02-03-2007 19:46:09
This is my first paint job, I blasted my tractor, then the paint store owner sold me this primer that I mixed with a hardner, it went on pretty good, it was a eurathane type, then I started checking on the paint for my cockshut, that paint store did not have that color, so I went to ppg store, he told me since I did not paint my tractor within so many hours, I will have to sand every bit of it or the paint will not stick, I can see sanding the hood and parts like that but I just cant see how a guy could ever sand in all of the little places like the nooks and grooves and stuff like that, also when I rebuilt the motor, as I was putting it together I took all paint off and just primed it with spray can primer and painted it with spray can cockshutt red, I was going to do this and then when it was in the tractor, I was going to paint the whole thing again, but now I am worried about the paint sticking to that paint, I would be real thankful if someone could tell me what I need to do, or what kind of paint I need or if I do have to sand every inch of it before the paint will stick..Thank You ...