For those of you who have Shaw Du-All Tractors and walk behinds, here is a little bit of infor mation you might like to know. Each year in July, the first Saturday after the 4th of July, the sleepy little town of Galesburg, KS opens it's arms to the world. The affair is a small one but those of us who have a small piece Galesburg History travel from out of state to show off our shaws and for a brief time become a part of this lovely little community. The people there are the most friendly people in the world and invite you to just partake of everything and just be family for a while.The community center in Galesburg has information about the Shaw plant and some of the equipment that was produced there. DID YOU KNOW... that the Shaw Mfg. plant produced not only the Du-all tractors but motorbikes, small two man motor cars, mowers and other intersting pieces in the plant. Also you never know when a member of the Original Shaw family or a relitive of theres is liable to walk up pat you on the back and say they are sure glad you came and will spend all the time in the world talking to you about your little piece of history. I am only sorry that there are not more who come to the event. It is at present time a small community affair called, GALESBURG DAYS. In the near future they are going to have a National Show. My wife and I were at the last National Show and the folks who came from back east were as eager to talk to us as we were to talk to them. Shaw had a plant in the east also, and if you have ever heard the rumor that no two Shaw are a like you could almost believe it looking at what showed up at the National Show. There were no dogs and every one was very proud of their Shaw. If you would like more information contact me. I want to see more people at this event if at all possible. My E-mail is let me help you become part of the Galesburge Family. Sincerely, D.W.