I just entered "Trusty Tractors" out of curiosity in an idle moment as I have fond memories of my father and myself using a Trusty Tractor in my youth. My dad still has the tractor at home on our croft although it is sadly neglected. From recollection, this particular model of Trusty was fitted with a Douglas engine. Steering was by means of a central lever which operated dog clutches as opposed to other models which I think operated with levers on each tram working friction brakes. Over the years my dad made various modifications to the tractor, most significantly to introduce a gear box (I think from an old Morris Minor!) basically to give the tractor a reverse gear and a running speed rather than simply a ploughing speed. There was also a manual for the tractor and I am fairly sure that I have it somewhere. 'Somewhere' is the operative word. I may not be able to find it. If it is of any assistance to you I seem to recall that it was spiral-bound and featured a picture on the cover of the tractor in an open field being operated by a war-time "land girl" and a logo to do with Trusty Tractors or Tractors of London. The manual included numerous photographs including most of the available model variations and a range of implements. We actually had and used a fairly full range of instruments from ploughs through to moss harrows and belt PTO for driving a circular saw. Some of these items probably still exist, rusting into the ground, although when I was at home and these items were in regular use during the sixties and seventies, my dad kept them all in pristine condition. If this information is of any assistance, I could institute a bit of a search for the manual. I am not sure where you would get more information. I imagine quite a number of these tractors must have been produced during and after the war.