Hi, You must have some unusual pits. I wouldn't expect typical pitting, after sandblasting, to have remaining edges sharp enough to puncture an inner tube. After I blasted the rims for my AC-B (which were pitted inside in some areas), I just applied two coats of epoxy primer to the interior. I didn't bother with topcoating on the inside as I could not see any benefit in doing so. I use tubes also and haven't had any problems. The epoxy primer provides an excellent protective surface in it's own right. If you are concerned about damage to the tube, you could knock down any obviously sharp edges with a small 80 grit sanding disc. You could also apply some polyester finishing putty, made by 3M and others, if you want to smooth the pitted areas. You would then sand and epoxy prime, as a minimum. Coating the area with either an epoxy resin or a liquid silicone as your sons have suggested would probably also help smooth things out but I've never done it so can't comment on how it works. I suspect there would be an adhesion problem with any priming or painting over silicone. I doubt that any type of smoothing effort is actually necessary, but I haven't seen the condition, so you'll have to be the judge. I'm just going on my own experience with filling pits for cosmetic reasons - it's a time-consuming pain to do, and I'd want to avoid it where I could. Rod