You are using the acrylic type putty, which is,as you say, just thick primer. The only trouble I have had with this stuff is that it takes a long time to dry. I use it late in the day when I am about to leave for the night to give it plenty of time to dry. Sand the area slightly before application and rub it in using a clean finger tip in a circular motion to work it into the hole. Depending on color of the putty and the color and type of top coats, you can paint over it. However it is best to prime the area with your usual primer to provide an even color. One thing to make life easier is: do not prime a great deal before applying your spot putty. One coat of primer, sand the areas slightly, apply putty, let dry, sand level and smooth with 180-220 grit paper, then prime as usual. Try to avoid layering, that is, primer-putty-primer-putty-primer, ect. Use primer-putty,(putty,putty,if needed) then primer.