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Sun. Morn. OT Rant

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GB in MT.

04-20-2008 06:17:16

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April 20, 2008, Lots of things planned to do today!!! Weather has been great for outdoor working. Took the chains off of Hermie, and the snowblade has been off for about two weeks now. Been burning winter clean up slash and put the scoop on for moving gravel around to the upper drive. Just havin' a ball!!!!!

Wham!!!!! !!!..... . I wake up this morning, to.....4 inches of SNOW on the ground, and 12 Deg. F. temp!!!!! !! STILL snowing!!!! WHAT THE????? is going on here???? I must have Pi$$ed someone off!!!!!????

Luckally I had put Hermie in his hiddy hole last night before I came in.

Dam, I had such a nice day planned too.

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Sorry Bout' the Rant, but I just had to share with someone!!!!! :x
Gary :evil:

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mike a

04-21-2008 15:57:38

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 Re: Sun. Morn. OT Rant in reply to GB in MT., 04-20-2008 06:17:16  
Hey all- I know a guy up in central Pa. that has one of those rare lime green scouts w/only like 7000 orginal miles on it,he also has a 3/4 ton 4x4 pickup w/17,ooo miles. He's not a collector but loves everything IHC !! Has a buch of farmall M's too

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04-20-2008 15:26:38

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 Re: Sun. Morn. OT Rant in reply to GB in MT., 04-20-2008 06:17:16  
Nice little I.H.C. Scout you have there,built in my home town FT. Wayne In. 1960-1980,the factory is a warehouse now. MIKE

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04-20-2008 21:48:35

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 Re: Sun. Morn. OT Rant in reply to shortcourse, 04-20-2008 15:26:38  
I noticed the scout too, another piece of history gone. At least we know of one being saved. I had a 75 , Should have been punished for selling it.

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GB in MT.

04-21-2008 07:36:38

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 Re: Sun. Morn. OT Rant in reply to Gary,kansas, 04-20-2008 21:48:35  

Gary,kansas said: (quoted from post at 21:48:35 04/20/08) I noticed the scout too, another piece of history gone. At least we know of one being saved. I had a 75 , Should have been punished for selling it.

The IH Scout is another long, project of mine.

The tranny, diff, and running gear has all been gone through. Next on the, to do list is, the engine. It runs, but needs an overhaul..... rings and valves, plus general clean-up.
The body panels need a lot of work, but that is where I am at now!!!!

I bought my 44 2N, and run out of $$$$$$'s.....LOL.. so, it is on hold for awhile.

This scout is the second one I have worked on and got running. The first one was a 1966, four banger, early mod. The one you see here:

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This one that I am working on now is, I believe, a 1968 mod, II, 800, with an 8 banger, in it.
POJECTS are fun, but take time and lots of $$$$$$'s..... :shock:
Have an "N" day!!!!


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04-20-2008 12:17:40

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 Re: Sun. Morn. OT Rant in reply to GB in MT., 04-20-2008 06:17:16  
Nah, you didn"t p--- off anyone, Gary. You live in Montana, remember? If you don"t like the weather here, wait a minute. We have a foot of snow and it"s just getting above freezing now at 1:30 pm. It was in the 20"s this morning. looks like it still maybe snowing in the Missions.
Ya" gotta" roll with the punches, buddy.Especially when they"re weather related. Darn little we can do about them. Where"s "global warming" when you need it??!!

Where"s "global warming" when you need it?

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Colin King

04-20-2008 12:03:55

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 Re: Sun. Morn. OT Rant in reply to GB in MT., 04-20-2008 06:17:16  
Goodness, Gary, that stinks. I sure hope that your wife makes it back safely.


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04-20-2008 20:17:13

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 Re: Sun. Morn. OT Rant in reply to Colin King, 04-20-2008 12:03:55  
If'N you'all tinks THAT "stinks", try walk'n into a "board meet'N" wit SLOAN's (tm) after-shave. Mak'n REAL stuff fer ladies in WASHINGTON. Would you believe this????? ???


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04-20-2008 10:08:01

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 Re: Sun. Morn. OT Rant in reply to GB in MT., 04-20-2008 06:17:16  

GB in MT. said:

What the "H" are ya doin' at the fishin' hole, when ya should be Haulin' dirt, or working on yer project????? LOL

Gary :? :lol: [/i][/b]

The projects done! Just waitin' to see if someone is interested. :wink:

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04-20-2008 09:07:29

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 Re: Sun. Morn. OT Rant in reply to GB in MT., 04-20-2008 06:17:16  
Hey, you could be swattin' those d*#m gnats like I am!! They didn't waste no time coming out at the fishin' hole yesterday.

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GB in MT.

04-20-2008 09:19:24

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 Re: Sun. Morn. OT Rant in reply to jon, 04-20-2008 09:07:29  

jon said: (quoted from post at 09:07:29 04/20/08) Hey, you could be swattin' those d*#m gnats like I am!! They didn't waste no time coming out at the fishin' hole yesterday.

What the "H" are ya doin' at the fishin' hole, when ya should be Haulin' dirt, or working on yer project????? LOL

Gary :? :lol:

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04-20-2008 07:47:19

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 Re: Sun. Morn. OT Rant in reply to JMOR, 04-20-2008 06:17:16  

GB in MT. said: (quoted from post at 11:25:29 04/20/08)

Thanks Dunk;

Sounds like you are having some unusual weather there too.!!!

Good luck with the plants!!!!

I guess you prob. saw my answer to you stab in the dark, last night!!!!! ????? LMAO

Gary :lol:

LMAO!! Yep!!!

Did I mention that this pollen is killing me?!?!?!?!!?

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04-20-2008 07:15:37

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 Re: Sun. Morn. OT Rant in reply to GB in MT., 04-20-2008 06:17:16  
Gary.....do YOU have any land for sale?

THEY are trying to say that I need a permit for my garden, here. 1st days battlefield, CIVIL WAR, 1863. John,PA

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04-20-2008 09:32:09

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 Re: Sun. Morn. OT Rant in reply to Land..John,PA, 04-20-2008 07:15:37  
Where in Pa are you? I hope that crap doesn't spread to West Pa. I did some burning last week; no problem here. Bonnan

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Bunnies..Johnny, PA

04-20-2008 18:54:56

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 Re: Sun. Morn. OT Rant in reply to Bonnan, 04-20-2008 09:32:09  
CASH CROP....lettuce....."fenced-in".

BEFORE,.....roamed "free".

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04-20-2008 07:05:45

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 Re: Sun. Morn. OT Rant in reply to GB in MT., 04-20-2008 06:17:16  
Bless your heart, Gary!!

I sure hope the wife's trip goes well.

We had 3 mornings last week with a minor frost, we had to cover the tomato, and pepper plants with plastic buckets, and empty beer boxes at night, it looked like we had a good crop of buckets, and boxes growing in the garden, I should have got some pics of that.

The corn, and beans seemed to stand it, and we have small turnip greens, mustard greens, and collards looking pretty good.
Now they are saying 80*s by mid week.
Still waiting to see if the okra, zucchini, crook neck, cucumbers, and water melons, we put in the ground a couple of weeks back will bust up as the ground warms, if not, we will just replant them.

We bearly did get a jump on the rain, and only got part of what we intended in the ground, so maybe we will get around to some more stuff yet, if the ground will get dry enough to plow again.

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GB in MT.

04-20-2008 07:25:29

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 Re: Sun. Morn. OT Rant in reply to Dunk, 04-20-2008 07:05:45  

Thanks Dunk;

Sounds like you are having some unusual weather there too.!!!

Good luck with the plants!!!!

I guess you prob. saw my answer to you stab in the dark, last night!!!!! ????? LMAO

Gary :lol:

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Jim SC

04-20-2008 06:55:03

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 Re: Sun. Morn. OT Rant in reply to GB in MT., 04-20-2008 06:17:16  
Sorry to hear that, Gary. I'll contact Al Gore and see what's happening.
Hope your bride stays safe...hang in there, ole' buddy!

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GB in MT.

04-20-2008 07:05:41

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 Re: Sun. Morn. OT Rant in reply to Jim SC, 04-20-2008 06:55:03  

Thanks Jim;

Not much I can do about it now!!! And my wife knows how to drive in this crap. If she sees the girlfriend is having trouble, she will take over the wheel, sooner or later. Just hope she does, before they get into trouble.

I'm not liken' this much. About a 6 hr. drive from Spokane.!!!! Their weather is not looking any better over there.

Gary :roll:

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Sean (TX)

04-20-2008 06:52:52

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 Re: Sun. Morn. OT Rant in reply to Gary,kansas, 04-20-2008 06:17:16  
Just looked at the route on google earth. Looks like the whole trip is through the mountains. Not one straight road out there. 249 miles

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Sean (TX)

04-20-2008 06:24:26

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 Re: Sun. Morn. OT Rant in reply to JohnMD, 04-20-2008 06:17:16  
That sucks!!! Been a cool spring here..

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GB in MT.

04-20-2008 06:39:37

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 Re: Sun. Morn. OT Rant in reply to Sean (TX), 04-20-2008 06:24:26  

Yeh, Then on top of all that, I let the wife go to Spokane, Wash., for some dang woman's doin's there, and NOW they have to drive up out of the Idaho pass, through this crap!!!!! The friend of Les's that is driving, caint' drive worth a dam, either!!!!! !! Let alone in a snow and ice situation.

I'm really not a happy camper!!!!!

Gary :x

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Matt L

04-20-2008 08:32:30

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 Re: Sun. Morn. OT Rant in reply to GB in MT., 04-20-2008 06:39:37  
Ahh theres no snow in the idaho spokane area :D

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GB in MT.

04-20-2008 09:13:17

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 Re: Sun. Morn. OT Rant in reply to Matt L, 04-20-2008 08:32:30  

Morning Matt;

That is good news. The wife said when they got up yesterday morning, that the wind was blowing and it was raining and snowing there in spokane. Also said the TV said another storm front was on it's way through for today?????!!!!

Glad to hear they are wrong about that!!!!!

It is still snowing here, and the forcast, is for snow through Thursday for us over here!!> OH YIPPY!!!

Gary :)

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