12-19-2006 17:34:45
Re: CNKS dust problem in reply to brad_bb, 12-19-2006 15:02:19
I don't have a professional booth, I do wet the floor, it makes no real difference. I do spray from the intake toward the fans. Watching the overspray, there is some swirling, since I don't have a wind tunnel I can't do much about that. My fans are varible speed, the speed doesn't seem to matter. I have done it with the fans off, no difference. I have not used floor sweep, it might help, but I don't think the dust, identified as lint, is coming off the floor or walls. I have wondered about prefilters, exactly what is the brand/type you are referring to? I have layered the filters, though. I was using premium furnace filters, the highest rated I could find. I switched to paint booth filters, they are better, also cheaper than furnace filters, but they did not completely solve the problem. I wear a supplied air tyvec hood, and usually a tyvec shirt or jacket -- again, although I think such things are a good idea, I really do not think that is the problem. I have simply tried too many things without much success. As I said in the post below, the items I hang from the ceiling are better than the ones on the tables I use, but I can't hang everything. The tables are grounded through the concrete floor with rebar to the soil below. The table surface is galvanized metal, covered with paper with 1/4"? woven wire clamped to the table and rebar. It is a good ground and seems to help. I sometimes dampen the paper to try and eliminate any dust the gun might stir up. All this currently has me leaning toward static electricity -- I have yet to do anything about that. May or may not do that on this tractor, as it is mostly done, except for some more sanding and buffing.