12-01-2003 16:00:29
Re: One wheeled garden tractor in reply to Dale W. lMurphy, 12-01-2003 03:29:28
I answered you previously about the Kinkade with the engine in the wheel. I hadn't noticed your mention of Eaglesfield until now. R. D. Eaglesfield of Indianapolis, Indiana, made the "Unitractor." It sold for $98.50 ca. 1939. Single wheel, weighed 105 lbs. Powered by a 1.5 horse Briggs and Stratton model NR-6. Top speed = 3 m.p.h. Others with one wheel and an engine inside it include the Gravely D (1930), Kinkade(1921 I think), Suburbanite (1924), Viking (1954) and Kultor King (ca. 1949). There were lots of other one-wheelers, e.g. Sprywheel ca. 1921, Will-Burt Little Farmer ca. 1954, Bolens Handi-Ho ca. 1951, Choremaster ca. 1951, Garden Master ca. 1952, George ca. 1950, Ottawa Workmaster ca. 1948, Page Bantam, Rotoette NP ca. 1948, Unitractor, and probably lots more. The years I'm citing are years I'm sure they were in production; not necessarily when they started or ended. I've got around 30 one wheel tractors and half-dozen single-track tractors. Overseas, there were large one wheelers used to push railroad train cars around the rail yards.