The key can ONLY B replaced if you take the whole front off the engine,,,, drop the pan and remove the front crank gear,,, lovely ain't it... I would git the replacement pulley,,, Hope it fits the snout of the crank sorta good,,, test fit it to see if it would bite the key that retains the front crank gear,,, if it fells OK index the key to the new pulley for the install I would then use the OEM brank bolt but first counter bore the center of the new pulley to accept the taper on the OEM bolt OR git me a new 5/8'X 1" find thread bolt grade 5 or 8 and nail it,,, course i would put some sealer or locktight on the I.D. of the new pulley so it don't leak. You are gonna have to remove the front axle and support enny way you go,,,,your call if the key is still good,,, its not much more work to git a good look at it,,, If usable thats great,,, if worn out then the job gits nasty Pix will show ya taint much to werk with