Hello All,I am new to this discussion group and would like to get your guidance on my particular requirements. I have an acre of land on a hillside in San Jose, CA. I need to cut a couple of roads into this and move earth, dig footings for retaining walls, dig trenches, etc. I already have an old Bobcat 310 (500lb loader - 36" wide)which I am restoring. The Bobcat is not powerful enough for any real attachments like a backhoe, auger or trancher, but it is a good loader. Here are my options: 1. The magnatrac Hydro 5000 with loader, backhoe, cat1 hitch, auger, hydro angling blade sounds like a good idea, mainly because of the 6000's noise levels and the limited attachments for the 4800. However, it is quite expensive at around $25,000 plus shipping. 2. A Kubota B2710 or B7500 with a loader, 6.5 ft backhoe, scraper and auger - 4WD reliable, well designed tractor. However this does not have the traction, floation, hydraulic drive of the Magnatrac. I don't know how good this will be on slopes or how well it will perform for moving earth. Price for the B7500 with taxes is $23,000 and for the B2710 is $26,000 3. Chinese tractor (Jinma 254) with a loader and backhoe - The price is great. I am not too comfortable with the reliability, support or quality of these tractors. I also don't like the fact that I will be contributing several thousand dollars of my hard earned money to a communist country. The capability of this tractor is definitely less than the Kubota's 4. Chinese crawler (Nortrac dozer/crawler) with backhoe, auger, scraper. Same issues as above, except this is probably very good on the hillside. A little about me - I have no problems working on my equipment, will probably keep this tractor for a long time, use it mainly on the weekends. I need a small machine since I have only 1 acre and once it is finished, I plan to use the machine to perform maintenance and be able to maneuver around trees. I do not want to spend too much time restoring or maintaining the machine, since the point is to get the landscaping done, not restore an old tractor. I already have an old Bobcat 310 and a 80s Toyota truck, both of which need some form of constant maintenance. Thanks in advance PN