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OT When City Folk Move To The Country

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04-10-2008 15:50:38

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When City Folk Move To The Country

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DanL-Colorado B36320

04-14-2008 17:53:28

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 Re: OT When City Folk Move To The Country in reply to Dunk, 04-10-2008 15:50:38  
Possum on the half shell.... :lol:
Now, THAT'S entertainment!

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04-14-2008 17:33:46

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 Re: OT When City Folk Move To The Country in reply to Dan, 04-10-2008 15:50:38  

Ken-Ga said: (quoted from post at 21:12:18 04/14/08) Where abouts in NW Georgia are you Dunk? I'm down here in Crawford county between Macon and Columbus.

Cedartown, Ken-Ga, Nice to meet ya!

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04-14-2008 17:12:18

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 Re: OT When City Folk Move To The Country in reply to Dunk, 04-10-2008 15:50:38  
Where abouts in NW Georgia are you Dunk? I'm down here in Crawford county between Macon and Columbus.

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04-11-2008 14:48:42

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 Re: OT When City Folk Move To The Country in reply to Dunk, 04-10-2008 15:50:38  

Dunk said: There was these black folks that lived on the road with us, we would put it in their mailbox.The next day they would bring us a $5 bill.

Daddy used to take them & Carp up to "Baptist Side" & sell em like that.

I think he had regular customers.

True story:

A friend of mine is the Health Inspector in the county & told me this.

The KFC was gonna change out their deep fry grease so they rolled their grease box from outside to catch all the hot grease out of the deep fry. A possum had crawled in the box while it was outside but they didn't know it. When that hot grease hit him he came out & wasn't happy. They had Police & the Fire Dept people down there trying to catch that pissed off & scalded hairless critter. Since he didn't get near any of the foodstuff they didn't have to close em down but I still avoided eating there for a while.

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04-11-2008 11:46:17

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 Re: OT When City Folk Move To The Country in reply to Dunk, 04-10-2008 15:50:38  
My uncle was a forest ranger inthe upper peninsula of MI years back and he hit a bobcat one evening and picked it up and threw it in the trunk of his car. He stopped by the local watering hole and told his buddies to stop by when they were through. Well, long story short, they stopped by and he went out to the garage and opened the trunk of the car. By the way, the door was closed. The bobcat had only been stunned and he was a little upset at being in the trunk for a couple hours to say the least. He said, "you shoulda seen those guys gettin' back when that cat came outta there!" 30 pounds of nothing but claws and teeth! He said it got real crowded in that garage about then. The last he saw of the cat, he was up in the rafters growling at them. They left the door open and he was gone in the morning. The guys never did forgive him for that. Can't figger out why though. hehehehehehe

have a nice weekend all.


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Joe in MI

04-11-2008 10:20:50

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 Re: OT When City Folk Move To The Country in reply to Dunk, 04-10-2008 15:50:38  
My dad has a Remington .22 w/ a brown nylon stock and a 10 rd magazine. It's either a "model 10" or a "mohawk" (Can't remember for sure)

When I was a kid the possums kept getting the chickens. Dad kept his .22 ready w/ a flashlight taped to the barrel. One night the chickens were screaming, so dad grabbed the rifle and ran through the door of the coop like gangbusters. Once he was inside he realized there were at least four possums in there, all pretty upset, and some were now between him and the door.

He got 'em all, in the dark, with the 10 rounds. He said even though he knew they weren't known for attacking humans in packs, and he wasn't really in any danger, it was still a little unnerving to be surrounded in the dark like that.

Tip: If you have one of those old guns and it jams constantly (like my dads started doing) lube it with graphite instead of gun oil - makes a world of difference.

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04-11-2008 10:17:29

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 Re: OT When City Folk Move To The Country in reply to Dunk, 04-10-2008 15:50:38  
That's a good one, Lee!!

One night after leaving a friends house in my Blazer we hit a fox, killed it dead (yeah right), I got out and picked it up by the hind legs, and got back in the truck, and drove back to my friends house, holding it outside the window upside down by it's hind legs, and got out still holding it by it's back legs, and asked him if I could put it in his freezer till I could get it stuffed.

He said yes, and about that time, the fox shook, opened it's eyes, and showed more teeth than Godzillia!!

Needless to say I threw that sucker as hard, and as far as I could, quickly!!

He ran off into the night.

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04-11-2008 07:11:21

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 Re: OT When City Folk Move To The Country in reply to Dunk, 04-10-2008 15:50:38  
We are now slowly gaining on the population of "Possums on the Half Shell" (aramadillos) here in North West GA.

Seeing quite a few flat ones in the roads these days, never saw one at all around here until the last 10 or so years.

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04-11-2008 06:53:34

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 Re: OT When City Folk Move To The Country in reply to Dunk, 04-10-2008 15:50:38  
I got an email with this in it about a week ago, with "only in California" as the subject. With people like that, is it any wonder PETA can recruit new members??! Not too many possums this far north, but a few. First live one I ever saw was when some tech school friends and I were driving around one night. Saw it just in time to recognise what it was before it went under the '78 LTD.

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04-10-2008 19:40:12

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 Re: OT When City Folk Move To The Country in reply to Dunk, 04-10-2008 15:50:38  
Den, I still have my Grandads .22 Remmington wooden stock single shot, and my Dad's .22 semi-auto wooden stock.

Never owned a nylon stock.

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04-10-2008 19:36:16

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 Re: OT When City Folk Move To The Country in reply to Dunk, 04-10-2008 15:50:38  
Too Funny, Bruce!!

Thanks for that laugh.

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Bruce (VA)

04-10-2008 19:31:08

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 Re: OT When City Folk Move To The Country in reply to Dunk, 04-10-2008 15:50:38  
My 10 year old daughter came screaming into the house one evening that something was in the trash can. Sure enough, Mr. Possum was in the plastic can & couldn't get out. Well, we lived in town at the time, so getting out the .22 wasn't a good idea. Letting him go just postponed the problem. So, I put the lid on the can & put it in the back of the van & headed for the town park, about 4 blocks away.

Do you recall that one moment, that split second recognition that you have just really screwed up? That tightness in your gut before it hits the floor or catches fire or explodes?

Well, when I got to the corner & put my foot on the brake at the stop sign, that is the very feeling I got as the trash can tipped over. In the van. And the lid came off.

Any of us who have ever seen Mr. Possum w/ an attitude up close & personal can relate to what I knew was going to happen.

I got to the back of the van & looked.....while the can was over & the lid off....that snarling, stinking rodent didn't leave the can.

Cool.....so I put the lid on, TIED IT DOWN (smart move, huh?) and continued on my merry way. I pulled past the "Closed at Dark" sign, drove to the wood line & carried the can & the now really, really stinking & mad possum into the woods about 10 feet, turned the can over & out he came. I felt very good about accomplishing this mission, when I was blinded by a spotlight from a town cop's car....who wanted to know what I was doing dumping trash in the park after dark!

Thank God it was a small town & we knew each other!

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04-11-2008 09:28:18

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 Re: OT When City Folk Move To The Country in reply to Bruce (VA), 04-10-2008 19:31:08  
LMAO!! My dog brought a smelly "dead" possum up on the patio as a gift. I got a white trash can liner and put the "dead" possum in it and headed down to the trash pick up by the road. Well.....needless to say, regardless of it's appearance and "dead" smell, it decided it didn't like being in the trash bag and started thrashing around. I dropped the bag in the driveway and watched in amazement as the white (possum ghost)bag ran 30 or 40 feet before the possum got out and took off. It was dark out so the bag stood out real good and I laughed until I cried..... .

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04-11-2008 06:08:10

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 Re: OT When City Folk Move To The Country in reply to Bruce (VA), 04-10-2008 19:31:08  
That's too funny...

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Stockdale Dave

04-10-2008 19:05:01

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 Re: OT When City Folk Move To The Country in reply to Dunk, 04-10-2008 15:50:38  
That's no cat...it's a Texas mobile speed bump.

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04-10-2008 18:49:54

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 Re: OT When City Folk Move To The Country in reply to Dunk, 04-10-2008 15:50:38  
We too did the riding, and the chasing down, *while drankin*.

There was these black folks that lived on the road with us, we would put it in their mailbox.

The next day they would bring us a $5 bill.

NO I am not making this up.


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04-10-2008 18:37:49

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 Re: OT When City Folk Move To The Country in reply to Dunk, 04-10-2008 15:50:38  
She did the same thing with a little bitty baby squirrel that was in a bed in a tree that I cut down for firewood.

She raised him on a little bitty bottle.

He was a cool little critter for quite a while, till the call of the wild got to him.

He was fun to play with for home folks that lived here, but he would eat a stranger up.

I still know how to dress one for the pot, I was an avid squrrel hunter with a .22 rifle when I was 10 years old, my grandpa would help me clean them, I still know very well how.

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Tom N MS

04-10-2008 19:25:04

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 Re: OT When City Folk Move To The Country in reply to Dunk, 04-10-2008 18:37:49  
I know whatcha mean. I was deadly with a little nylon stock Remington 22..Remember them? Hadn't seen one in years..

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Den N Ms

04-10-2008 19:34:20

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 Re: OT When City Folk Move To The Country in reply to Tom N MS, 04-10-2008 19:25:04  
Yep Tom, a nylon 66 I still have one with a black stock,&chrome barrel.Poped a few possums with it myself.

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Den N Ms

04-10-2008 18:50:26

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 Re: OT When City Folk Move To The Country in reply to Dunk, 04-10-2008 18:37:49  
Ha Ha Eat Mo Possum

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Sean (TX)

04-10-2008 18:32:58

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 Re: OT When City Folk Move To The Country in reply to Sean (TX), 04-10-2008 15:50:38  
I ran one over the other day.

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04-10-2008 18:24:12

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 Re: OT When City Folk Move To The Country in reply to Dunk, 04-10-2008 15:50:38  
A few years back, the Ole Lady came home with 6 of them (babies) in a cardboard box, they were pretty cool little critters.

Best I could ever tell she fed them in the enclosed garage till they escaped, I never smelled a dead one, never seen a dead one, and haven't seen one now in years.

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Tom N MS

04-10-2008 18:42:26

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 Re: OT When City Folk Move To The Country in reply to Dunk, 04-10-2008 18:24:12  
Got one laying on the rug down here by the dogs in the 'puter room....Not really But brings back memories of when I was in junior college(as it was called in those days)..anytime it rained several of us boys would pile in old James car and we would ride the roads..knowing that them possums would be stirring on a rainy night.. Sometimes we'd ride most of the night and we'd see one cross the road. James would slam it in park and we'd all bail out and chase the possum till we caught him..I remember bagging numerous possums on a good rainy night then here's the good part..we'd take them back to campus(Wesson,MS) and stuff one in every garbage can..The next morning it was a funny sight to see a wide eyed possum peering out of every garbage can on campus.....Don't know how we made it..Ole James sure drove crazy...We were not into drugs and stuff so this was our entertainment..Wonder why that crazy Dorm Daddy threatened to send us back to Bogue Chitto so fast we would forget we were ever there?????

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Jack L

04-10-2008 18:17:21

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 Re: OT When City Folk Move To The Country in reply to Dunk, 04-10-2008 15:50:38  
I live trapped one of those in the backyard. The neighbor thought it was cute until it nearly bit his finger off.

I do a lot of long distance bicycle riding and when I see them as roadkill. It's hard to forget that expression they have on their face....


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Sean (TX)

04-10-2008 18:14:48

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 Re: OT When City Folk Move To The Country in reply to Dunk, 04-10-2008 15:50:38  

Hobo,NC said: (quoted from post at 18:45:30 04/10/08) Subject: Top 10 Reasons Why Men Prefer Guns Over Women

> Top 10 Reasons

> Why Men Prefer Guns
> Over Women

> #10 - You can trade an old 44 for a new 22...

> #9 - You can keep one gun at home and have another for when you are
> on-the-road...

> #8- If you admire a friend's gun and tell him so, he will probably let you
> try it out a few times...

> #7 - Your primary gun doesn't mind if you keep another gun for a backup...

> #6 - Your gun will stay with you even if you run out of ammo...

> #5 - A gun doesn't take up a lot of closet space...

> #4- A gun functions normally every day of the month...

> #3 - A gun doesn't ask, 'Do these grips make me look fat?'...

> #2- A gun doesn't mind if you go to sleep after you use it...

> ...AND The...
> #1 reason a gun is favored over a woman..... ..... ...



:lol: :lol: :lol:

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Mr. Bob

04-10-2008 17:33:30

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 Re: OT When City Folk Move To The Country in reply to Dunk, 04-10-2008 15:50:38  
This is where they get steak in West Virginia. If it weren't fer thes hyar critters; them Wesferginnians would starve.

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04-10-2008 16:45:30

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 Re: OT When City Folk Move To The Country in reply to Dunk, 04-10-2008 15:50:38  
Subject: Top 10 Reasons Why Men Prefer Guns Over Women
> > Top 10 Reasons
> Why Men Prefer Guns > Over Women
> #10 - You can trade an old 44 for a new 22...
> #9 - You can keep one gun at home and have another for when you are > on-the-road...
> #8- If you admire a friend's gun and tell him so, he will probably let you > try it out a few times...
> #7 - Your primary gun doesn't mind if you keep another gun for a backup...
> #6 - Your gun will stay with you even if you run out of ammo...
> #5 - A gun doesn't take up a lot of closet space...
> #4- A gun functions normally every day of the month...
> #3 - A gun doesn't ask, 'Do these grips make me look fat?'...
> #2- A gun doesn't mind if you go to sleep after you use it...
> ...AND The... > #1 reason a gun is favored over a woman..... ..... ...

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Ernie LI

04-10-2008 16:40:52

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 Re: OT When City Folk Move To The Country in reply to Dunk, 04-10-2008 15:50:38  
Granny says they make a great stew!

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04-11-2008 11:16:14

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 Re: OT When City Folk Move To The Country in reply to Ernie LI, 04-10-2008 16:40:52  
If you cook it right, it will taste just like muskrat.

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GB in MT.

04-10-2008 15:56:31

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 Re: OT When City Folk Move To The Country in reply to Dunk, 04-10-2008 15:50:38  

Not very friendly!!!!! ..... I would think not!!!!! LMAO

That is tooooo much.!!! :roll:
Gary :lol:

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Sean (TX)

04-10-2008 15:55:27

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 Re: OT When City Folk Move To The Country in reply to Ramon, 04-10-2008 15:50:38  
:lol: :lol: :lol: Can you say possum :lol:

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04-10-2008 15:54:20

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 Re: OT When City Folk Move To The Country in reply to Dunk, 04-10-2008 15:50:38  
Ship it to Kansas, we have the rest of the family.

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