Hank; I wore out one compressor sandblasting my tractor parts because it was too small. I upgraded to a 60 gal tank and just did some parts the other day. I picked up some 70 grit sand(very fine) and found that it enabled me to adjust my pressure blaster and did a good job. gave me better control. My compressor had to work to keep up. The bigger the better. As was stated be sure to wear a good respirator. I also had some sheet metal done by a local sandblaster who knows his business and had no problem with metal warping. If you have someone local, stop by and talk to him about his experience and warping issues. If he's good he'll know how to do sheetmetal. The cost is relatively inexpensive and to me is worth the cost. If your concerned about sand getting in your tractor, do the masking before you take it to him. There is also soda blasting which eliminates the warping issues, does no harm to the metal, but is more expensive. I have an 850 and cleaned the trans, hydraulic housing, differential and some small parts using a wire wheel. It took all the paint off and didn't hurt the metal. Home this helps you!