Well, I stood out in the light florida pre-tropical storm rains this afternoon and proceded to pressure wash the deck of my batwing mower.... Man... I think the prev owner just painted oil and grease over this thing to protect it or something... I havn't seen a working piece of equipment with that much gunk on it in a while. I've got the heavy off, and when the rain let up, I turned on the degreaser mix and sprayed the deck down liberally.I know this thing is still gonna have oily patches judging from the amount I blew off. I'm debating on how to procede with cleaning. My options are to try a engine degreaser in a spray can.. like foamy engine bright.. or similar.. and then pressure wash again using a degreaser mix again.. OR simply pressure wash again using a strong degreaser mix.. like purple stuff. The stuff I used previously was less agressive.. it was a generic 'simple green'.. which I've also used alongside purple stuff.. but have found it to be a tad weak..( It was 4.99 a gallon.. I had to try it! ). And comments? try better degreaser? or do engine cleaner.. then degreaser after the engine cleaner? In any case.. has anyone used the car-quest brand fish eye remover? I'm bound to miss a bit of oil/grease here somewhere... there must be 40 pins and bushings.. etc.. and i don't want huge pooling fisheyes due to a microscopic sheen i can't see.. etc. I have a car quest near me.. but havn't seen the product.. nor do i know if it is compatible with the alkyd enamil I'm using... any comments on that? ( by the way.. the purpose of this paint job is rust prevention and protection from the elements... just working clothes.. not parade quality.. For my tractors I always err ont he side of overkill and scruplessly wash the tin and frame down till it is 'white glove' clean before painting... doing this to this huge mower would uh.. be harsh on me a bit (GRIN) ) For comments or weather reports.. just email... thanks Soundguy