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44 2N front axle pin......revisited

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GB in MT.

03-12-2008 13:27:08

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Yep....It's me again.!!!~ Today I went out and warmed up the shop, for a closer look at the king pin. I found out that the pin in the axle does NOT even go clear through the axle support, and there is NO bushing in there for wear. So..... came back in the house and ordered the right pin,the keeper bolt and lock washer, and the bushing that is supposed to be in there. It is no wonder that the rad hose got cut by the fan. The pin that's in there only goes 3/4 of the way through the support, and is in there slopping around every which way. :shock:
But....you will have to wait till I get the axle out of the support, before you can see what I am saying.

Here is what I got done today.

Took the gas out of the tank, and removed the hood and tank., Drained the coolant out of the rad. and some out of the block., removed the radiator. Still have the fan to remove, but I got lazy early!!! :lol:
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Tomorrow, I expect to have the engine jacked up and the axles removed.

Then I'll be able to see if there is any damage done to the axle support.

Inspector "Wosie", came out and stuck her nose in the camera. She said it was time to go in the house and have a drink. so I did.

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Have an "N" day.

Gary :)

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03-14-2008 15:39:07

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 Re: 44 2N front axle pin......revisited in reply to Colin King, 03-12-2008 13:27:08  

Joe in MI said: (quoted from post at 19:30:53 03/14/08)
Dell (WA) said: (quoted from post at 08:34:50 03/14/08) Joe..... ...the reason for the "thin" washers is yer axle center beam HAS TO float so you can change wheelbase (WIDTH). The "I" beams or "0" beams are FIXED length. So by triangulation the axle center beam hassta beable to MOVE. Standard frontaxle width is 1-hole out on each side. (52-wide) but can go out to 72-inches wide. Understand?..... ..Dell

:idea: I got it!

Gary - I have a 51 8n. I already have the bushing and pin - I was gonna wait until spring to tear into it, but I may start sooner now. I just have to convince my wife that it's more important that the 85 other things I have to do..... still 3 weeks until boy #2 is due and she's acting like we have to get ready now, for pete's sake! :roll:
Thanks guys!

LOL, Congratulations!!!

Them boys, and girls, can decide on there own if it is time or not, and can come EARLY.

Just a thought...

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Joe in MI

03-14-2008 07:19:09

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 Re: 44 2N front axle pin......revisited in reply to GB in MT., 03-12-2008 13:27:08  
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I'm learning a lot from this too. I have the same project coming this spring. I really hope my front axle isn't wallowed out, but I have a bad, bad feeling about it after comparing pictures. Keep the "play by play" going - I'll use it again in a few months.

I have the same spacers on mine. What exacly are the paper thin washers that don't even come close to filling the space supposed to accomplish, exactly?

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Dell (WA)

03-14-2008 08:34:50

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 Re: 44 2N front axle pin......revisited in reply to Joe in MI, 03-14-2008 07:19:09  
Joe..... ...the reason for the "thin" washers is yer axle center beam HAS TO float so you can change wheelbase (WIDTH). The "I" beams or "0" beams are FIXED length. So by triangulation the axle center beam hassta beable to MOVE. Standard frontaxle width is 1-hole out on each side. (52-wide) but can go out to 72-inches wide. Understand?..... ..Dell

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Joe in MI

03-14-2008 15:30:53

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 Re: 44 2N front axle pin......revisited in reply to Dell (WA), 03-14-2008 08:34:50  

Dell (WA) said: (quoted from post at 08:34:50 03/14/08) Joe..... ...the reason for the "thin" washers is yer axle center beam HAS TO float so you can change wheelbase (WIDTH). The "I" beams or "0" beams are FIXED length. So by triangulation the axle center beam hassta beable to MOVE. Standard frontaxle width is 1-hole out on each side. (52-wide) but can go out to 72-inches wide. Understand?..... ..Dell

:idea: I got it!

Gary - I have a 51 8n. I already have the bushing and pin - I was gonna wait until spring to tear into it, but I may start sooner now. I just have to convince my wife that it's more important that the 85 other things I have to do..... still 3 weeks until boy #2 is due and she's acting like we have to get ready now, for pete's sake! :roll:
Thanks guys!

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GB in MT.

03-14-2008 15:57:47

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 Re: 44 2N front axle pin......revisited in reply to Joe in MI, 03-14-2008 15:30:53  


Firstly; Con grats on another addition to yer family.

Secondly; I can see that you have broken Women's rule #5,050, which reads that woman can change the rules anytime they want too, and they do NOT have to tell you that it has been changed!!!!! ! :lol:
Buck up and fly right, man!!!! :lol: :lol:

Gary :shock:

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GB in MT.

03-14-2008 08:13:59

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 Re: 44 2N front axle pin......revisited in reply to Joe in MI, 03-14-2008 07:19:09  

Joe in MI said: (quoted from post at 07:19:09 03/14/08) I'm learning a lot from this too. I have the same project coming this spring. I really hope my front axle isn't wallowed out, but I have a bad, bad feeling about it after comparing pictures. Keep the "play by play" going - I'll use it again in a few months.

I have the same spacers on mine. What exacly are the paper thin washers that don't even come close to filling the space supposed to accomplish, exactly?
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Far be it for me to tell you what to do, but...Let me say this.....Do NOT wait too long to do the axle pin job, because if you do, you might just be in the same situation that I am in, OR worse, ya could hurt yer self or your "N". (worst scenario).

As for the spacers you ask about, I'll quote you what I was told!!

Quote: "you want the axle to be able to float a bit" Un-quote.

Yours looks to be done right as to the placements of the spacers, but....Looks to me like you are gonna need more big thin spacers in the back. This, I learned from someone that knows!! I would say for you to keep installing the thin spacers on the back of the pin until you have about the same thickness of one spacer between the spacers and the axle center. That will let the axle play be just enough not to bind up on the axle pin. Or so I have been told.

Also, I don't know what Year of "N" you have, but make sure to reseach the exact pin you need for your tractor, before you buy. 9N's take one kind and length, early 2N's take another. Late 2N's and 8N's take yet another length.
Just keep this in mind.

I will not be posting anthing more on this subject, I don't think, until I get to the almost finished project.!!!

Like I said, do NOT wait too long..... it can only get worse!!!!!



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03-13-2008 17:51:45

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 Re: 44 2N front axle pin......revisited in reply to GB in MT., 03-12-2008 13:27:08  
Bless Your Good Heart, Gary!!

I feel for you!!

After your first posts I was afraid it would turn out like this.

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GB in MT.

03-14-2008 06:19:41

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 Re: 44 2N front axle pin......revisited in reply to Dunk, 03-13-2008 17:51:45  

Dunk said: (quoted from post at 17:51:45 03/13/08) Bless Your Good Heart, Gary!!

I feel for you!!

After your first posts I was afraid it would turn out like this.


Like Dan in CO, said, I found out the easy way. It could have been worse!!

The axle could have completely broke, and dropped the front end on the ground!!! :shock: , then I would have been looking at a new rad.,axle/support, OR more.

This thing WILL be running again soon. It ain't gonna lick me yet. :lol:
Actually, I've learned a lot, by having to do this, and I'm sure I'll learn a lot more before the work is done.


Gary :lol: 8)

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Sean (TX)

03-13-2008 17:47:26

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 Re: 44 2N front axle pin......revisited in reply to GB in MT., 03-12-2008 13:27:08  
Here is shot of the one on my 46...

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Dan in CO

03-13-2008 17:25:19

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 Re: 44 2N front axle pin......revisited in reply to GB in MT., 03-12-2008 13:27:08  

It sure is a good thing you have a good welder nearby! Looks like he is going to be using a lot of rod to get Hermie back up. Look at what you found this way; You discovered it the easy way without breaking anything on Hermie or Gary!

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Sean (TX)

03-13-2008 16:35:44

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 Re: 44 2N front axle pin......revisited in reply to Clintmn, 03-12-2008 13:27:08  
Ill bump the thread

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GB in MT.

03-13-2008 17:19:41

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 Re: 44 2N front axle pin......revisited in reply to Sean (TX), 03-13-2008 16:35:44  

Sorry guys. P Bucket crashed on me twice while I was trying to upload the pix.

Got the G...D... Axle and support off today.

This is what it looked like just before dismantle.

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Once I got the axle off, I found a whole bunch of things you cannot see in the first pic.

Spacers that look like they are for an "N" rear axle(too big to be for the front axle pin), and the pin has been jerry rigged. Someone evidently did not have a correct pin, and replaced it with another type,(not even close to being long enough, and looks to be made out of thick steel pipe!!!???

The spacer you will see here, looks to havwe been made from a water pipe inside threded connector.!!!!???? OH GOODIE!!! :shock: This next pic shows the axle and all the goodie they had on it.

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I am just beside myself to find all this out!!!

Seeing as how, the pin was too short, it has egged out the axle support, on both ends, and really chewed up the front face of the back support hole!!!!! :shock: My wife and I both are pooping bricks about now.

I really cannot believe someone would do this, and further more feel safe with it.

Anyway, I'll deal with it.
This is what Hermie looks like right now. I've ordered parts and they should be here on the 19 th. 5 more days. That will give me time, to see what I can do about getting the axle support built back up and line bored. My welder says to bring it up and he will work with me on the cost. Neat guy, my welder friend!!!! 8)
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I'm not really a happy camper about now!!!, But .....POOP Happens!!!

BTW: The axle itself has two small cracks on it , at the top!! WELDER!!!

Gary :shock: :evil:

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Dan in CO

03-13-2008 16:15:18

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 Re: 44 2N front axle pin......revisited in reply to GB in MT., 03-12-2008 13:27:08  
Sean & Gary

I'm sitting here waiting to find out:

1- If Gary made any progress on this axel pin

2- If Sean got any further on Fred

I guess I am in a sorry state, living through your experiences. Sometimes i feel like a peeping Tom, wanting to know "was it good for you?"

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Sean (TX)

03-13-2008 16:10:17

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 Re: 44 2N front axle pin......revisited in reply to Ken(Ark), 03-12-2008 13:27:08  
He must be having a cold one after a hard days work...

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03-13-2008 14:34:27

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 Re: 44 2N front axle pin......revisited in reply to GB in MT., 03-12-2008 13:27:08  
Gary, it was 35* here this AM, but was about 75* just after lunch.

I even plowed a couple hours today, gave the garden a once over.

Waiting to hear of your progress, and regress for the day....

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03-13-2008 14:24:46

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 Re: 44 2N front axle pin......revisited in reply to GB in MT., 03-12-2008 13:27:08  
Yea I went out right after posting that. Too many hours in a blame dumptruck!

Good deal on the building, gonna have to look into one. I bought a "really cheap" one once & it didn't last long at all. Yours looks much sturdier.

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03-12-2008 19:40:49

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 Re: 44 2N front axle pin......revisited in reply to GB in MT., 03-12-2008 13:27:08  
Man, I don't get in til late & ya'll done soused & gone to bed! :P
I'm going to Bristol this weekend, I'll make up for it!

Hope you get 'er going Gary.

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GB in MT.

03-12-2008 19:49:27

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 Re: 44 2N front axle pin......revisited in reply to jon, 03-12-2008 19:40:49  


Was hoping you would jump in here.

You ask how the canvas car port would stand up under snow load!!!!???

We got quite a bit of snow this year, and here is the results you ask about.

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Still standin' with NO rips and still just as sturdy, as it was the day I put it up.!!!!!

Well worth the $164.00 I paid for it.

Gary :D

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GB in MT.

03-13-2008 05:09:49

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 Re: 44 2N front axle pin......revisited in reply to GB in MT., 03-12-2008 19:49:27  

WELL, I guess jon went to bed early last night. No reply, from him.

Todays endevores are gonna wait until it warms up a little. Right now, it is 21.7 deg. F out side, and I can imagine what it is in the shop. But.... after it warms a little, I'll go out there and see about getting the axle loose and the engine jacked up, so I can pull the axle out of the support. :shock:
All you guys Have an "N" day!!! 8)
Gary :)

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03-12-2008 18:46:58

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 Re: 44 2N front axle pin......revisited in reply to Dunk, 03-12-2008 13:27:08  

I put that there to see if anyone would catch it.

You learn well, grasshopper.

I have tried to teach that on this board before, in plain english.

You grasshopper, pulled it out of the shadows.

My hat is off to you.

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GB in MT.

03-12-2008 19:09:15

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 Re: 44 2N front axle pin......revisited in reply to Dunk, 03-12-2008 18:46:58  

Oh come on now!!! His head is already big enough.!!!
He has a rusty 2N 46, and the engine isn't froze up anymore!!!! YAYAYAYA!!..... ...BIG DEAL!!!!! :lol: :lol:
I got a sick dog.....

Gary 8) third party image

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Sean (TX)

03-12-2008 18:28:27

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 Re: 44 2N front axle pin......revisited in reply to GA Dave, 03-12-2008 13:27:08  
Learn something new here daily didnt know you coud search by site. broom snow site:ytmag.com Need to rememer that one...third party image

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03-12-2008 18:04:28

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 Re: 44 2N front axle pin......revisited in reply to GB in MT., 03-12-2008 13:27:08  
I love Link


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03-12-2008 17:33:40

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 Re: 44 2N front axle pin......revisited in reply to Tom N MS, 03-12-2008 13:27:08  
Do I win yet!?!?!?!?


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GB in MT.

03-12-2008 17:57:48

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 Re: 44 2N front axle pin......revisited in reply to Dunk, 03-12-2008 17:33:40  

Dunk said: (quoted from post at 17:33:40 03/12/08) :idea:
Do I win yet!?!?!?!?


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Yes, you win, you always do!!!!! That's why I ask ya these things!!!! 8)
Chrisr 8N and jon,..... Gottcha, right arm, farm out, and gravy!!!! :lol:
Tank's ..... .You da man!!!

Gary :idea:

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03-12-2008 17:09:13

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 Re: 44 2N front axle pin......revisited in reply to GB in MT., 03-12-2008 13:27:08  
I betcha you ain't keeping up with me...

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GB in MT.

03-12-2008 17:19:13

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 Re: 44 2N front axle pin......revisited in reply to Dunk, 03-12-2008 17:09:13  

BUT..... ..I started earlier than you!!!!! third party image

OK Dunk; Let's see how good your mind is!!!

When I bought my canvas car port, someone wanted me to let them know, how it held up under the snow load.

Now, don't fry yer brain pan, But ..... ....who was it ask me to tell them that????? ? :shock:
Gary :lol:

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Sean (TX)

03-12-2008 16:39:01

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 Re: 44 2N front axle pin......revisited in reply to don b, 03-12-2008 13:27:08  
Ill drink to that...Looked at the dist. on Fred but decided not to pull it...Condenser is missing...Hold down screw was still the LOL Going to have a beer instead...

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GB in MT.

03-12-2008 16:31:03

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 Re: 44 2N front axle pin......revisited in reply to GB in MT., 03-12-2008 13:27:08  

Did I tell all of ya , that I'm bein' lazy today!!!! :P
Thank you all for the replies. That should cover everyone :roll:
I'm havin' anotherone with or without ya!!!! 8)
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John (TR)

03-12-2008 14:55:55

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 Re: 44 2N front axle pin......revisited in reply to GB in MT., 03-12-2008 13:27:08  
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good luck. The front axle is out of my 40 at the machine shop getting sleeved as it was worn through the original steel bushing into the axel.

I've seen a number of axles cracked in the same place as well. Its not the end of the line for them as I grind out the cracks and weld it back in.


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Dan in CO

03-12-2008 14:28:25

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 Re: 44 2N front axle pin......revisited in reply to GB in MT., 03-12-2008 13:27:08  

That sounds dangerous, both the loose pin-bushing and the process to get to it. Be safe, take it slow and stay warm.
I think Inspector Wosie gives good advice.

Thanks for the pictures, it's kinda fun to watch the progress.

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Colin King

03-12-2008 14:24:41

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 Re: 44 2N front axle pin......revisited in reply to GB in MT., 03-12-2008 13:27:08  
Ugh. I think a drink was in order.


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03-12-2008 14:15:44

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 Re: 44 2N front axle pin......revisited in reply to GB in MT., 03-12-2008 13:27:08  
My Goodness!!, Gary.

Keep us posted!!

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Sean (TX)

03-12-2008 14:13:56

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 Re: 44 2N front axle pin......revisited in reply to Dunk, 03-12-2008 13:27:08  
I hate pulling the hood. I used a torch on the 2N grill...What was left of it :lol: ...Just the bottom part and it was welded to the rusted out dog legs :lol:

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GB in MT.

03-12-2008 16:18:33

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 Re: 44 2N front axle pin......revisited in reply to Sean (TX), 03-12-2008 14:13:56  

Sean (TX) said: (quoted from post at 14:13:56 03/12/08)
I hate pulling the hood. I used a torch on the 2N grill...What was left of it :lol: ...Just the bottom part and it was welded to the rusted out dog legs :lol:

I never have any prob. with the hood. I just syphon the gas out, unbolt the hood and doglegs, and pick it up standing along side, then walk it over to the saw horses.
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Course I usually have someone help put it back on, so I don't strain my milk!!!!! :shock:
Gary :lol:

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