Hi, CNKS apparently forgot to add the link! Here's my PPG list in html. As you know, it is a compilation of three PPG listings over about 25 years including input from individuals on this forum. And here's the DuPont list in pdf. This list is from DuPont and kindly provided to me by another poster here - Frank Stalfire, DuPont factory rep. I find the DuPont list more confusing to follow and in the case of the late version of AC persian orange, simply incorrect as far as the noted cross to Ditzler (PPG). However, errors can be expected with any manufacturer concerning precise colors (and chemistry) that is 50 or more years old on equipment not having a high demand among the general population. Crossing between manufacturers for old tractor colors can be iffy and even if it were perfect, all one can really hope for is the "best match possible" with what is thought to be the "correct" shade by "someone". One gets a good sense of the situation by reading over the DuPont list. Prudence would dictate either small samples before any significant expenditure/commitment or a high level of trust in someone else's opinion(s) - or both. Take both the PPG and DuPont lists as the best starting points. You can also cross PPG and DuPont codes to Martin Senour or Sherwin Williams yourself at those websites (MS & SW). Some you may be able to match up between the three and others won't match at all. Such is the nature of the beast. Good luck. Rod