Like Ross sez, turn the fuel off at the sediment bowl when you put the tractor up for the day. (See tip # 9, below) This is one of my favotite posts on the subject: "We just had an 8N in the shop that the owner wanted us to fix the carb leak and replace the starter because the engine wouldn"t turn over. Turns out the base had more gas in it than oil and the bearings didn"t get enough lube from the diluted oil and seized the engine. I think of that tractor every time I park my tractors now and don"t forget to shut the fuel off." (YT Post 10/10/07) If gas leaks out of the carb w/ the fuel on & the tractor off, the fix is in the carb, not the sediment bowl. You have a bad/sticky needle valve or seat or a float problem. Chances are the solinoid is fine, but your cables or grounds are bad. Here is another great quote: From a post on 12/31/07: “My starter motor quit turning the engine over. There was no click or anything on my 1947 2N. I could hand crank the engine fine. I got some new battery cables and cable to the starter which fixed it. It really cranks up well now. I've got the original 6v system, and with the new cables it cranks up like it did when I had to jump it from a 12v back when I picked up the tractor from my grandfather earlier this summer. It starts up immediately. Previously it had the original 1947 cables, which upon inspection had the inner strand wires corroded/severed. Some of you guys thinking of doing a 12V conversion, if you don't need the 12V for some other electronics, might just need replacement battery cables.”