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OT: Tips on removing Engine from Van

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12-21-2007 03:24:42

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I've tried everywhere for info, so now I'll try here where the real smart people are at. I bought a 98 chevy 2500 cargo van for my business, with a blown engine. Van body great shape, with air. It has a 4.3L vortec. The guy I bought it from drove it to my place, in route, a hole blew out the side. I drove it in my garage. I bought the van for $1000.00, and a rebuilt engine for $850.00. I also bought a Haynes book. Right now, I'm in the process of removing the front end grill, radiator, bumper, and anything in the way. While doing so, I cant help but wonder how I'm gonna get the engine lifted out with hardly any clearance. I'll be using a hydraulic engine hoist. (fold up kind) will probably get an engine leveler. But I just cant see where there will be any room to use them. Does anyone have any tips on doing this. I would have paid someone to do it, but I'm gonna put alot of new parts on the rebuilt one, and I want it done right the first time. Thanks in advance

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12-23-2007 03:25:41

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 Re: OT: Tips on removing Engine from Van in reply to john hunt, 12-21-2007 03:24:42  
Thanks Hobo for the info. I'll take your advise. The engine I bought, was from a Junk yard/ auto parts place down the road from me. They told me they had the bottom end rebuilt, and had 80000 miles on it at the time of rebuild. It has a tag on it from the builder. I can see new gaskets, and bolts to back up their claim. They even put a new water pump on it. I wouldnt buy one from a chain store, and I checked all over. No matter what ya buy, your takin a chance. I just hope I'm lucky. I will put everything new I can think of. The old engine had 199000 miles on it, so, if I can get 5 years out of this one , I'll be real happy. Aint no way it's goin out the side door. My Haynes book did say, that it would take some twisting and wiggling. Glad I didnt waste money on a leveler, your right , it aint gonna happen. I'm building a fire in my stove, this morning, and hope to get it ready to pull today. It's taking me longer cause I'm marking everything with tape, so I know how to put it back. Thanks again to everyone for the info

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Barry in ON

12-22-2007 07:30:46

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 Re: OT: Tips on removing Engine from Van in reply to Dan2N217688, 12-21-2007 03:24:42  
Dan, like Hobo I can't imagine a quality rebuilt engine fro $850.00. I get more than that for late model low mileage used ones. I have had an engine hoist for 40 years that I got from the guy I worked for. Very old! It is much lower than these new fangled ones. When the boom is parallel with the floor it will slip right under the van cowl easily. We haven't done a full size van yet but lots and lots of Astro vans. On them we cut the rad support and then mig it back in. Quick and easy. As Zane says the Ford are very easy. One of my employees can have one sitting on the floor a half hour after it goes on the hoist. They are good money makers. We do them for other shops and charge a set rate and then they charge the customer a little less than the normal book rate and everybody wins.

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12-22-2007 04:54:59

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 Re: OT: Tips on removing Engine from Van in reply to soundguy, 12-21-2007 03:24:42  
Thanks everyone. I'm a gluton for punishment so the dealer is out. maybe I'm too cheap also. I have the frontend all off (everything in the way) The Haynes book I have for the van, tells you everything that I need to remove, but it dont tell ya how to actually remove the engine, or at least I did'nt see it. It does look like now, if I remove the throttle body, I could lift the engine up maybe an inch or two, and then move the van back some to get it out, that might be all thats needed. Yes, there will be some cussing involved. Then after it's out, some beer drinking. Then some woulda, coulda, shoulda's will be discussed so the new one will go back in easier. All new belts, hoses, plugs and wires will be installed on the new one, cause it aint comming back out. Already has a new water pump. I'm looking at the out the pass. side door option. Thanks again, I knew you'd come through..... ..... ..... ..... ..... .Dan

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12-22-2007 17:08:32

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 Re: OT: Tips on removing Engine from Van in reply to Dan2N217688, 12-22-2007 04:54:59  
One more time,,,,intake (upper),zaust Manifolds),engine mounts ( would goat head and remove the lower manifold you need to lift engine from the top to git the motor mounts off) gotta come off,,, no room for a engine leveler,,,, Will not come out the side door taint gonna happen. GM motor mounts make the job a bear,,, git'em out of the way save the kurse werds for when the time comes to take it out back and cuss it enuff to send it and you to hell.,,, with them off it will not B a fight coming out or going in. On fords for long as i remember you could leave the mounts bolted to the chassis,,, take the bolts out of the block,,, rite EZ,,, GM never caught on. IF the mounts are in question as far as replacement USE ONLY GM MOUNTS,,, price will scare ya,,,, China junk will bite ya. Just replaced a set of NEW $10 china junk mounts with GM $130 @ piece,,, will out live the truck. Cost that old boy $530.00 to figger out the $20 he spent on China junk won't a good deal. Nutter thang that will skeer ya,,, 6 zaust studs 6 nuts, 6 springs,,, GM spect to spend $50. At one time i would figger $500 for support parts (fluids,filters, tune up, cooling system, Zaust, etc parts Not enny more,,, its closer to $750-1000 plus a 10% waver fer I call ya bout the bad news,,, and I still miss some'n. Its not like it use to B,,, damm special preformed hoses, plastic vacuum lines that cost a weeks pay ETC. Never pays to install a new engine with old parts and have a old part fail and mess up a good engine,,, folks do it tho,,, braver than me,,, when I ship I don't spec to see it back sept for a oil change.

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Jim WestTN

12-21-2007 14:02:00

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 Re: OT: Tips on removing Engine from Van in reply to JMOR, 12-21-2007 03:24:42  
Your Haynes manual will tell you how to remove they engine. You probably will not like the procedure. For example Astro van's with the Vortec 6 engine that are 1996 and newer the Haynes manual recommends you to remove the van body from the frame. For previous years the manual tells you where to cut with a hacksaw and what parts you need to purchase to replace what you have cut up with the hacksaw. The manuel also suggests as John Hunt doesyou might want to have a dealer do this.

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Dakota Dave

12-21-2007 13:56:24

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 Re: OT: Tips on removing Engine from Van in reply to Dan2N217688, 12-21-2007 03:24:42  
I"ve Changed two of them take out the passengers seat and remove the passenger side door.
once yuo disconnect every thing. and remove all the pieces you can turn it side ways and pull out throught the top.Its not easy and requires some strenght to do.

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12-21-2007 11:25:30

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 Re: OT: Tips on removing Engine from Van in reply to Dan2N217688, 12-21-2007 03:24:42  
Some time ago, I remember OTC advertising a tool that was a sort of "gimballed head" that attached to a "cherry picker" engine hoist, and then bolted to the front face of the engine, allowing it to be lifted and dragged forwards, out of the van's engine compartment by the deive attached to it's front face.

A quick 'net search did NOT turn up any photos to share, though!

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12-21-2007 15:28:31

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 Re: OT: Tips on removing Engine from Van in reply to Bob, 12-21-2007 11:25:30  
The one I saw was for Ford vans,,, 4.6,,,5.4s,,, V10s,,, most vans I have werked on I had rather R&R the engine over a car or truck.

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old timer in ohio

12-21-2007 09:02:47

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 Re: OT: Tips on removing Engine from Van in reply to Dan2N217688, 12-21-2007 03:24:42  
Hey there Dan;
I've changed a few ford van motors, don't know exactly what's involved with chevy's.I think you can forget about an engine leveler,I don't think you will enough room.I think you will need to remove intake manifold,then use grade #8 bolts
screwed thru short good quality chain,into diagonal holes of manifold attachment points.
After disconnecting ALL trans to engine bolts(if all other parts-A/C,power steering lines,etc have been MOVED aside) now you have the enjoyable job of wiggeling-twisting-cussing till
you have that darned thing out!!! Bob
God Bless

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12-21-2007 07:33:35

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 Re: OT: Tips on removing Engine from Van in reply to Dan2N217688, 12-21-2007 03:24:42  
I remember some of those Chevy vans where you took the front suspension loose from body and rolled out engine, transmission together. Did one that way once--easiest way to do and plenty of room to work. When done just roll it back in and have front aligned.

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Mark Pearce

12-21-2007 06:09:47

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 Re: OT: Tips on removing Engine from Van in reply to Dan2N217688, 12-21-2007 03:24:42  
Dan, I got to looking at my books and I can't believe your Haynes manual doesn't show you how to get it out. Those manuals are usually good about how to get the engines out for rebuild. Maybe check another brand of repair manual. Or go by your dealer parts deptment and ask them their thoughts. Might have to take the heads off before getting it out. Hope all goes well!


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john hunt

12-21-2007 05:55:31

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 Re: OT: Tips on removing Engine from Van in reply to Dan2N217688, 12-21-2007 03:24:42  
stop what you doing and take it to the chevy dealer. whole lot easyer

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Mark Pearce

12-21-2007 05:42:17

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 Re: OT: Tips on removing Engine from Van in reply to Dan2N217688, 12-21-2007 03:24:42  
Dan, If you don't want to buy a repair manual you can borrow one from your local library most likely. Any parts store should have the repair manuals. Some vans you have to take the radiator core support out. Some vans you can pull it up from inside the vans cowling. Maybe remove a seat for extra wigglin room in there. These things can be hell if you don't have a repair manual. And they can be hell even with a repair manual. I used to do mechanic work from my house and boy would I shy away from working on those darn vans. Be sure you change all the hoses and belts while your there. Should be a really nice van to work out of though.


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12-21-2007 04:55:53

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 Re: OT: Tips on removing Engine from Van in reply to Dan2N217688, 12-21-2007 03:24:42  
I recently pulled and replaced the engines in two early 90s Ford Aerostar vans. The only way to do it with them is out the bottom with engine and transmission together.

Have to pull the entire front axle assembly with the engine sitting on it.

This requires some way to get the whole car up high enough to lower the engine, axle and transmission onto a pallett and probably a fork lift. That is what I did it with. The second one I had bought and installed a two post lift.
Everybody should have a two post lift!!!!! !!!!! !!11

I'm still driving one of them and sold the other one for about what I had in it not counting my labor. I sure wouldn't do it again!


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12-21-2007 04:25:05

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 Re: OT: Tips on removing Engine from Van in reply to Dan2N217688, 12-21-2007 03:24:42  
Ask the folks you git"n the parts from,,, should B no different then buy"n tractor parts,,, if they have enuff sense to sell the parts they should to know how to replace"em.

That engine is shoe horned in rite good,,, not a good"n to tackle,,, intake,zaust,engine mounts gotta come off,,, no room for a engine leveler,,,, clean or replace oil cooler and lines,,,,I replace,,, git a engine from GM or Jasper,,,, not a chain parts house cheap one, warranty is useless Believe ME, warranty paper would not even B good enuff to wipe yer arse with. You are not deal"n with a retired farmer sell"n parts as a hobby, you are dealing with Vultures of the worst kind, that have pass"n the buck down to a science, not their first rodeo. Folks wanna see cheap they should see some of the cheap sheet that goes into chain store rebuilt engines,,,, I could build a better one out of used parts that would git it out of warranty. Folks are not saving money they are buying less quality,,, your call you are the one cheating yourself.

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