Greg, Running tractor.....NO,NO don't part it out. If money is so tight that it just can not stay in its current home, then sell it, honestly disclosing to the new owner what you know about its faults. By selling, you get your $$ right now with no on-going hassle about trying to sell some other part, and of course having many parts that you can not find a buyer for, so they go to scrap. A running tractor is a piece of real history, something of pride in "Yankee ingenuity". Some one will pay you a fair price, and that may be more than you have in it. Even though the plugs seem to foul out too frequently, this may not be the sign that it needs a O'Haul. Many times the carb settings are way too rich and cause the plugs to carbon up. Crap lodged in some of the internal passages of the carb can cause this over rich condition too. I had this same problem occuring a few years after a complete overhaul, and found the problem in the carb after a number of attempts to disassemble and thoroughly cleaning it. The most recent overhaul on my 8N was 34 years ago, and it runs fine without fouling the plugs now (almost exactly the same engine as your 9N). Wives get used to more than one tractor, just don't park them where she sees them both together. My city-bred wife went through this "adjustment" a number of times. It is merely a bit of "attitude adjustment" that is needed, afterall you are the same lovable guy she married...and you can do more for her with the additional tractor...maybe a new flower or vegetable garden or some front yard landscaping. Maybe a rear scoop or blade to help clean out the poo from her horses. Maybe a little story about the 9N being passed down to the kids or grandkids. Hey, I've used these and many more creative solutions to the "attitude adjustment" problem. You may need to get a little creative, I don't dare print out all my secrets. Best Wishes! Paul in MN