Roger..... .N-tractors are not known for vapor locking, how ever, the gas tank vent hole has been known to get plugged up by mud daubers, just release you gas cap to re-vent your tank. But I don't think this is your problem. A frequent contributator to the N-Board, claims most carb problems are found and solved in the ignition system. I believe this will be your case. There is an obscure electrical component that is frequently overlooked that after about 1/2 hour of "warming up" causes misfiring and power loss caused by low battery voltage to the ignition coil. This component's internal electrical contacts get gunked up which causes them to heat up and when heated up, reduces the battery voltage to the ignition coil causing loss of power and inablility to start untill cooled down for about 1 hour or so. Next time this happens, try an aligator clippie jumper wire to jump around and by-pass the IGNITION SWITCH. If your tractor starts right up, you have found you problem. If it doesn't start up, you have also found your problem, the dreaded ignition coil shorting out the turns when heated up syndrome. The fix is to replace the ignition coil. And while you are at it, you just might want to consider replacing your points and condenser, set to specs. Hope this helps..... ..Dell