03-14-2006 18:50:07
Re: Partial diagnosis in reply to Rod (NH), 03-14-2006 09:16:07
I check my compressor filters occasionally, I haven't seen the need to replace them yet. In fact I really hadn't thought about them contributing to the problem. I guess I thought my water traps would get that stuff, perhaps not. I have thought about replacing my hose. One reason I haven't is that I need a short one, 15 feet is plenty for my booth, I may have to have one made. The hose and compressor are 4 years old, but I don't run a compressor much. Actually I have two, I use the bigger one for sandblasting, all this one gets used for is painting and airing up tires, I bet it hasn't had 24 hours of use in 4 years. I am now preparing to do my hood, will take a while to sand the surfacer, etc. I think I have eliminated the solvent pop or whatever it was by adding about 5 minutes to my flash time. What I am going to do is put on 3 topcoats in my booth with 15-20 minute flash times, then decide if I can accept it. If not I am going to do B-maniac's suggestion and sand, then apply another coat OUTSIDE the booth. If I can't accept that, I am going to sand, compound and buff. If there are only a few bad spots I might try to sand with 1500 grit and rub them out by hand, but knowing how MTK scratches so easily before it is fully cured, I don't think that will work. As to the filters in the booth--Due to my low fan speed, even though the fumes are rapidly exhausted, the paint dust actually backs up against the filters, I suppose it could be swirling, I don't think so, but I'm no paint booth expert. As I mentioned previously, the filters are covered with some cotton-like material. It does not come off easily, that I can see, but that, combined with the paint residue may be causing me problems. I can get filters that appear to be covered with a paper or cardboard-like material. Or I can order the "correct" paint booth filters. I have not changed them yet because I am not confident enough to spend $150+ on 8 filters, when I have no assurance that they are the problem. If I actually knew that was the problem, the dealer would have the $150 in about two minutes. SO, the booth may be relegated to cast and undercoats on sheet metal, not finish coats. It sure does work good keeping overspray off everything in my work area, though.