You don"t see me advertising snake oil,,, do a search,,, i was a non believer till I got hold of a $40,000 cadillac and that was the recommended snake oil to free up the oil rings,,, damm iffin it did"n werk,,, OK got a gal. of the sea foam snake oil to play wif,,,, gave my golf cart a dose let it set overnite,,, compression numbers improved,,, engine ran much better but my compression numbers were still off,,, soooo0o tore into it,,,, rangs clean as a whistel,,,, valves clean as a whistle,,, my problem was the valves are worn slap arse our,,,, zaust valves not seat"n good, intake mushroomed. No doubt in my mine sea foam cleaned it out as did the rangs on the cat. I am rite sure the sea foam in a aerosol can is the same sheet. The ATF probably just made the rings and valves seal,,, after you got it fired up the heat did more good than enny thang else,,, my statement was meant to B took as to Finnish it off and to git the best job give it a dose of sea foam,,,, It was not meant to undermine the effects of adding oil,, ATF,, to the cylinders. The ATF more are less just helped things move around enuff to make a haft arse seal,,, the sea foam will dissolve it and send it out the zaust pipe. Nutter good carbon cleaner is GM top engine cleaner,,, nutter one I found by accident is NAPA Brake cleaner, its some nasty sheet, will remove paint rat now, will dissolve carbon rat now,, will burn yer skin,,,, ware safty glasses,,, stuff if mean,,, if its not paint stripper Its, its cuzzen,,, its nasty play safe with it