeast of Crytal Falls on the north side of the backwater so keep tabs on the weather. Ski hills are all open, snowmobilers and cross country ski are out. I will be at camp after New Years for a week, bunny hunting. Merry Christmas and enjoy the great Yooper Out of Doors. Ron

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12-15-2007 14:30:58

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 Re: Global Warming!!! in reply to Upper Peninsula, MI., 12-15-2007 08:58:24  
Aren't you in Marquette? That seems a long way to go for camp. Or do you have to go that far to get away from Momma? (%^) Merry Christmas and Happy New Years to you and all!

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Upper Peninsula, MI.

12-16-2007 10:46:44

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 Re: Global Warming!!! in reply to DON TX, 12-15-2007 14:30:58  
Don,It's only 60 miles door to door,but it has a 5 mile two rut drive way so it takes about 1/1/2 hours. Just far enough to get away. Wife enjoys it as do the other family females, including Ginger my female Beagle rabbit hunter. Merry Christmas to you. Ron

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Dave (Tx)

12-14-2007 20:32:03

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 Re: Global Warming!!! in reply to Larry M/Keweenaw Bay, MI, 12-14-2007 17:14:26  
You're behind the times. 30 years ago it was Global Cooling. But with tems in the wintertime somethimes hitting the 80's and 90's that didn't sell well. So they changed it to "Global Warming"

But with all the cold weather we've been having lately that didn't sell well either.

So now it's "Global Climate Change" Not much chance the climate won't change from year to year.

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12-15-2007 04:27:28

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 Re: Global Warming!!! in reply to Dave (Tx), 12-14-2007 20:32:03  
Well said, Dave.

I find it astonishing what the major media can entice the general population to believe.

The good news: Though it has taken over 40 years, the pagan religion that sprung from Rachael Carlson's book Silent Spring, which, by the way, has been proven largely inaccurate, indeed fiction, appears to be weakening.

A good read is Michael Crichton's novel State of Fear. Though fiction, it is well researched and eye opening. Read the text for entertainment. Read the footnotes and references for knowledge.


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12-14-2007 20:26:30

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 Re: Global Warming!!! in reply to Larry M/Keweenaw Bay, MI, 12-14-2007 17:14:26  
not to worry. this country is serious about global warming. they have allready sent all our good paying manufacturing jobs to china and india. now they are all rideing cars instead of bikes and buying all the oil they can get, running our fuel prices out of site. and dont worry they are not finished yet. working class welcome to the basement. RP

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GB in MT.

12-14-2007 19:53:12

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 Re: Global Warming!!! in reply to Colin King, 12-14-2007 17:14:26  


I heard from Dan(CO) tonight. Guess everything is good, out in MN. Says they won't be home till after XMAS.

Garythird party image

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Danny in CO

12-14-2007 20:32:15

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 Re: Global Warming!!! in reply to GB in MT., 12-14-2007 19:53:12  

I'm headed SOUTH for Christmas (where it is warmer). It sounds like Dan(CO) went from cold to FREEZER going to MN! We're supposed to warm up into the 40 next week.


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Danny in CO

12-14-2007 19:48:31

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 Re: Global Warming!!! in reply to Larry M/Keweenaw Bay, MI, 12-14-2007 17:14:26  
I pity all you cold weather folks! It's a balmy 10 degrees here in Colorado right now! (grin)


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12-14-2007 19:42:54

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 Re: Global Warming!!! in reply to Joe)NYC), 12-14-2007 19:12:15  


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Sean (TX)

12-14-2007 18:48:53

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 Re: Global Warming!!! in reply to Pappy, 12-14-2007 17:14:26  

Larry M/Keweenaw Bay, MI said: (quoted from post at 21:14:26 12/14/07) I would love to have Al Gore visit here with his global warming crap! it is 5° here right now and headed for -8°. What do you all think of his global warming BS?

Just looked you up on google earth...Looks like you are on Lake Superior..No wonder its cold LOL...Passed within a 100 miles of you this past summer...Visited the White Fish Point Light House And Museum...It looked bone dry up there in the UP in July. Wish I had more time. Born in Michigan but that was my first trip to the UP...Wanted to see more of it!!!Crossed the Mackinac Bridge and traveled west and south to Wisconsin. We drove all the way around Lake Michigan....Plus got are feet wet in Lake Superior..

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12-14-2007 18:38:24

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 Re: Global Warming!!! in reply to Larry M/Keweenaw Bay, MI, 12-14-2007 17:14:26  
It's colder than Al Gore's kiss out here in Utah right now.

But I gotta wonder why the last 15 years we've had a steady decline in snowpack.

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Sean (TX)

12-14-2007 18:37:46

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 Take a look at this in reply to Hobo,NC, 12-14-2007 17:14:26  
When the polar caps finish melting this current will stop. It regulates the earths temperature.... Have A Look See Nothing like stiring the pot....When it happens we can all head to southern mexico...They owe us one we been putting them up for years...

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Sean (TX)

12-14-2007 18:13:01

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 Re: Global Warming!!! in reply to Hobo,NC, 12-14-2007 17:14:26  
Global warming is the extremes...Extreme cold and hot...Winter and summer...We didnt have a hot summer it rained so much...Didnt rain at all last year we were bone dry...Cold front will be here saturday we will have low thirtys..Need to finish installing my wood stove...Got some cedar to burnthird party image

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12-14-2007 19:46:08

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 Re: Global Warming!!! in reply to JMOR, 12-14-2007 18:10:57  
I couldn't have said it better myself.


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12-14-2007 17:50:50

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 Re: Global Warming!!! in reply to Larry M/Keweenaw Bay, MI, 12-14-2007 17:14:26  
I always kind of wondered myself why its still so cold in the winters,but global warning is a problem..It may not be bad right now,but we should start to wise up about the way we live. This is are home and this is where we live so it maybe a good thing to start looking into things..Plus we could save alot of money by doing this different as well.. Just my 2 cents.

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Mr. Bob

12-14-2007 17:46:55

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 Re: Global Warming!!! in reply to Larry M/Keweenaw Bay, MI, 12-14-2007 17:14:26  
"global warming BS"...exactly! AlGore is an IDIOT in a Communist "wrapper". Mr. Bob

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12-14-2007 17:43:38

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 Re: Global Warming!!! in reply to Larry M/Keweenaw Bay, MI, 12-14-2007 17:14:26  
I always kind of wondered myself why its still so cold in the winters,but global warning is a problem..It may not be bad right now,but we should start to wise up about the way we live. This is are home and this is where we live so it maybe a good thing to start looking into things..Plus we could save alot of money by doing this different as well.. Just my 2 cents.

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Jim SC

12-14-2007 17:40:18

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 Re: Global Warming!!! in reply to Larry M/Keweenaw Bay, MI, 12-14-2007 17:14:26  
Sorry about the cold, but this site shouldn't allow me to say what I think about AG.

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Dave Sherburne NY

12-14-2007 17:36:15

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 Re: Global Warming!!! in reply to Larry M/Keweenaw Bay, MI, 12-14-2007 17:14:26  
If you would only buy some of his carbon offsets
we could end this Global Warming but hen it might
get cold.

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old 9

12-14-2007 17:30:15

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 Re: Global Warming!!! in reply to Larry M/Keweenaw Bay, MI, 12-14-2007 17:14:26  
-8 Just another midwest winter. We are to get 8 to 10 inches tomorrow,Goldie #2 is ready to plow! Northern Indiana

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