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Need Position Control For Your 9N Or 2N

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Sean (TX)

12-24-2007 17:41:28

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Not my design...Thought I would share..

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12-27-2007 16:47:24

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 Re: Need Position Control For Your 9N Or 2N in reply to MikeT, 12-24-2007 17:41:28  

Sean (TX) said: (quoted from post at 21:41:22 12/27/07)
Well said high pockets...Kinda chicken s**t using a bogus name...No balls LOL He is in Georgia third party image third party image third party image

And I certainly hope that doesn't reflect on me one bit.

Yep, I have my ways, and my opinions, but unless I screw up and post as TheViperr, cause of my hair trigger mouse, I always post as me.

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Sean (TX)

12-27-2007 16:51:06

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 Re: Need Position Control For Your 9N Or 2N in reply to Dunk, 12-27-2007 16:47:24  
No reflection on you at all Dunk...He has a different IP..

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Sean (TX)

12-27-2007 16:41:22

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 Re: Need Position Control For Your 9N Or 2N in reply to Bill M from Illinois, 12-24-2007 17:41:28  
Well said high pockets...Kinda chicken s**t using a bogus name...No balls LOL He is in Georgia third party image third party image third party image

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high pockets

12-26-2007 20:14:33

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 Re: Need Position Control For Your 9N Or 2N in reply to Sean (TX), 12-24-2007 17:41:28  
Being relatively new here & somewhat of a younger fellow; I simply cannot believe how childish some of the folks on this board can be at times.

My Dad, Granpa (who I got my 1940 9N from), and my Great Granpa taught me a few things about values, respect, & behavior.
ie. if I have nothing nice to say; I keep my mouth shut. When someone knowledgable is speaking/teaching I listen. When I don't agree with someone and want my opinion/objection known; I tell them myself..directly, face to face if I can. Sometimes it's not always pleasant, but in the end it usually ends up being constructive for both parties.

H E double hockey sticks..... I still hold the door for my elders, my wife; & complete strangers.
I certainly hope that as I grow older I don't find the need to do as some I see here do and hide behind false, generic names to attack folks who seem to do nothing but help others. These folks who hide behind the generic names, most certainly are regulars who don't want the other regulars to know that they're saying these things. It's all so childish; so stupid... when the next day they're probably posting under they're regular names playing nice.

I've found a couple of nice friends on these boards and I tend to ask a lot of my questions via email simply because I don't like the way some of the posts get derailed and turned into something they weren't meant to be; such as this one.

I've probably ticked someone off with this post, offended someone... or whatever. If that keeps someone from posting something productive in response to some future post of mine; that's ok. There'll be plenty of others who will have productive things to say; and be nice about it at the same time.


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Jon in Wis

12-26-2007 15:13:43

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 Re: Need Position Control For Your 9N Or 2N in reply to Sean (TX), 12-24-2007 17:41:28  
I bought a Zane Thang for my 2N a while back. Would I have preferred to see a picture beforehand? Yeah, but with all the other people who'd written and said they liked theirs, and the respect I've gotten for Zane for all the knowelege he's shown, and shared, over the years, I had no qualms about getting it. Could I have made one from pictures? Probably. Would I have gotten it right the first time? Maybe, maybe not. Would I ever actually have gotten around to it? Probably not. He's got it down pat, I bolted it on, and everybody's happy.

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GB in MT.

12-26-2007 09:30:07

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 Re: Need Position Control For Your 9N Or 2N in reply to Jim SC, 12-24-2007 17:41:28  

Very well put Dan. I'm glad you posted this, as I was just about to do the same thing!!! My post probably would not be as nice as yours, "choice of words, and so on!!"

Sounds like someone that has a personal feeling to grind!!!, and... does not want to let everyone here, know his real name.

Garythird party image

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12-25-2007 19:35:41

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 Re: Need Position Control For Your 9N Or 2N in reply to Sean (TX), 12-24-2007 17:41:28  
The guy in the blue dress bought one of my early ZANE THANGS and used it to design the one you show. It does basically the same thing mine does but it more complicated to fabricate and install that mine by a long shot. Nothing wrong with improving a design but for me it would not be an improvement simply for the problems with mounting it. I infact had this very same idea when I was thinking of a way to give position control to the Ferguson system lift but shied away from it on account of having to use a cranky disc shaped friction disc and having to mount it on the retaining bolt that holds the lift arm on. These bolts are not always in such good shape that they can be used to mount it and sometimes are not even on the rock shaft anymore and the bolt hole may be damaged etc. My design is more in the line of a caliper type friction device that allows you to change the length of the link that transfers the position of the lift arm to the touch control handle and is not prone to rusting or being damaged from wear.

I have sold over 700 of my design since I invented it in 1999. I tried to get Tractor Supply interested in handling them when I first started making them and they were not interested in it. Since they have become a success they have contacted me several times to try to get me to sell to them at a big discount but I have not repleid to them because there just is not enough profit in it to sell at a discount. Maybe if I got them made in China???? NOT!

Anybody who wants to see a picture of one on a tractor send me you email address and I'll send you a picture. I still don't want pictures posted on the N forum though and Kim and the forum members have so far honored my wishes.


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Hey Zane

12-26-2007 02:09:01

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 Re: Need Position Control For Your 9N Or 2N in reply to ZANE, 12-25-2007 19:35:41  
He never said who's device he bought. We only know because you just told us. Yet you think you need to insult him by calling what is obviously a shirt, a dress? Everything he says is true as far as I can tell. And btw, you DIDN'T invent adding position control to the fergusion system, you only redesigned it, just like he did.

ps. It's tractors, not tracotrs. If run spell check on you "website", it might help your sales, which at 700 over almost 9 years could use a boost.

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12-26-2007 08:54:22

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 Re: Need Position Control For Your 9N Or 2N in reply to Hey Zane, 12-26-2007 02:09:01  
Well - on one hand you criticize Zane for insulting someone else, but you do the exact same thing to Zane "It's tractors, not tracotrs. If run spell check on you "website", it might help your sales, which at 700 over almost 9 years could use a boost." That sir, makes you a hippocrite. Zane posted using his real name - you post as "Hey Zane" - this makes you a coward as well in my book. Personally, I don't care one way or the other about the Zane Thang, or people posting how to make one - it all helps the early N Series owners. However - Zane has integrity - and you most definately do not. Zane has helped thousands of fellow N Series owners - you probably have not. Zane has the respect of members here, and is probably why you insult him but won't post your identity.

I will post my name - so you know I think you are childish, and probably have some hidden agenda behind your post. If you were a real man, you would post your identity along with your insults. But since you don't, your words are as worthless as your agenda.


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Hey Dan

12-26-2007 14:10:55

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 Re: Need Position Control For Your 9N Or 2N in reply to Dan, 12-26-2007 08:54:22  
My words must not be as worthless as you imply, since you clearly spent awhile responding to a post that had nothing to do with you. That makes you a boot licker in my book Dan, if that's your real name. LMAO and btw Gary, you have something on your nose.

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Sean (TX)

12-25-2007 18:10:27

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 Re: Need Position Control For Your 9N Or 2N in reply to Ken Crisman, 12-24-2007 17:41:28  

lonestarjeff said: (quoted from post at 21:18:21 12/25/07) Merry Christmas Sean. We spent the last couple of days w/ our daughter in your neck of the woods(Kyle).


Same to you and yours...Perfect weather a Jeff?

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12-25-2007 17:18:21

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 Re: Need Position Control For Your 9N Or 2N in reply to Sean (TX), 12-24-2007 17:41:28  
Merry Christmas Sean. We spent the last couple of days w/ our daughter in your neck of the woods(Kyle).


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Sean (TX)

12-25-2007 16:21:13

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 Re: Need Position Control For Your 9N Or 2N in reply to Upper Peninsula, MI., 12-24-2007 17:41:28  
That guy has some broken english!!! I dont think he needed a extra pump to make it work?...I dont know enough about the system to know what he is talking about and the broken english is not helping any!!

Of all my toys...rear blade ,PHD, brush hog and dirt scoop...The only thing that I would like to use position control on is the rear blade....Now if someone can come up with a down force valve....I might be able to use that on my PHD..third party image

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Sean (TX)

12-25-2007 15:45:00

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 Re: Need Position Control For Your 9N Or 2N in reply to BillM (OH), 12-24-2007 17:41:28  
So....What I wanna know is....? Has anyone used the red rock one and how does it perform? Ill have to admit Zanes and red rock both have a more professional look...Then the home built one!! Im sure I could rig it up. But might not be worth the work...Im not going to start mass producing them!!! Seems the rights are already taken on that...By the way great idea!!! I have only used position control one time and that was test driving a 8N for a fellow N owner..

Zane now that the cat is out of the bag? you want to show all the photo's of one of yours rigged up? Lets face it for the price most people would opt..To buy one!!!

Now if one of you can figure this out and it works it may be a better route to go...


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12-25-2007 15:56:13

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 Re: Need Position Control For Your 9N Or 2N in reply to Sean (TX), 12-25-2007 15:45:00  


Myth Busters was just child play...

Now we into secret busters.

I did know how to find pictures of the live lift stuff....

Maybe in the AM.

A hydro pump on the V-belt on the engine, and possibly hooked to the test port.

Don't hold me to that, but that is close.

I can't deal with "secrets", and "pigs in a poke".

Lay it on the table!!!

What is on yer mind!!

What you want to sell me??

Sooner or later, the "jig".

Don't mean I won't still buy it, I might even buy it sooner, don't try the wool pulling, I won't buy that.

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Sean (TX)

12-25-2007 12:05:16

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 Re: Need Position Control For Your 9N Or 2N in reply to Dell (WA), 12-24-2007 17:41:28  
Its been out of the bag a while. Someone sent me these. They were posted on the furguson board awhile back.

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John (TR)

12-25-2007 19:09:26

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 Re: Need Position Control For Your 9N Or 2N in reply to Sean (TX), 12-25-2007 12:05:16  
I own a Zane Thang and it works well. Mines not bent, not sure how you would unless the touch control is not adjusted properly. I think more wold have been sold had pictures been available. I for one drug my feet for 4 years but taking the plunge.
Sorry Zane, just like to look b4 I buy.

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Sean (TX)

12-24-2007 18:01:41

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 Re: Need Position Control For Your 9N Or 2N in reply to Bob, 12-24-2007 17:41:28  
Yes I know...For those that would like to build there own...Looks alot like the redrock design....I am more likely to buy one..Then build it...

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12-25-2007 11:44:31

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 Re: Need Position Control For Your 9N Or 2N in reply to Sean (TX), 12-24-2007 18:01:41  
That is great, Sean, and great information to have.

I am happy to see someone let that secretive cat out of the bag.

Although I could also build one, I too would most likely just buy it if someone was making a known working model, reasonable.

I probably wasn't able to say any more than I did yesterday about it (got pretty bad lit).

I would never buy something that I couldn't see pictures of, and understand it before I bought it.

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Ultradog MN

12-25-2007 14:54:20

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 Re: Need Position Control For Your 9N Or 2N in reply to Dunk, 12-25-2007 11:44:31  
Including issues of faith and God?

I would never buy something that I couldn't see pictures of, and understand it before I bought it.

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12-25-2007 15:11:29

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 Re: Need Position Control For Your 9N Or 2N in reply to Ultradog MN, 12-25-2007 14:54:20  
VERY interesting reply, Ultradog MN!!! (I really like the question you just asked)

1: Wrong Forum.

2: I know God!!, And I "see", and "feel" him, daily. (I do have guardian Angels, and I KNOW that to be a fact, I think there are 2, maybe 3 of them)

We are talking about men, that want to make a sale for equipment modifications here, that they either, invented, or not.

Anyone that doesn't KNOW GOD. might wonder in the context that you asked the question.

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Ultradog MN

12-25-2007 16:46:36

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 Re: Need Position Control For Your 9N Or 2N in reply to Dunk, 12-25-2007 15:11:29  
Sorry Dunk,
I was having a discussion on that subject on another forum.
Your comment struck me as something I'd been trying to answer there.
Somehow, somewhere though, If I could learn to explain those notions of faith, that belief in things unseen, to others so they could understand it as we understand it, it wouldn't make me worse at fixing old tractors.

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12-25-2007 16:51:33

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 Re: Need Position Control For Your 9N Or 2N in reply to Ultradog MN, 12-25-2007 16:46:36  
Absolutely NO reason to be sorry to me!!

You asked, I answered to the best of my ability.

Merry Christmas, friend.

I hope you all the best.

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12-24-2007 20:15:24

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 Re: Need Position Control For Your 9N Or 2N in reply to Sean (TX), 12-24-2007 18:01:41  
I like the way you think,, BTDT. I have made cloans (spill check),,, then brought the real deal just cuzz I wanted to compare my again theirs,,, most of the time would have been better off git'n the real deal. But then again made one from a pix for 1/10 of the price of the real deal not counting my time,,, 2 make a 1 off would b rite time consuming,,, i bet you would have to make a few dozen fer ya got good at it.

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12-24-2007 17:54:41

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 Re: Need Position Control For Your 9N Or 2N in reply to Sean (TX), 12-24-2007 17:41:28  




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