Hi Mark, Sorry, but I don't think you can get there from here. Once you take supplied-air out of the picture you have limited your choices and the durability of the final product. A significant problem with that is gasoline resistance. An uncatalyzed (unhardened) enamel can be expected to lift like crazy when subject to gasoline, as your acquaintance found out - at least until it is fully cured, perhaps months after it is applied. If gasoline resistance is a high priority for you, then you cannot avoid having to make a supplied-air/personal safety decision - unless you have someone else spray at least the topcoat. I basically agree with what Jason said. I can be more specific if you wish as to exact materials w/o supplied-air but you'll need to keep gasoline off it. Even after time, when it is cured enough so it doesn't lift, it will likely stain when subjected to gasoline. I can appreciate your confusion concerning the multitude of products out there and the potentially many different opinions as to what is "best" or what is "right" with no discussion of costs involved. Unfortunately compromises sometimes have to made, usually for economic reasons. If you decide to pursue the specific DPLF and DCC products mentioned in this thread, take a fat wallet - you'll need it. The extra money for those over other similar products for tractor work could be put to better use on a supplied-air system in my opinion. But that's your call. Rod