That's a tricky situation. I paint with BPS paints, and use their hardner. After much research, it was determined that there was some conflicting info.. or at the very least.. quite vauge.. on what was accceptable protection. Most notable it came down to knowing the iso concentration in the air. Myself, personally, I paint out in the open air, and use a good fitting filter mask ( shave that morning), and the highest rated organic/chemical cartridges that I can find. Out of habbit I tend to hold my breath when making spray passes anyway.. so that's a plus.. though.. i can;'t help but think it is positive, in case of incedental exposure, as you won't find a cartridge that states it is 'safe' for iso's.. ( hydrogen sulfide.. yes.. go figure! ) According to the valspar hardner, .. if you knew the iso concentration in the local atmosphere was below some 'x' threshold.. then that setup is 'acceptable'.. providing you are not sensitive to the mterials being applied.. however, as many of the pro's here point out.. how many of us 'once a year' hobby painters have concentration checking equipment... etc. I feel fairly safe , exposure wise, painting outdoors, with a good mask,not a little niosh job.. but a real rubber mask with cartridges.. that fits snugly.. making a few shots, then walking back, then going back in for a few more shots. but that's my painting style.. hit it.. step back and look at it, then thit it more. i personally find it easier to spot problem areas like potential runs, etc, by stepping back to look at the big picture. I'd also like to ad dthat I've never felt the least bit weird after do ing this, or during clenup. I hear some people sensitive to iso stuff, can even have problems just smelling the curing 'fresh' paint, or cleaning the gun. These people really shoul simply avoid the job.. get a fresh air mask.. or hire it out... guess if you were scuba certified.. this may be less of an issue! Anyway... um.. there was no "advice" in there.. just relating what i do.. and what chemicals i use. I have a feeling that the hardner I use is of a lesser grade, and thus may contain lesser amounts of iso compounds than more expensive an 'better' products.. though it is ahrd to say as that info was very vayuge on the MSDS... so be safe and make good decisions whatever you do... Soundguy