B A Star
10-31-2003 10:33:29
Re: 1655 power beyond with picture in reply to Brothers John and Jake, 10-30-2003 21:26:14
First clean off all of the dirt with a air or water hose. Remove 1/2" plug "D". insert a 3/8" internal plug (has an fitting for a allen wrench or a square) into a threaded area that is 2 to 3" into the opening. This port now becomes the flow to the external valve. If you are using a two hose valve, the return flow goes to a plug (not identified in your photo) on the side of the cover. There are two 1/2" plugs, use the forward of the two. The plug that is under the adjustable restrictor is the outlet to a remote. If you have a three hose valve (third hose is a drain hose for rapid lowering) the third hose goes into plug "G". "G" is into the resevoir, if you remove it, get ready for a fluid, as it is below the oil level. System functions as follows, Fluid flow comes from the pump, up into the main housing, is exposed to the main system relief valve, through the filter and across the housing from right to left, turns and flows back to the Flow Divider (the valve that has plugs "E" & "F" in it) The Flow Divider sends 1 1/2 GPM to the steering then to the cooler. After the fluid leaves the Flow Divider, it raises up through a connector into the cover assembly. Flow goes to the left valve, through it then to the right valve, then drops down into the main housing, to the Servo Valve that controls the three point hitch. Plug "B" just plugs a factory drilling that was made for the passage from the filter. Plug "A" just plugs a factory drillng for flow to the flow divider. Plug marked "C" is the filter bypass valve. Should restriction become too great (either by a restrictive filter or high viscosity oil from low temp. ro improper fluid) fluid comes across that passage and goes to the Flow Divider. By inserting the plug, you created a road block for fluid flow and directed it to the external valve and directed it back into the system. Remember, if you disconnect the external valve, you must remove the internal plug, or provide a path for oil flow back into the system.