8N or 9N? If you are going to take the time to clean the pump, I'd recommend you get Zane's adjusting jig & pull the top cover. It could easily be out of adjustment and/or, like JMOR sez, have a worn cam follower pin. As it doesn't leak down, I'd say you have a good lift piston/cylinder. The lift cover weighs nearly 100 lbs with the upper lift arms attached, & is very hard to maneuver. An engine hoist is an excellent idea. Remove the seat and spring, disconnect the upper lift arms at the knuckles. Remove the 14 bolts that hold the cover to the housing. DO NOT remove the four nuts under the seat! Assuming it's an 8N, remove the right side inspection cover so you can remove the control rod tip from the pump intake valve (it helps if you have a helper stick their hand inside to guide the tip of the control rod out of the rocker shaft). Lift the back of the cover straight up and slide a piece of wood under the cover to keep the tip of the control rod out of the rocker shaft. Once you are sure the control rod is out of the rocker shaft, you can then remove the cover. Check the cam follower pin & the control rod. If the cam follower pin is worn replace it. Then, if you have a jig, adjust the linkage to specs. The ‘shade tree’ adjustment was to bend the control arm to compensate for normal wear in the linkage, springs & cam follower pin. If the control rod is bent, remove it & straighten it. (very carefully; they break easily!) Set the cover and new cover gasket back on the tractor with a piece of wood between the rear of the cover and the housing. Get some help to guide the tip of the control arm back into the rocker shaft. (this is the point you will wish you had a engine hoist to hold the top cover while the control rod dances around the intake valve arm on the pump!) Align the cover holes up with the housing holes. Tighten cover bolts, connect lift arms install the seat. Re-install the inspection cover with new gasket.